o_0's shields keep him alive. To kill him we need to keep attacking him each day. Correct me if I'm wrong but legoquilt was revived by o_0 right ?? Either by this (most likely) :
Once this game you may resurrect a person who has died. Since you are already the undead, you are well aware of how to keep the role that the person once had. So whoever you decide to resurrect will have their old role to keep with them as well. Upon resurrection, that person will have 3 days of full immunity to any death. That person will have life points equal to the average of the survivors.
Or by stealing legoquilt's role and using it on him.
Since it was most likely the first (bigger advantage for the zombies) then Legoquilt has been converted to a Zombie, with his resurrection powers still, with a shield that is the average of all the zombies still alive
They then used legoquilt to revive Ammer right ?? Well then Ammer is either a zombie as well or normal role (Depending on what Lego's role specifies)
They've now used Legoquilt to revive -Ducky-. Meaning o_0, Legoquilt, -Ducky- and possibly Ammer are your zombies
Since we've attacked o_0 the most his shield will be the lowest and therefore we should get him with both Soul Steal and execution today and hope. Now that Ducky is back however his shield will have been boosted
("What luck! Apparently this Zombie had the power to Replenish her or her team's shield 4 times and poison someone off gameplay. What a relief!")
With the strength of their roles their will probably have only been 3 (max) zombies to begin. As in kill them off now!