Name(s): mjrinella, anoohilator, Robert, .:Compact Disk:.
Your Role: WW
Side: EVIL
Please note that you MUST designate a SPOKESWOLF for your team. The spokeswolf will be considered the leader of the group and is ultimately responsible in sending me killing lists. The spokeswolf is also the player who is considered to be carrying out the attacks. You must ID your Spokeswolf ASAP to me.
Also note the following abilities are for the TEAM and not individually yours. Use of these abilities SHOULD (but need not) come from the spokeswolf.
1) Every night send me a list of 3 names. Whoever is on top and still alive at the point your list is looked over shall be mauled to death. If you fail to send me a list one person will be randomly killed off (including WW; weighted quadruple)
2) ONCE this game you may choose to protect 1 wolf from death for one day/night cycle. PM me when you wish to use this AND on who. However, if you choose to use this, you will be unable to kill anyone that same day/night cycle.
3) ONCE this game you may choose to use a day kill. This allows you to kill someone during day at any time you wish. Simply PM me with the name of the person you would like to kill and I shall do so ASAP. Should the person have died before I get to your PM, you will get another chance. Otherwise, you only have this one shot.
4) TWICE this game you may try and pinpoint a wolf dreamer. In order to activate this, you must first post that person’s name (of who you wish to pinpoint) as well as the word “dreamer”. Then PM me telling that this has been done. At the end of night, the spokeswolf will get an answer.
5) You may choose ONE of the following TWO abilities to use:
a) ONCE this game you may tamper with all dreamer-type abilities that go on during the night. Send me a PM saying you wish to use this and all dreaming-type actions that occur will result in OPPOSITE results.
b) ONCE this game you may open up a treasure chest on behalf of the team. If you open up a shield, everyone will get that shield level. If you open up an SP it will be a team SP. However, if it is the exploding chest, only the spokeswolf will be killed. PM me when you wish to use this.
We basically tried to kill Bangel, then I died. I told people I was the Bingo Master. There is rarely a Bingo Master, so I thought I was safe, but no, the one game he is used, I get busted. Go figure. But it was fun, so its all good