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Those Darn Squirrels...

Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:22 pm

Looks like Russia isn't the only one with "insurgent sqirrels"

Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:48 pm

Poor squirrel. They didn't need to kill it :(

Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:33 pm

Poor squirrel though I can understand why it was killed since rabies can spread to humans.

Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:05 pm


Squirrels are annoying as heck. I have almost run them over on numerous occasions (I'm not a bad driver, squirrels are like blind, kthx).

I do find it funny that they're forced to land because of a little squirrel though. Couldn't they have like trapped it in a box or carrier or something? I know they can chew through wires, but I don't know, it would have taken a long time for one squirrel to chew through all of those wires. As for rabies, um...couldn't they have, I don't know, checked for SYMPTOMS of it instead of just landing?

Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:25 pm

Hil wrote:I do find it funny that they're forced to land because of a little squirrel though. Couldn't they have like trapped it in a box or carrier or something? I know they can chew through wires, but I don't know, it would have taken a long time for one squirrel to chew through all of those wires. As for rabies, um...couldn't they have, I don't know, checked for SYMPTOMS of it instead of just landing?

I'm no airline pilot, but in all of my flying lessons it's been emphasized that if something's going wrong, you get on the ground as soon as possible. I assume that potentially-rabid squirrels fit in with that category. (Also, rabies doesn't show symptoms right away; it takes at least 3 weeks between infection and obvious symptoms.)

The article wrote:Nobody knows how the squirrel got on the plane.

I bet Eddie Kim does.

Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:58 pm

For anybody that knows me as Lord of the Squirrels, this had absolutely nothing to do with the black hand of Squirrellous.



Sat Feb 17, 2007 4:27 am

I hope they killed it humanely atleast.

Sat Feb 17, 2007 4:50 am

Oh, you mean that squirrels aren't allowed to pilot planes?

Ugh, this probably means I'm going to have to close down my squirrel flight school- shame, lots of squirrels wanting to achieve flight=lots of $$$. :(

Sat Feb 17, 2007 5:28 am


Today's top weird headlines
Asbo threat for feeding squirrels
Lord ignores squirrel menace
Squirrel goes postal
Squirrel conman in pipe scam
Squirrel attacks four-year-old
Squirrels attack veterans' graves
Suicide squirrel starts 30-acre fire
Squirrel takes out opera singer
Suicide squirrels strike again
Squirrel News: Kamikaze squirrel
More rampaging squirrels: Lawsuit
Gangster squirrels strike again
Killer squirrel takes on the world
Killer squirrel threat grows

It's ridiculous.
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