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Random score gloating. --'

Sun Jun 20, 2004 3:35 am

Got a test score your proud of? Sure, it's the wrong time of year....(summer time....) but some of us are taking tests, or mabye doing summer school...or mabye, your doing somthing that invoves scoring! so heck, come hear to gloat! XD

I just got my SAT scores...640 in math, 590 in verbal(which is odd, as in the practice tests, my verbal was higher than my math, and almost always in the 600's. >_>)
anyway, i'm totally pshyced! ^^'
thats a total of 1230(see, i can add! XD)

i'm 14 to... :shock:

so...anybody else feel like gloating about somthing? XD

Sun Jun 20, 2004 3:41 am

i have nothing yet, bute on tuesday theres a math final, and i OWN in math ;)

Sun Jun 20, 2004 6:30 am

You're 14... and you took the SATs?!! Way to make the rest of us feel dumb. =) I took them last minute... in June, and I'm 17, haha.

Sun Jun 20, 2004 6:37 am

To be honest, I'm proud with pretty much all of my recent exam test scores.

I was expeting to do bad in Science and I in fact ended up coming in first place and my Maths score was a huge improvement from the maths test before that one. And of course, there's my English and Computer score that I'm very proud of.

Sun Jun 20, 2004 7:10 am

I'm just 15, and I've taken the SATs as well. o_O
To be honest, I have no idea what I got on them, but on my PSATs this year I got an 80 (perfect) in Verbal, and a 58 in Math.

Plus, I just got a perfect score on my latest history test. ^^

Sun Jun 20, 2004 8:08 am

Maybe I'm just really behind. Meh. Juniors in high school, what can you expect from them anyway? =P
Well, I'm finally done with the SATs (thank goodness). After my last score (2nd try), I'm finished.

Sun Jun 20, 2004 2:22 pm

lol, all i have to say is, i hope i never hear the words(out loud) SAT agian.....this was the second time i had to take them to. >_> (last time i was 12,almost 13 and i got a 1030. --' i was taking them for the duke tip program, you only qualify if you were in 7th grade. )

i'm home schooled, so thats part of the reason why I took them so :oops:
the only reason i really "had"(my mother made me) to take it the second time, is because there changing, and theres gunna be a writing mom wanted to see how much i had improved, and didn't want to have to deal with the new SAT diffrances. (for an example, theres a writing section. I have spastic dieplesia(sp big time...) or, Hypertonic muscles, which means there REALLY tight, which, more or less, causes me to have difficulties writing, which is annoying. i can TYPE quite quickly, as i have learned to use the computer, and i can actully write rather nice papers(i got a A in both semesters of a writing class i took) but if i had to write it out, i doubt i would get very far in it. And trying to get them to let me use a computer is a pain in the you know where....>_> (there really weired about acoumidations for people, even if you have writen proof from a docter and such, they STILL put up a ton of fuss. :roll:
anyway, i'll stop now, most people probably arn't going to read all of somthing much longer. XD

Sun Jun 20, 2004 3:23 pm

Ok here we go:

I got 99% in my end of year Geography exam (YR 9)
99% in end of yr German (YR 7)
98% in end of yr german (yr 8)
Highest SAT's results in the year for everything (YR 6)
Highest mock SAT's results for maths in the year (YR 9)
First person in the history of our school to get into the Maths Olympiad. (YR 8)
Got into the Olympiad 2 years running.
Beat everyone two years above me this year in the maths challenge.
In my old school, a team of four out of the oldest two years were chosen for a maths challenge. I was picked both years, and we won it both years, which were the only times they'd won it in the last 12 years.

As you can see, I like Maths. Those are my proudest ones. Most of my other test results are located around the 90% mark, so I didn't bother posting those ones. I'm still waiting for my SAT's results to come back so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for those.

Sun Jun 20, 2004 3:42 pm

whoa, awsome Electric! :D i like math, but not that much :shock:

Sun Jun 20, 2004 4:36 pm

I got 100 on both parts of my math final. I'm in an advanced math class. :mrgreen:

Sun Jun 20, 2004 4:58 pm

Heres my Gloat:


Sun Jun 20, 2004 6:46 pm

I got a 98 on my final exam for History. Ok well it wasn't the REAL final exam, it was the last one I had to take because if you got a high grade you didn't have to take it. haha

Thu Jun 24, 2004 1:59 am

I got an A in Science on my report card!

Thu Jun 24, 2004 2:23 am

Well, I got a 1180 on the SAT's recently. (590 on both)

Thu Jun 24, 2004 2:52 am

just finished my GCSE's!!!!!!! for the second time :thinking:
but i dont think i ever actually saw the end of the exams, finished all of them WAY early (less than a third of the total time for my second history one)
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