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Wed Jan 04, 2006 8:23 pm
Hey. I was on another forum and I found this link, and it amazed me. Please note, that this will only wirk if you use headphones to listen to the recording. I repeat, THIS WILL ONLY WORK IF LISTENED TO WITH HEADPHONES.
That's right, you did just hear surround sound through a pair of ordinary headphones. Pretty cool, egh?
Sorry, I just felt others should hear this and get freaked out like I did.
Wed Jan 04, 2006 8:55 pm
Oh wow thats awesome!
I had to take my headphones off the make sure the sound was comming from them... Plus I keep keep looking around like some idiot
Wed Jan 04, 2006 8:59 pm
It's amazing how quickly things like this make the rounds to every forum on the net XD
So yeah, I heard it yesterday, and it was great. Except for when the person started shaking matches at my bum. That's just weird.
Wed Jan 04, 2006 11:40 pm
I'm listening to it right now, and I could swear that someone's shaking a container full of those little round sprinkles right over my head!
Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:46 am
Thats pretty cool. I've got a few songs on my CD that do that. There are probably a few mics and they walk around the room and it records it, then they mess with the way it comes out.
Thu Jan 05, 2006 1:43 am
That's so cool. I can almost see and feel a gerbil running around my head.
Thu Jan 05, 2006 3:00 am
That's really cool! Things like that always send shivers down my back for some reason, though (so much so that I can't stand listening to it for long). I guess maybe it's a certain frequency or something? I even have trouble listening to "normal" songs through headphones sometimes.
Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:29 pm
yeah! i heard something like that on a couple of cds. it was really freaky. and i saw that they used that in the ET ride at disneyworld, on that discovery special on imaginners
Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:56 pm
Well that was disturbing.
Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:39 pm
This is deeply awesome.
I love it when my CDs do that. It's so cool.
Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:25 pm
Lost wrote:Thats pretty cool. I've got a few songs on my CD that do that. There are probably a few mics and they walk around the room and it records it, then they mess with the way it comes out.
Nope. They get a manequin head and place it at a location. Then they get certain micrphones that record the sound in the same way that the human ear would hear it. That way, when the sound is output through earphones or headphones, it's like surround sound because it's playing the sound back in a way that thinks something is moving all around you, at a far distance or at a close one.
Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:56 pm
It can to work without headphones. I just took both the speakers and put them near my head and it worked. It sounded really weird especially when it sounds like he drops a box of matches behind me and then closes the door. I have a door in the back of my room anyway, and it sounded like someone closing that door. Really creepy and cool.
Thu Jan 05, 2006 11:28 pm
It sounds like the person's walking around me and shaking their Tic-Tacs at me XD
That's creepy but cool. You know what'd be even scarier? Surround Sound and forest noises, like something's walking behind you and you can just make it out from behind.
Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:04 am
Yeah it would be creepy if they did one like that, with a heartbeat -bump bump- and the sound of someone breathing heavy and footsteps and various other noises like twigs breaking and someone saying "You can't get away" in a very creepy voice.
Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:45 pm
Wow, that was really cool. Wow.
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