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 Post subject: Vampire - The Crypt.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 6:13 am 
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Live players may not post on this thread. This is for the dead and spectators only.

Rules -

These rules are subject to change under extreme circumstances in which a rule change is absolutely required. No warning is required before changing a rule but will most likely be given if one needs to be edited slightly.

Basic Overview

Vampire is Werewolf. For new comers that means that Vampire is a game in which the innocents must try to eliminate evil members of their society before the evil members eliminate the innocents.

You win the game with your team, you may die on Night 1 but still win. As long as your team wins you will still win. In the event that you are resurrected or converted, you will win with the team that you died with last. So if you were an innocent at the start of the game but you are converted half way through the game you will become a part of the evil team and will win with them and them alone.

The winning team is the last one standing. For the innocents to win they must eliminate all baddies, for the baddies to win the must eliminate all other baddy teams and the innocents. If there comes a stage where it is impossible for a team to win that team will be eliminated.

EG : If the remaining baddies are all on one baddy team and their numbers are the same as those of the innocents then the innocents will be unable to reach a majority to execute a baddy and the baddies will inevitably win.


The Day lasts between the hours of 12 am Neopian Standard Time and 11 pm Neopian Standard Time.

During the day, innocents and baddies posing as innocents (or baddies or innocents that are posing as baddies) may choose to 'vote a player out of the game.' 51% or more of the players still alive must agree on one player to vote for. You MUST vote in the following format

VOTE : Player's name

And you MUST unvote in the following format.

UNVOTE : Player's name

If you fail to add the bold tags then your vote will not be counted. To use the bold tags use the following code

[B]This text will be bolded[/B] This text will not

I will try to post vote updates whenever I am able too. However, much like yourselves I cannot be on the computer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Because of this it is your own responsibility to keep track of the votes. If I or anybody else posting a vote update for your benefit posts an incorrect vote update then it is your responsibility to check the facts for yourself. I will use a vote update that I create myself so ones others create will not affect the execution too significantly, however, if I am incorrect and fail to notice, unless somebody points out my error, I will take the votes as being what they were from the tally. I will act from those figures accordingly.

Any alive player can vote unless I specify otherwise due to role effects or power effects. You may choose to vote for a player other than yourself or that no execution shall take place. To vote for no execution simply post

VOTE : No execution

Votes for no execution CANNOT be removed. So think carefully before casting them.

If 51% of the alive players do not agree on a single player or on a no execution then then the execution will be decided with a random number generator. The generator will be weighted, if one player has 10 votes and another player has 1 vote then the player with 10 votes is 10 times more likely to be exeucted. The randomiser will always have a chance at not having an execution, even if nobody has voted for a no execution.

Every player has 2 votes they may use each day. If 75% of the remaining players decide on voting for the same person then they will 'lock the votes in.' This will mean votes cannot be changed or removed for that person. It will also activate the double execution ability. This will mean that if one person has 75% or more of the remaining players voting for them then a second player may be executed as well. They will require 51% of the alive players voting for them to be executed as well. Executions will occur in this order : 75% majority, 51% majority.

You may not vote for the same person twice unless I state otherwise.


Night occurs between the hours of 11 pm Neopian Standard Time and 12 am Neopian Standard Time

During the Night deaths and dreams occur. Evil players may or may not have the ability to kill a player each night. Kills will occur before dreams.

Dreamers may or may not have the ability to dream of a single player each night. This will either reveal their role or reveal if they have a specific role or not.

At the end of Night I will post the results of the deaths that night. I will not post the results of dreams unless the dream ability says the results shall be posted on the thread.

Game behaviour

Lying is a part of the game. If evil players were to blurt their roles to anybody that asked they would quickly be killed in the most painful way imaginable. While you may ask people to tell the truth they are under no obligation to do so. You may not ask people to promise Neopoints or anything else if they were lying.

Don't take anything said on the thread personally. Remember that this is still just a game and that things said on the thread are based solely around the game. That said, do not put down players for any reason including their newness to the game. We were all once newbies to Werewolf and it's many variations


These rules must be followed. Failure to do so will result in punishment ranging from removal of powers or roles, removal of the player from this game or banning from future werewolf games depending on the severity.

1. There are things in the game called Secret Powers. These must NOT be discussed publically or privately until they are fully used. If you have a three use secret power you may not discuss it until you have used it all three times. The only two exceptions to this rule are if a power is revealed on the game thread by the MC or if the player lies and claims it is part of their role. They must live with the consequences of lying however.

2. NEVER claim the MC has said something without first asking permission. Do not bother asking permission for something that I have not actually said. Do not ask permission then post it before I have given you permission. This included posting role sheets and things designed to look exactly like role sheets as if they had been sent from me directly. You may post about things I have said publically however. This rule also forbids you from screenshotting or fowarding messages I have sent in private to you.

