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Le Muf (The French and Muffins, you have you have to look)

Fri Dec 08, 2006 8:59 pm

My friend and I were at lunch today and the topic of our French class came up. He's in French I and I'm in French III. He asked me what we are doing in French III so I told him. We are working on a project were you write a letter to anyone to demonstrate our understanding of the postal and letter vocabulary. Most people wrote imaginary letters to made up pen pals but I had a different plan. I was going to write a letter about muffins. Yes muffins. My letter said something to the effect of

Dear Muffin Man

Im writing to you because Ive heard you are the best cook in Paris. I couldn't find you in the yellow pages. I have been looking for you because I want a good blueberry muffin. No one in the United States can make a good blueberry muffin so my friend told me about you. I need a good blueberry muffin or I will die. Let me tell you why......

So after writing this conversation out I found out I didn't know the word muffin so after some thinking I looked it up in my French-English Dictionary. Muffler.....Motor.....Mumble...No Muffin?! You understand my shock. I thought there must be a mistake. So I started talking to all the people I knew in French classes, and none of them knew. So Finally this leads to my friend at lunch. I asked him and he said he doesnt know it but suggested I make one up. He suggested "Le Muf". Going to french class with muffin shaped holes in my letter. I talked to my French teacher and asked her the word for muffin. Her response

They dont have one.


They don't eat muffins in France.


I geuss they never tried them.

Can I make up a word for muffin?


Le Muf was born but my friend and I had another problem. The French had never tasted muffins. :o

So we decided that above all things the French need to tase muffins. So we decided we're starting a muffin shop in France called Le Muf.

So what I need help with is for a large amount of people to start using the word muf

So use it whenever you can

-Muffs in the morning, muffs in the evening, mufs at supper time
-I smell a muf. Image
-Mufs are good with butter
-Arrow likes mufs. ~:>
-Blueberry Mufs are my favirote. Image
-Chuck Norris stole my muf! :x

Yoshi edit: Minus excessive emoticons.
Last edited by Penguin on Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:13 pm

Oh. Dear. Lord.


Just so you know, the word in question is a crude nickname for a certain thing which is not suitable to be mentioned here. Needless to say, the above sentences are hilarious.

Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:21 pm

Muffins non-existant in France?

Heh. I remember when my friend told me, I was like "Oh dear God, to the Muffin Mobile!"

Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:27 pm

Ixist wrote:Just so you know, the word in question is a crude nickname for a certain thing which is not suitable to be mentioned here. Needless to say, the above sentences are hilarious.

Oh looked it up and I see what you mean, le muff shall now be le muf.
See the subtle difference? Hahaha, now it can unique, non offensive, amazing, and a benefit to Frenchmen everywhere

Ammer wrote:Muffins non-existant in France?

No but its rare just like the doughnut. I asked my teacher if the had doughnuts and she said not many. I said back America runs on Dunkin' why not France?

Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:39 pm

Ixist wrote:Oh. Dear. Lord.


Just so you know, the word in question is a crude nickname for a certain thing which is not suitable to be mentioned here. Needless to say, the above sentences are hilarious.

*was almost peeing self laughing at the above sentences for the same reasons!*

French people are freaks. In our French textbook, it says that they let their kids smoke in their bedrooms and their kids get all emo and I HATE LIFE if they wear glasses.

n.b. please ignore my sense of humour and feel free to mock the english because I JOKE! I DO NOT REALLY THINK THAT ABOUT THE FRENCH! so do not be offended

Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:00 pm

France also has a lack of barbecue sauce as well as calling fish as poisson which is that far off the word poison.

Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:02 pm

I always knew the French were crazy...but I never knew just WHY. Now I know! Because they don't eat muffins! How CRAZY is that?!

Chocolate muffins are my fave ^^

Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:13 pm

Don't hate the french because theyre crazy. Its not their fault. They dont have mufs and I seek to change that.

Un pour mufs et mufs pour tout
(One for muffins and muffins for all)

Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:21 pm

I believe my French teacher told us to just use "le muffin", with a French accent, but "le muf" works too. :P

Yeah, when I went to Paris I don't remember seeing any muffins, just lots and lots of croissants and crepes.

Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:25 pm

Convince your french teacher yo use le muf. Itll be another infleuncal french person using muf. If we can get enough people saying it it'll seem stupid not to say it

Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:29 pm

jellyoflight wrote:
Ixist wrote:Oh. Dear. Lord.


Just so you know, the word in question is a crude nickname for a certain thing which is not suitable to be mentioned here. Needless to say, the above sentences are hilarious.

*was almost peeing self laughing at the above sentences for the same reasons!*

As was I... and still am. Removing an f doesn't make it any less funny. :P

Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:54 pm

Twinkle wrote:
jellyoflight wrote:
Ixist wrote:Oh. Dear. Lord.


Just so you know, the word in question is a crude nickname for a certain thing which is not suitable to be mentioned here. Needless to say, the above sentences are hilarious.

*was almost peeing self laughing at the above sentences for the same reasons!*

As was I... and still am. Removing an f doesn't make it any less funny. :P

Those are quite funny.. I was doing the same as well... mmm Blueberry muffins are the best.. Cranberry and orange as well.. mmm le mufs.

Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:33 pm

Twinkle wrote:
jellyoflight wrote:
Ixist wrote:Oh. Dear. Lord.


Just so you know, the word in question is a crude nickname for a certain thing which is not suitable to be mentioned here. Needless to say, the above sentences are hilarious.

*was almost peeing self laughing at the above sentences for the same reasons!*

As was I... and still am. Removing an f doesn't make it any less funny. :P

So am I XD XD

Particuarly the short sentences at the end of the post.

Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:16 am

Out of all the buttery pastries they have at Le Patisserie, they don't have MUFFINS?!?!!!

That's pretty crazy.

Well, according to a little Google research, "muffin" supposedly originated from the French word "moufflet", which means "soft".

According to, the Danish, French, and the Portuguese (Brazil) people don't have a word for "muffin".

...But according to, the French use "n. - (GB) muffin (petit pain plat et rond), (US) petite génoise individuelle" for muffin.

Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:28 am

:D Thank you for really lightening up my evening. This really is a recipe of success! *is giggling... a lot*
Oh my. xD I brought myself to reading the short sentences. I started crying. Thank you so much.
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