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Hi everyone! My b-day is today!

Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:25 pm

:cry: The bad thing is that i can't open my presents until my dad gets back form texas! Thats 1 month from now!:cry: Could any of you cheer me up? Maybe some neo-presents? Not that i'm begging, I just feel real bad.

if any one wants to send a present by the way, my neopets name is frolics55 :cry:

DiscordantEdit: Please don't double post.

Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:28 pm

Sounds like a lower form of beging to me.

Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:29 pm

I'm trying real hard not to beg, And i don't really want you to send me any presents, but they are welcome. :cry: :cry:

Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:35 pm

I think I have to agree with BlueMech. Begging for items is against PPT rules, and even if it wasn't, we wouldn't know where to send them. ;)

Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:35 pm

well, happy birth day, i cant send you a prez... but asking for presents is justwrong, thats not what birthdays are about

Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:41 pm

Joining just to say it's your birthday? I think not. It does sound a lot more like you just want items on neopets.

Just in case it is your birthday and you're in a sour mood due to lack of presents (which, as said earlier, is not what birthdays are about) I'll leave the topic open so people can leave birthday wishes. If you continue to sublimally ask for gifts, action will be taken.

Thank you.

Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:41 pm

good point, canada i'm sorry everyone.

thank you DiscordantNote

I should have noticed that asking for presents was begging for items. And i did not just join, i joined along time ago and i'm old here but this is my new account

No triple posting either.

Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:44 pm

this is the first time i had a good point.. and btw, you might want to look at your first post before you start posting again

Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:45 pm

I shall never begg again!

Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:47 pm

Well, feel free to stay, but may I suggest reviewing the rules and other people's posts? You'll get a much better idea of what to post and what not to post, and what a good reply would be.

Oh yes, before I forget: Happy birthday!

Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:49 pm

once again, thank you DiscordantNote

Thu Jul 01, 2004 6:59 pm

Happy birthday, frolics55!

I'll do my best to make you a present (Not a Neopets present... I don't send those) later and PM it to ya'. :)

Thu Jul 01, 2004 7:13 pm

thanx dawn

Thu Jul 01, 2004 7:43 pm

I said I was going to PM you, but posting is just easier.


^There you go! And again- happy birthday!

Thu Jul 01, 2004 8:04 pm

Oh, thank you Dawn!
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