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Do you own an ipod?

what is an ipod?
Total votes : 106

ipod, upod, we all pod!

Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:12 pm

I have recently been looking to buy an MP3 player to hold my ever-increasing music collection. Currently, it seems that the Apple company is dominating the industry. If you want an mp3 player that holds more then 20GB of music, your only options get pretty slim and despite how much I hate them, I'm probably going to end up buying ipod later this year.

My question to you is wether or not you own an ipod. if you do, do you like it? which generation is it? how many songs do you have on it? anything you hate? why did you get one? and finally, how many GB of music does yours hold?

for those that don't have one, why do you want one?
Last edited by -Ducky- on Fri Feb 24, 2006 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:26 pm

I have one. 4GB Ipod mini. Best 250 dollars ever spent.
Although I must mention that I have nothing to compair it to, except my 7 year old discman.

Only complaint I have is that the battery dies to quickly.

I don't suggest the mini though. I myself have waayyy to many songs to fit on 4GB... I never thought I'd pass it but I did.
(( they say 4GB but it allows up to 3.70GB or so.. Not that thats a huge difference, but its a matter of quite a few songs.)--Mine currently holds around 700 songs)

40GB or 60GB is good.

Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:32 pm

My college was giving away Nanos last fall, but I didn't get one. I may actually break down some day put it on my birthday or Christmas list.

Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:42 pm

No, too poor.

Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:51 pm

Shifty wrote:Only complaint I have is that the battery dies to quickly.

I listened to mine for around fourteen hours (not straight; two seperate long car rides) without recharging, and I still had some battery left...

Yes, I have one. Four gigabyte blue iPod mini. I like it lots, very useful and easier to carry around than a CD player, and plus I can have all my CDs on one little device, and I never have to change them. The sound quality is excellent, definitely worth the money.

My only complaint is that they're falsely advertised. They advertise you get four gigabytes of space (or twenty, thirty, etc.) but you really only get 3.7- they use 300 megabytes of space to add on all the games and such (which are very entertaining indeed, so that's not much of a complaint). :P

Sun Feb 05, 2006 10:20 pm

Yes, and I hate it now.

Sun Feb 05, 2006 10:31 pm

No. Wish I did, though.

*looks at Paul's post* If I pay attention to you, will you give it to me? :o

Sun Feb 05, 2006 10:37 pm

Nope. Have an mp3 player, though xP

Sun Feb 05, 2006 10:56 pm

I have a 4GB iPod Nano. Before, I had the 512MB iPod Shuffle, and that thing was a piece of crap. There's no other way to put it. The Nano, however, I love. I only have like 250 songs on there, but since it's a color screen you can put photos on there as well. The games are quite entertaining too.

My only complaint is that the battery dies too quickly. I've had to charge it after 6-7 hours of listening to it. I think it's because I always adjust the volume and stuff, so the backlight drains it. On the car ride to El Paso, which is about 12 hours, I didn't have to recharge it and had a good amount left, mainly because I used speakers and didn't adjust anything too much.

Re: ipod, upod, we all pod!

Mon Feb 06, 2006 12:15 am

-Ducky- wrote:If you want an mp3 player that holds more then 20GB of music, your only option is an ipod.

Not really, the iRiver for one goes bigger than that and those are awesome mp3 players with top notch reviews (I believe they are also a wee bit cheaper for more space). My boyfriend owns one of those and it's teh snazz :)

I have an ipod nano though as I really like the slimness of it, an mp3 player that can fit in my jeans pocket - hurrah ^__^

Mon Feb 06, 2006 12:31 am

Blue mini. I don't know much about GBs, but I only have like 60 songs on there. Usually there's about a month or more between each song I find that I like so much I put it on. (Unless it's a whole soundtrack, which has only happened twice.) So I doubt I'll run out of room within the next few years...I hope...

Mon Feb 06, 2006 1:33 am

Nopers, don't have an iPod. I wouldn't mind getting one sometime someday though...

Mon Feb 06, 2006 1:34 am

Nope, I plan on getting an MP3 player however.

Mon Feb 06, 2006 2:06 am

Nope. I have a 1 GB Sandisk mp3 player though. It records lectures well (but nothing loud, which sucked for me when I was at the Coldplay concert), and it's got a radio in there. The battery life is good enough for me too, 15 hours. The one downside is that it plays my mp3s a little too fast, which in turn makes them sound a little higher-pitched- very annoying, but it'll suffice.

Mon Feb 06, 2006 2:10 am

I have a 4GB Black Ipod Nano - Its SWEEEEEET
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