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What type of School do you go to?

Public School
Charter School (Its supposed to be different)
Year-Round School
No votes
Private School
Home School
Boarding School
None or Other (Please State, if you would)
Total votes : 50

Type of School

Wed Jan 19, 2005 6:19 am

Soo... what type of school do you go to? Maybe put a little about what you think the advantages and disadvantages are?

I'm Homeschooled. The advantage would be that you have alot more time on the computor, but the disadvantage would be that you don't get to get out of the house as often, unless you have something to do during that time.

Wed Jan 19, 2005 6:31 am

I went to a Public school, the advantage would be that it was cheaper than a Private school and I didn't have to wear some expensive uniform. I can't really see any disadvantages for myself as the position I'm currently in although theoretically easier to achieve via a Private school (the whole elitist thing) I achieved in a Public school. Oh, and I also didn't have to travel very far everyday because the Public school was pretty close to our house.

Wed Jan 19, 2005 6:52 am

I'm home schooled to. And I'm very behind.

Wed Jan 19, 2005 6:54 am

Kitten Medli wrote:I'm home schooled to. And I'm very behind.

Oooh, so'm I. I haven't had a car for the past few weeks (funnily enough it broke down the day before I was supposed to go back from Christmas Break... I swear I did not do it!! << >>) so I haven't been able to turn it in or get my new assignments. That's another disadvantage of homeschooling.

Wed Jan 19, 2005 7:06 am

I'm in public school. It's very fun (mucking around, of course.) But I'm still behind.

Wed Jan 19, 2005 7:12 am

I'm in a public school. Surprisingly, I find the experience much better than a private school. Sure, some private schools have better provincial exam percentage stats, but many have stats below that of some (including mine) public schools.

Also, the people you meet are so much more interesting and mature (in a good way). It really surprised me when I first entered. Granted, there are some bad misbehaving public schools, but it's still pretty nice.

Wed Jan 19, 2005 7:36 am

I am in a half public, half private school which also happens to have its own hostel. :P

Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:13 am

I'm in public school, it just fun like xerai said. :)

Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:16 am

Private School for me. And best thing is, it's not even far from my house. Granted, I have to be at the bus stop by 8:05 in the morning, but those damn bus companies seem determined to make me wake up early. Good thing it's the holidays now :P

The only thing that annoys me about my school, is that it's not co-ed.

Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:49 am

i'm in college now, so i chose "other" on the poll, but i was homeschooled for several years and went to a magnet public school for my last three years. i could write an essay on the pros and cons of homeschooling, but i'll spare you all and sum it up a bit.

homeschooling is not for everyone. it was fine for me because i'm pretty self-disciplined. my younger brother is not, and homeschooling was pretty much disasterous for him. he needed structure and interaction, and has very poor social skills now.

the other thing is that there are certain things that you just can't be taught in homeschooling. there are reasons why most high schools have different teachers for each subject. because you need speciallized people in order to be taught properly. no offense to my parents, but they just couldn't teach me math or science past the sixth grade because they just weren't qualified. there's only so much you can glean from books and internet. much of learning is experience, and homeschooled kids are often lacking in this respect.

on the other hand, i'm grateful for my homeschooling because it reinforced my self-discipline. with no one to compete with, i had to do my work for MYSELF and no one else. self-motivation is a powerful studying tool.

also, being away from other people for so long made me very observant of their behavior. i never got into any real trouble in high school because i was always looking before i leapt. i watched others to see how i should react in certain situations instead of behaving without thinking first. this kept me from doing things rashly.

of course, not everyone would respond the same way. both the lack of competition and the watching-others thing could be very dangerous to some people. which is why homeschooling isn't for everyone, and should be approached with caution.

well, looks like i practically wrote an essay anyway, didn't i? :oops:

Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:13 am

I go to a private school.

- My bus comes at 6:45 in the morning.
- The uniform is stupid and icky.

Advantages? I have no idea -.- The thing is that I live in Hong Kong and going to a public school would mean going to a Cantonese school. And if I had learnt Cantonese then I wouldn't be able to speak English or come on PPT at all.

Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:15 pm

I go to a public school. I don't like it though, because (not to sound full of it) no one in my class is at the same level as I am, and because of that, I have to sit there and listen to the teacher try to explain things to them that we learned in third grade.

Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:32 pm

I go to a public school... can't say I like the pep rallies, the scheduling problems, the many annoying people, the insanely stupid things the administration does... but having not been to any other type, it's hard to say what counts as a disadvantage. And at least some classes and people are kinda interesting...

- My bus comes at 6:45 in the morning.

Yeah, mine did too, and it's public... Actually, that's why I drive to school now.

Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:49 pm

I'd vote for three of the options if I could :P

The school I go to in Belgium is private, and I live in its boarding facilities so it's a boarding school for me to (only 33 people live here, the rest of the school's students live in their own homes... somewhere...).

My school in Finland is a public school... which you have to apply for after finishing compulsory school, nevertheless.

So, to conclude all of this, I say: Private, boarding and public :P

Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:47 pm

I go to a state univeristy.
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