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How often do you remember your dreams?

Every night!
A few times a week
Once a week
Total votes : 40

How often do you remember your dreams?

Thu Jun 30, 2005 8:57 pm

How often do you remember your dreams? Lately I have been writing them down, and I have been getting them more and more frequently, and they have been getting weirder. I personally think that the earlier I wake up and the more I have to do that morning, the less I remember my dreams.

Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:04 pm

Most of the time I can remember my dreams every day. The only time I can't is if I'm woken up by someone (like today. ._.) or didn't sleep well the night before. Sometimes I forget them in the next few hours, but there are some I remember from when I was really young. o__O

Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:14 pm

A while ago I'd only remember one a week, but lately I've been remembering a dream (or two, or three) that I've had every night. They all have been featuring people in my life, and are all very strange (ex: humanoid raptor people kidnapping 8th graders and throwing them off a big mountain while in a war with other raptors)... o.o

Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:16 pm

A few times a week, although sometimes I don't really "remember" until a day or two later when something sparks a memory. :)

Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:31 pm

Eh, sometimes.

Been having a creepy dream where crazy people are trying to kill me in the upstairs of my barn. Remember that no problem, this crazy guy with a mask and knife, and one with a machine gun.

I remember creepy ones whenever I have them, but pleasent ones I rarely remember.

Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:50 pm

I'd say about once a week. I only remember really bad ones, like where I die or something, really odd ones, ones it's painful to wake up from(I had a dog in one of my dreams and was so happy, and then I woke up) or if I feel really guilty about them.

Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:57 pm

I remember a few times a week. But I remember dreams for years if they're something painful or what not.

Thu Jun 30, 2005 10:08 pm

A few times a week I think, sometimes it feels like I've slept really heavily all night (I'm a very deep sleeper anyway) and then I can't remember a thing. How long I can remember for varies though, I never have nightmares but I do sometimes have annoying dreams and weird dreams which are easy to remember but sometimes they're just boring and I forget after I've been awake a few minutes.

I had a lucid dream many years ago though, that was fun :D

Fri Jul 01, 2005 1:28 am

If I had a dream, I'd remember most of it.

The content of my dream personally scares me. They're more of nightmares anyways.

Fri Jul 01, 2005 1:40 am

I remember maybe less than half of my dreams. I'm actually sorta glad too, because they're all very weird. The weirdest one involved me, a pool, a great white shark, and giant strawberries. I'll let you figure out the rest. xD

Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:41 am

Once in a blue moon. I can only recall about five dreams total that I've ever had. Sometimes I'll wake up in the morning with this feeling that there was a dream that had something to do with a thing, place or person but the more I try to recall it the less likely I am to remember it and I'll have forgotten it within about 30 seconds of waking up. Most of the dreams I remember terrified me at the time but they do say that all dreams (even not nightmares) are scary to some extent because they're unlike what we would do normally or something.

Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:45 am

Maybe once a week? Half the time I wake up only remembering this tiny, tiny portion of my dream. Not necessarily the part it stopped at when I woke up. But sometimes something happens during the day that has something to do with my dream, and that jogs my memory and then the whole dream comes back to me o.O

Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:58 am

I dream every night, and I always remember my dreams, at least right after I wake up. I usually dream things like they're stories (more proof I read too much) and if they're good, I'll try to remember them unitll I can write them down, but if not, they slip away pretty fast.

Fri Jul 01, 2005 3:07 am

I normally remember my dreams as soon as i wake, but that's usually in the middle of the night, so i forget them. i have a small book of dreams that i wanted to remember. and even that only has like 7% of the entire dream. it's very rare that i remember a dream that i don't write down

Fri Jul 01, 2005 3:16 am

Almost never. When I do remember them, I die in them.
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