@ 4:10 am (PST)
A flash of light is seen! Followed by a printing of a photo of o_0, blinding him for the rest of the Day/Night.
All votes cast by o_0 are null.
@ 11:11 am (PST)
Dream Angel has pulled up the permanent record of o_0.
Your Role: Zombie
0. Since you are the undead, your means to stay alive are a bit different. Your “shield” will act as a life force. If your life force reaches 0, you die. You start off with 100. Every time you are attacked, you lose 40 points. You lose 5 life points per day. An execution shot will take off 100 life points. Any time “shield” is referred to any other role in the game, it will mean “life points” for you. Life points may go over 100.
1. You must designate a head zombie who will be the person responsible for sending in lists to me. They get the final say on what the killing list should be. The head zombie CANNOT be changed unless that person dies or has an adequate reason why. Note: Anyone can send a list, just if the head zombie sends in a list, that will be the one used.
2. Every night you will have the opportunity to kill someone by eating their flesh. Before the end of Night a list must be submitted with 4 names on it. The person who is on top of that list, and still alive, will be eaten. If a shield protects someone, the person 2nd on the list will be attempted to be eaten (with a 50% decrease in power—in reference to the random number generated). However, if you cannot succeed after the 2nd try, it will have failed. If you succeed the first time, you gain 15 life points. If it’s the second time you only gain 5 points.
3. Once this game you may resurrect a person who has died. Since you are already the undead, you are well aware of how to keep the role that the person once had. So whoever you decide to resurrect will have their old role to keep with them as well. Upon resurrection, that person will have 3 days of full immunity to any death. That person will have life points equal to the average of the survivors.
4. You have the ability to dig back into the ground and protect yourself from any kind of death 3 times in the game. Every time you do this you gain 10 life points.
o_0’s specific role powers-
i. SOUL BORROWING- On every ODD night you may send me a list so you can borrow a dead person’s role for the next day. For the FIRST night only, you may send me a list 30 minutes after night ends to select. You can only borrow a ROLE once. You cannot steal an EVIL team’s role unless their entire team is dead. If used, you will gain 10 Life Points. If not, you will lose 10 Life points. (Note: You will not be penalized if you choose to pass on night 1)
ii. SUBSTITUTE- You may, at any time, spend 30 life points to create a dummy zombie to protect you or your teammates from getting hurt. You may NOT use SUBSTITUTE if your teammate has used REPLENISH. If you have less than 30 Life Points and attempt to use this, I will tell you that you cannot do this.
@ 6:00 PM (nst)
Scott walks in after a long day's work and quickly takes out his gun, knowing full well what the intended target was.
Xil's in protective custody.
No voting for him or at him.
o_0- 16: Qanda, Ammer, legoquilt, laq, sirclucky, Apricus, lackadazed, ste_is_back, Monique, Unot, JayJay, DM was on fire!, Stephanie, Dream Angel, warxelo, Nelly
Fzun- 2: Laq, Apricus, lackadazed
LegoQuilt- 2: DM was on fire!, Dream Angel
Wind- 1: Unot
Dream Angel- 1: legoquilt
22 alive
12 majority
17 to lock
"Yeahh... its not going to work today."
Night 6 begins
Any changes are due by 7:15pm