3. Never post about things somebody has said in private without first having all members of the discussion PMing the MC with permission for the conversation to be posted. People in the conversation can use the information to their personal advantage but must not post conversations or sumarise them without permission. People in specific teams (IE : Their teammates are in their role sheet) may discuss the conversations privately as they are considered one person. This also applies to people in teams discussing secret powers they individually own. If you discover somebody's role you may post the role name but aside from that you may not post anything else without permission.

4. I don't care if somebody else breached a rule privately to you and you did not. If you do not report the breach to me whilst you are aware that it is against the rules (Which you will be aware of for the fact that you are required to read the rules) then you will be punished as well as the culprit.

5. You may not falsely claim to have a secret power you do not have. This is considered the same as claiming to have an unused secret power.

6. People on specific teams (The teammates are listed in their role sheet) may NOT reveal the other members of their team without the other members' permission. This includes private and public discussions. Likewise, people in specific teams may not reveal anything specific to a member of that team other than themselves (IE : Personal abilities that do not belong to the revealer) without permission.

7. Once dead you may NOT reveal any secrets that are not revealed publically by an alive player or a player that was alive at the time of posting. This includes going back and editing old posts that you posted while alive. Doing so will result in banishment from this game (Including the Crypt) and possibly banning from future games. Dead players may not talk privately with alive players either, people that did not sign up for the game may privately talk with alive and dead players about the game but may not be used as a means of communication between the two

8. Players that do not post on day one will be sent a personal warning. If they do not provide a valid excuse for not posting they will be modkilled. If they had an excuse they will not be modkilled but must post by day 2. Those that do not provide an excuse or have not read their role before the end of Day 2 will be modkilled.

9. I reserve full rights to extend the night or day to benefit myself drastically or in case of an emergency. I will not extend the time because you just wanted it extended

10. It is your responsibility to ask about anything you are unsure of. By not asking me, I will assume you understand your role and the rules perfectly and will take away your right to use the excuse 'but I didn't understand such and such' in the event of a modkill etc

11. Though I hope this clause will never be put into effect. In the event that the game cannot continue due to a severe breach in rules which ends in the game being impossible for particular parties or a forum glitch which means the state of the game is unrecoverable the game will be cancelled.

12. Normal forum rules apply and may result in punishments both inside and outside the game.


Once during the game I will offer protection throughout the day and night for those that ask for it. The protection will activate from the moment you request it until the end of the cycle you requested it on.

This protection will make the protected completely immune to any death other than modkilling. Both innocents and evil players may use this but as stated above you may only be protected by me once and this protection will override any other form of what I deam to be protection.

To activate the protection you must Privately Message me. Posting "protect me" on the thread will get you nowhere.


Last edited by TDG on Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 6:15 am 
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Roles have not yet been assigned. Until you receive your role you may post in the Crypt, whether you have signed up or not.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 6:30 am 
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Question. For sheltering, do we ask you to protect us through PM or just by posting?

Set by Medli

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 6:31 am 

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*needs to read rules*


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 6:51 am 
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PM me to shelter.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 6:53 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Yay, it's nearly starting :)

Now, I just have to remember to post ;P *stabs teachers*

Gone, forever.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 7:20 am 
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All roles have been assigned. Even standard townfolk have been PMed telling them their role. If you signed up but did not receive a PM I have made a mistake.

Otherwise, all alive players must now post on the game play thread located here : ... 991#312991


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 1:29 pm 
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Ok TDG-i no longer feel any guilt about anything i might have copied from your games. :P -steeling MY creative plot line :roflol: Next thing you know, you'll execute people with wereduckys! :roflol: ... i kid i kid :D

Lady Night made me do it :P
Click for Werewolf!
Click for more Werewolf(as well as Role Playing)!

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:34 am 
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Just a warning to people who are thinking about making me not be able to play...


I'm just playing... But please let me play! :)

Set by Tomatie

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 4:34 am 
Way Beyond Godly
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Location: Outside on your boulevarde scaring small children. Um... or in Illinois.
You know, Twizzler and o_0 look very suspicious to me...

Heh, just kidding... sorta >_> I'm in the crypt. =D

Thanks to Laq. :o

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 4:39 am 
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let's all post in the other game's commentary :P

*throws egg at nearest vampire*
*waddles away while cackling evily* :evil:


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 5:07 am 
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lol, i was just thinking the same thing Ducky!!

I read though their game so far, I'm still new to the WW games so reading any i can find is good learning for me i think lol.

Image~My Neko Set!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 9:56 am 
PPT Toddler
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Aw, I'm dead. :x And I had such a good role too...

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:19 pm 
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o_0 is dead :) Talk about luck there... Qanda seemed framed to me too because I've never really seen any death scene with the actual killer being seen unless someone else used an sp to see the killer. So it's either a frame-up or an sp used to see the killer.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:29 pm 
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Vampier and Werebunnies WILL not be merging. They are seperate games and out side of TDG steeling my plot idea have nothing to do with eachother. [/b]

Lady Night made me do it :P
Click for Werewolf!
Click for more Werewolf(as well as Role Playing)!

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