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So, do you?

Most the time
Yes, but only mild words
Only if I'm angry or have hurt myself
Total votes : 162

Do you swear?

Tue Oct 18, 2005 12:42 pm

It's not to get inappropriate. It's just a poll.

Anyway, I have to say that, yes, I do swear. A lot. It's not something I've ever disagreed about doing.


Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:19 pm

About every third word?

I'm terrible for it. Though I have a talent for creative swearing, and made up a hybrid-swearword that has been adopted by a group of people in bangor. :o

Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:21 pm

I swear quite a bit. They're just words, so people shouldn't get worked up over them. They're not offensive. o_o

Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:29 pm

Rarely, not just because I think it's dumb, but it's also pointless. You're basically showing the world "Look at me, I can swear!" Well good for you buddy, so can I. There are zero reasons to use them unless you are extremely annoyed or stressed, or you hurt yourself or something along those lines. It's basically a test of self control and you can tell who can and can't control themselves, especially in public.

Actually, you're wrong Kyra, some curse words are direct insults (and that's their only intention). There are absolutely no reason to use those unless you plan on insulting a person. Of course though, I can't give examples. :P

Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:38 pm

Very rarely ...actually I can't seem to remember when the last time I did was, and what the word/words was/were. o_O

Tue Oct 18, 2005 2:57 pm

A word is offensive if you choose to accept it as such.

Like gay people reclaiming the word 'queer'.

Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:00 pm

I try not to, but you should have heard me after the Cardinals/Astros game last night.

And that was cursing in joy...

Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:06 pm

I curse... But almost only when i'm peeved about something or hurt myself.

Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:08 pm

shapu wrote:I try not to, but you should have heard me after the Cardinals/Astros game last night.

And that was cursing in joy...


A mate of mine swears more than anybody I've ever met, and he's usually fairly grumpy.

Well, I thought he swore a lot normally, until I heard him after his football team won. Glorious.

Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:41 pm

Yes, I do. Quite a lot.

Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:02 pm

shapu wrote:I try not to, but you should have heard me after the Cardinals/Astros game last night.

And that was cursing in joy...

Oh, Shapu, you are such a funny, funny man!!

I do hope we won't be butting heads in the World Series. My being from the SouthSide of Chicago and all.

Anyway, back to the poll. Yes, I swear. Usually in traffic. Sometimes at home. None of the really, really bad words.

And, sometimes I think it is the rebel in me that makes me do it. Because even saying the word Hell around my husband drives him bonkers. And, sometimes, a wife just has to drive her husband bonkers. :P

Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:06 pm

*wipes brow* Whew. I thought I was the only one who swore a lot. I swear quite a lot in the work place too and boy do I feel bad about that. I can't even help myself anymore. Sometimes I hardly know I'm saying it. I swore in a sentence and my mom said "What did you just say young lady?" And I haven't got a clue what she's talking about and she'll tell me I swore.

Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:44 pm

Morningstar wrote:And, sometimes I think it is the rebel in me that makes me do it. Because even saying the word Hell around my husband drives him bonkers. And, sometimes, a wife just has to drive her husband bonkers. :P

Here, here! ^_- Driving my husband nuts is probably my favorite hobby. He just loves it when I refuse to speak in English or get 80s cartoon themes stuck in his head. 0:)

As for me, I usually only swear when very angry, and when that happens, there's no telling what will come out of my mouth. I always feel bad about it though. Sometimes I swear when in the company of certain people as well though. If they swear a lot, I find myself saying minor swears a bit more frequently than I normally do. But that's just the conformity in me, I think. ^^;; I just want everyone to like me, dang it! :P

Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:53 pm

I swear very rarely these days, usually only when I've done something clumsy resulting in pain or if I'm just having a grump x)

I have an internal switch though where I can prevent myself from swearing under the highest pressure. Comes from having much younger brothers I guess and my mum used to go ballistic if I even said "damn" :roll: Suffice to say she's a lot more chilled now but I could still never bring myself to say anything stronger than that in front of her when I'm back home! 0:)

Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:20 pm

I swear a lot... though I only use mild swearwords. I really dislike strong language.
If there's my mum around I usually turn it into something different in mid-sentence, or say "fiddlesticks" or the italian equivalent for it.
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