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Evolution vs. Creation

Tue May 17, 2005 5:16 pm

What's your stand, did God create the universe or millions of upon millions of accidents to make what is here today.
Personally I can't accept all this coming about by accidents, it really doesn't even make sense. Evolution hasn't even been proven and there is little to no evidence that it even existed yet every scientist is teaching it like they have all this stuff to back it up with and they really have nothing to show for there ideals more then words.
Evolution could already be disproven, thousands of generations of Bees are born in one year of a humans life, thus a bee should evolve much faster then a human since there species is producing on a much faster scale then ours. And bees have been around longer then humans, I know evolution says it has to be million of years and all that, but bees haven't changed and inkling, in all this time on earth they've been here.

Tue May 17, 2005 6:52 pm

There is already a topic of this sort in the debate group. For fairly obvious reasons, this sort of discussion is limited to that board. If you have access, go and debate the issue to your hearts content. If not, but you would like to, feel free to apply.
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