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Turning Eighteen

Thu May 12, 2005 9:59 am

So yeah, Tomarrow I turn eighteen, and I need ideas on what I can do because I'm finally eighteen. I can't think of much.

I know I can do the following:

Buy Cigarettes
Buy lottery tickets
Go to some clubs

But what else? Any ideas?

Thu May 12, 2005 10:19 am

You can also live life normally every day. :roll:

Congrats on turning 18, but it will get old fast. :P

Or whenever you get to move out on your own. o_O

Thu May 12, 2005 10:23 am

Already done that. Been out of my mom's house for almost 3 months now.

Thu May 12, 2005 10:39 am


pending on where you live, o'course.

Thu May 12, 2005 10:46 am

legally date someone over 18.
no longer date someone two or more years younger than you (also depending on where you live)

Thu May 12, 2005 11:53 am

Depends where you live.

Here, I know you can:
- Drink (..legally)
- Get your driving license
- Vote

Think that's the main things :P

Thu May 12, 2005 12:16 pm

Buy porn and cigarettes...

I thought people could do that before they turn eighteen?




Thu May 12, 2005 12:24 pm

Not sure about the porn, but over here you have to be 18 to buy cigarettes.

'Course, that doesn't stop people from getting their older mates to buy some for them.. :roll:

Thu May 12, 2005 2:28 pm

Over here it is 19 for cigarettes.
And 21 to drink.

Thu May 12, 2005 2:56 pm

live it up, it gets old real fast.
food doesnt taste so nice anymore, the burgers from the college shop make me ill (i used to be immune to their nastyness :( )
people look at you differently, wondering what your thinking when you phase off and start giggling (hehehehe, thanks for that one danny :D )
and worst of all, you feel old when only two people you know are older than you, and thats by less than three months (okay, and a day for one of them)

Thu May 12, 2005 3:21 pm

I'll turn 18 soon too (and congrats to you by the way), which means I can get a drivi8ng licence back at home, wohoo.

Also I get to buy more than soft drinks, which I won't do because it's such a stupid thing to do anyway (same thing with cigarettes). I Belgium you can do both of those at the age of 16 though.

I'll be able to vote but I won't because I couldn't care less.

And is there some limit to buying lottery tickets there? Here I don't think they would sell one to a little kid, but I think you can buy one fairly easily at say 14 already as there is no set limit.

Adult stores and porn... well, sure, but I categorize that as a waste of time anyway.

Then the clubs of course, more and more are staring to have higher age-limits though (even higher for the guys actually, I figure it has something to do with how mature you are mentally :roll:)

Then the datong, which I have to comment as well :P There's no law here for what's legal when dating someone who is under 18. And as far as that sexual relations law goes it's set at 16 in Finland.

Thu May 12, 2005 3:45 pm

ah, the good old "rebel without a cause"
many millions of people died to allow you the right to decide who leads you. to say that its a waste of time is atleast mildly foolish.

if everyone else has that kind of attitude, i shall welcome the end times with open arms and a song in my heart.

Thu May 12, 2005 4:27 pm

Hey cool! In England it's

16 - have sex, buy liqours and gamble.
17 - drive
18- drink, vote, get into clubs

Thu May 12, 2005 5:01 pm

I think here at 18 you can officially gamble.

Go into a Bingo hall and hit on the old ladies. Buy them a troll doll or something, they'll dig that.

Thu May 12, 2005 5:52 pm

In England it's

16 to smoke cigarettes and do...something else, most likely with persons of the opposite sex. Just read the last word and you'll know what I'm talking about.

17 to drive a car.

18 to drink alcohol, vote.
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