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Brag about what language you can speak ;p !

Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:59 am

I can speak Japanese :P !
I used to learn Spanish at my old school, but that was two years ago so I only remember "Can I go to the bathroom please?"
It was said at least twice per class............ :roll:

Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:12 am

Fluently I know Arabic!

I've been learning German for 5 years, Russian for 3 years and I learnt french for 3 years, but stopped two years ago so I've forgotten it all!

Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:22 am

........Wow :o

Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:40 am

English, Spanish, French, Italian, a bit of German, Sign language, some Chinese, and the tiniest bit of Japanese.

I get to travel a lot, because of my families travels so I've sorta lived everywhere, so I kinda had to :oops: It's fun though, because I get to talk to different people. :D

Thu Jul 13, 2006 2:14 pm

Whoa...NeoPet_online, I can speak only half your languages.

I'm fluent in Chinese and English.
I'm learning French in school...and I'll be in level/year 5 the upcoming school year.
I know minor Japanese from all the anime I watch.
I can sign language the alphabet.

I know how to speak jibberish really well. :P

Thu Jul 13, 2006 2:50 pm

I think I have a pretty good grasp of English, but sometimes I forget words and stuff, and its an awkward moment for me. Then I stutter and mispronounce and stuff. Ugh.

I also know some French, Spanish, German & Japanese. (amount decreases in order.)

...I can also speak pig latin.

Thu Jul 13, 2006 3:58 pm


oh, were you hoping I'd put something else? yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeahno... i'm not that slick.

ok, well, if you insist, i took a year of German and a year and a half of Spanish in high school, and I still remember stuff like Radiergummi and Papierkorb, miel and pepino. I can plow my way through reading Spanish, but I couldn't construct a sentence to save my life, and I'm not very good at picking out individual words when I hear someone speaking it. Because I can read Spanish, I can often puzzle out the basic meaning of stuff in French.

I also know something in the neighborhood of 100 words in Swahili (jambo... jambo bwana... habari gani?) although I often forget them and have to refresh when I want to use them, 15ish words in Tagalog (issa, dalawa, tatlo...) , and assorted random phrases in Telugu (toilet akkado meeku telusa?!) and several lines from a poem in Sindarin (ai! laurie lantar lassi surinen!).

But, honestly, if you wanted me to hold up my end of a conversation, write a letter, or get information... it really would have to be in English. :(

Thu Jul 13, 2006 4:05 pm

I don't speak them fluently, but I can speak Spanish, Japanese and French. :)

Thu Jul 13, 2006 6:45 pm

I can speak a few..


Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:09 pm

I speak fluent English, I used to be able to speak fluent Italian, but stopped going to Italy for holiday and now can only say a few select phrases, I can speak a bit of french, and bit of spanish, a little bit of German (am actually gonna do it in year 10!) and quite a bit of Latin.

Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:24 pm

English and Pig Latin, Yay! I can say some random words in Punjabi, and I can swear in Italian 8)

J'essaye également d'apprendre le français, parce que j'ai cessé de le prendre à l'école.
=I am also trying to learn French, because I stopped taking it in school.

Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:42 pm

Speak semi-properly: English
Know bits and pieces of from various studies over my lifetime: Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese

For the most part, I don't know too much of most languages outside of English, but I was hoping to finally get a Japanese class next quarter. The first two were forced upon me in grade school. I never cared to keep up with them. I took Italian for fun in HS, and it was. Japanese and Chinese were learned, only in minimal amounts, to go along with my love of Asian culture, but Japan and China above the others (although India and the Arab world are cool too). Of the bits of language I actually, remember, it is a few words and phrases in Japanese, Chinese, and Italian as well as their syllable pronunciations.

Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:06 pm

I know English and Spanish.

I am currently learning French and Latin.

I also once spoke a little Esperanto (I was bored in computer programming class, so I learned it online). But it got boring.

Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:36 pm

Alright, well I know English.
Take that.

(And I took Spanish for three years, but I hardly remember a thing. But hush.)

Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:49 pm

I know English very fluently (spoken and written :P) Maltese fluently (I'm actually wondering if anyone else knows this...) basic french & Italian.

And italian swear words :D ...nice one sugarinii! Those are the easiest ones to learn...especially when you have an italian friend at school and all you class knows italian and are just trying to get you into trouble by asking a teacher what the word means. ...Nope i never fell for it!! :roll: ..seriously!! 8)
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