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Subconscious Computer Habits

Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:46 pm

What kind of things do you do subconsciously while on the computer? Or they can be semi-subconcious, like you kind of know what your doing but are too in a daze to even process it.

I was just sitting here with my cat on my lap and after a few seconds I realised I was playing with the pads on her feet.. and I've done it before. :P

Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:48 pm

I do the same thing. x_x I can't help it.

Sat Dec 04, 2004 6:11 pm

Don't know if this counts, but I always have music playing, even if I'm not listening to the lyrics, it's always playing. If I pause/stop it and go back on, I'll suddenly realise about 10 minutes later there's no music. Tis odd. :)

Sat Dec 04, 2004 6:20 pm

cky182 wrote:Don't know if this counts, but I always have music playing, even if I'm not listening to the lyrics, it's always playing. If I pause/stop it and go back on, I'll suddenly realise about 10 minutes later there's no music. Tis odd. :)

Ah, me too. I'm always listening to music on the computer. It feels too quiet and creepy when I'm not.
Another subconcious thing I do, is when I first get on, I always open two IE windows (one for Neopets one for PPT). Sometimes when I only need to have one I open two and I'm like "D'oh!"
Another thing, it's kind of related, sometimes when I see a word in real-life, I confuse it with a word/username on Neopets or PPT. Two examples are, I was typing a story, a person named Darian was in it, and I typed it Darigan. Another one, there was a story problem in my mathbook, in it was a guy named Ahmand, and I read it as Atamand... XP

Sat Dec 04, 2004 6:26 pm

Same as Andrew and Zero really. :)

Sat Dec 04, 2004 6:34 pm

I open nearby drawers with my toes. :D

Sat Dec 04, 2004 6:35 pm

I have a quarter in front of my keyboard because when I'm just mousing and not typing I have to have something to do with my left hand, so I play with it... ^^;

Sat Dec 04, 2004 6:50 pm

i drum my fingers on my mouse when i'm not using it. and i have a little piece of blue tack on my keyboard (dont remember how it got there), which for some reason has the butterfly from the back of an earring on it which i play around with. if there's a pen/pencil around i draw along the groove along the front of my keyboard. i also play with the selotape i put along the front egde of my desk (coz it kept splintering off onto my arm)

I also open 2 windows instinctively. sometimes i'll sit down to do some work or sommit and open up a window and start reading ppt posts before i remember i wasnt supposed to be doing that. i also open and close my msn window all the time.... dunno why.

Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:24 pm

r4che1 wrote:i also open and close my msn window all the time.... dunno why.

Me too, tis weird. I know who's online, but I still look.

Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:44 pm

I just type letters out of order and when I correct it it feels like then I'm making the typo...

Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:40 pm

Christopher wrote:I just type letters out of order and when I correct it it feels like then I'm making the typo...

oh the hideousness of my typing is another matter all together!! i sometimes just randomly hit keys, and if it's in the right order then i'm lucky. i ALWAYS spell about as aobut, and talk as tlak and the as hte:S
I also sometimes put my hand in the wrong place and start typing and then i look at the screen and see i've typed the right things, just the wrong keys.
I also sometimes just type the wrong word completely, its as if my brain is telling my hands what to to, but they're not listening and type wht they want to type!!

Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:44 pm

i_love_starburst wrote:
r4che1 wrote:i also open and close my msn window all the time.... dunno why.

Me too, tis weird. I know who's online, but I still look.

I seem to do that too, I don't know why, I never actually speak to anyone on MSN apart from Amy. o_O

Sat Dec 04, 2004 9:36 pm

For the people who close/open messenger windows, you're all waiting for me to get online, especially the people with msn 8) (Even though I don't have msn. :D)

Uh, backspace automatically, type incoherant sentences (words missing out.) Uhm..I'm with Andrew on this one, I always have to have music on. Same with the realising ten minutes after.)

Sun Dec 05, 2004 12:21 am

As soon as I get on at home I open Firefox, msn messenger, aol messenger, and Mozilla email. And then I play minesweeper while everything loads.

Sun Dec 05, 2004 12:52 am

I HAVE to have at least two windows open, hopefully one being Furcadia or Runescape x.x;;
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