Round 4 Assignment:
Create a Wallpaper:
- Size must be
at least 800 x 600
- Your wallpaper size must be a functional wallpaper size. (1024 x 768, 1280 x 1024... etc) I would recommend making a wallpaper for your own computer resolution.
- The Wallpaper must be somewhat functional. The functionality will be taken into account in the professor's gradings, how much it affects the final grade is up to the individual professor's discretion.
- For the purpose of this assignment, lets assume there will be a 30 pixel bar at the bottom of your wallpaper. (Even though some people like to have the taskbar on "hide")
- For the purpose of this assignment, lets assume that there will be at least a vertical row's worth of icons on your desktop. Please make some sort of area for them where they do not cover anything. (It can be anywhere on the wallpaper, it doesn't have to be on the left side)
- However, may I ask that the judges please don't take the functionality of the wallpapers as seriously as last round.
* I would recommend leaving some sort of area for icons, in which they do not cover anything important up.
* To find out your desktop resolution, or a wallpaper resolution, follow these steps:
1. Right click on your desktop.
2. Select Properties
3. Click on the "Settings" tab
4. You will find the resolution next to the colors selection.
If you are unfamiliar with Wallpapers, here are a few examples: ... lpaper.jpg ... lpaper.jpg ... er1024.jpg
Maximum of
2 people may be eliminated this round.
All wallpapers are due by
April 5th.