Hehe, I havent seen a rule againt doing a contest like this... and I thought I'd do something different. You dont have to do much to win this contest.... just post!
If this thread ends up being split, the winner of the contest will be who posts last in the split thread.... it doesnt matter who is the last in this original thread if there is a split thread.
I will ONLY make a post if this thread is still atop of the No Nutritional Value board... that was I dont bump it up at all.
If I DO make a post, and it somehow bores the thread into shooting down to the bottom of the board, then the person who posted just BEFORE ME will win.... because i cant win my own contest.... duh.
I will continue to watch this thread..... even as it goes down.... and down, into the depths of history.... and keep track of who posted last, incase it gets deleted or something. Ill probably bring this thread back to life if it ever dies simply to announce who would have won if i didnt bring it back to life.... which really would make me the winner.. but... um... i cant win my own contest, i guess. which is another rule. yes.
You can post as many times as you want to guarentee your win, just make sure we dont double post or go off topic to keep the mods happy! :-D
That means, as soon as somebody else has posted.... you are eligible to post again! There isnt any "once per topic" rule or anything.... so post however much you need to win.
The prize is starting at 30,000 NP. However, if for some reason this thread become popular, ill probably bump it up to 50k or something.. or higher!
EDIT: Prize is now 35,000!
EDIT: Prize is now 40,000 np!
EDIT: Whoah, big thread. Prize is now 50,000 np!
I will edit THIS post continuously, every few days or so, giving us a new topic to talk about, that way, there are no spam posts..... once i post a topic, we are to immediately talk about this topic..... that way, we always stay on topic, and we dont need any "umm... am i winning?" posts.
Umm.... more rules on the way... maybe.
Other than that. Have fun!
oooOOOOoo..... I'm winning.
What was the single most happiest thing thats ever happened to you in your life? Or if you dont want to share THAT particular moment..... 2nd happiest moment? 3rd? 122th? 1337th?
.... and of course, feel free to talk about the thread itself, and how extremely ironic it is. you dont have to talk about power rangers or ladders or italian sidewalks or school lunchboxes if you have something to say about the thread itself!
Past topics:
Power Rangers!
Taco Bell/KFC/Pizza Hut
Amusement/Theme Parks!
Songs you havent head in 100 years... until recently.
Halloween Costumes!