Well, things are certainly...interesting. We have our first death. :O I wonder what poison was used though since some poisons are relatively slow. Was it cyanide? I think that's fairly quick acting. Heh, sorry for this random musing but I recently learned that certain poisons, such as arsenic, usually take some time to actually kill their victim. Thank you creepy Ice Man video. >>
At least, Jasujo died eating something yummy?
I guess I'm the only person who's sad that she died since nobody really reacted. -creates a shrine to the fallen Jasujo- Your only crime was loving an ickle wickle cute beholder. The post no longer makes me laugh but makes me cry in memory of you.
As our first death and even moreso, someone who could bring back past friends, you should be mourned, even if only by me. The rest of this post shall be sad in memory.
Strange other things also happened. First off, poor DM, dreamer or not, was attacked by some lunatic claiming that the credit for some project was stolen. Was it DM's fault that she had dreams for the future? You shouldn't blame her, berserker. At one time, we all had dreams and hopes for the future, only to have them dashed upon the rocks of life in a cruel twist of fate.
Night was certainly quite tragic as well. As I wandered about in shock that dear Jasujo had left this way of life, I saw Twizzler walking sadly about. I followed and heard of Ammer's unfortunate run in with the chomper. I pondered how many of us would ever survive this terrible ordeal. The idea that only a select few might did not help to lighten the mood. Even one villain cried for the death of Jasujo, taken in the prime of her life. Their acid tears caught the unfortunate Anvil in a cruel twist of wind.
Regan, I guess unable to bear the pain, lost herself to the haunting songs of the sirens.
Hopefully, Pink and ckillor won't meet tragic ends in the labyrinth of death. Life is a sacred thing for all creatures.
The Pardona/Anvil war serves to bitterly remind us of the distrust that runs rampant through this terrible game of life and death. Is the dreamer one who actually dreams or are they merely ushering others forward like a player ushers pawns in a game of chess? Is Urthdigger partially demented since he's willing to throw his life away for Pardona? The bitter debate rages on and I can only half-heartedly watch with my aching heart. I don't know who to trust and who not to trust. The brownies are already out to kill, vengeance in their hearts. Other evils lurk behind the facades of friends, foes, countrymen. Will there be a peaceful resolution in the end or will the remaining survivors be forever joined by the memory of bloodshed, horror, and ambition?
Best of luck scouts.
Edit: From all the chaos, that is happening today, I'll just follow the bandwagon for now. A majority may cause some order in it all:
Vote: PardonaI believe that even if Pardona is evil, Urthdigger may merely be a lost soul looking for a friend among the crowd of masks.
Edit 2: Eh, I'll just trust Mongrel.
Vote: Urthdigger
Ooh. It's pretty.
See all the pretty presents? They can be yours if you vote for me. Yet, none of you know me. T_T How sad. There's no way to get the pretty presents then.