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Werewolf Excess (Sept. 28-Oct. 4)

Wed Sep 29, 2004 6:40 am

Its been a month worth of school. You deserve a break. On friday afternoon you have decided to go onto a cruise. Just to get away from it all. To relax. While searching for tickets, you notice that there is an offer for 15 lucky individuals to take a free cruise off to Hawaii.

Well, you're not going to pass it up, you prompty call the agency and lo and behold. You've secured a ticket.

As you arrive at the harbor, you readily notice the other 14 passengers on the cruise. You start to stir up a brilliant conversation with the crowd in order to kill time.

While boarding, the captain instructs you to take a visit into the main cabin, so that safety procedures can be tought to you. You drop off your baggage in your room, and enter the main cabin.

Everyone is there, 15 minutes pass... no-one has come. However, a PA announcement suddenly breaks the silence, "Welcome to the cruise... we will be shortly leaving port... but first..."

Just then gas starts to fill up the cabin and you start to slowly pass out... the last words you hear are... "haha... free cruise..."
You wake up, with the taste of sand in your mouth. You're on a deserted island, stripped of all your belongings except for the clothes on your back. You notice a stream of green clouds eminating from the center of the island, and start walking toward it.

When you reach the cloud source, you notice there are 15 other people waiting for you, 1 of those surrounded in a brilliant green light.

"You have entered a very dangerous Island, I am the protector for this island, and have some disturbing news to tell you. This island is haunted with evil spirits. As we speak, two of you have been infected with this lupin spirit and will turn to werewolves by night.

However, to counter this one of you has been infused with the power of good, and be able to dream whether or not someone has been infected with this spirit."

"To my left, you will notice this stone tablet with 15 blank spots. and 2 moon sections. In a few moments, your individual insignias will be infused upon it. Your progress will be charted on this tablet, and should be looked upon at every opportunity. If and when a wolf is killed, the spirit will be contained in the moon section."

"Every 2 days, i will come and kill that the majority of you have voted on. I am equipped with silver bullets, so if a wolf is killed, we will be able to see that. I bid you good luck, and hope you can exit this island alive"

And with that, ScottNak disappears into the green mist, leaving the survivors alone, in the center of the island, staring at each other.

... Day 1A has begun.

(Last of the long discriptions, i promise ;))
(dbl post approved)

Wed Sep 29, 2004 12:15 pm

*sits on a rock looking around quietly*


Free cruises... *tch* There's always a "but"...

*sits there and quietly inspects everyone*

Wed Sep 29, 2004 1:20 pm

*looks around for a likely werewolf*

Wed Sep 29, 2004 2:25 pm

Uhm... I'll just consider this as part of the cruise... as long as I don't get killed.

((OT: can you post a list of the participants?))

Wed Sep 29, 2004 2:58 pm

Urgh..I've got all sand in my mouthe >.>

Gets everywhere, doesn't it?

Hmm...anyone got anything to drink or eat?

Wed Sep 29, 2004 3:31 pm


Her name is Rio and she dances on the saaaaaaaand!

*tosses jelly a bit of chocolate*

Found it on my pillow. ;)

Wed Sep 29, 2004 5:33 pm

Wondering why I ever went on that trip. Things that look too good be true usually are.

Wed Sep 29, 2004 6:44 pm


*pokes Cyanna*

Wed Sep 29, 2004 6:56 pm

Aren't we meant to discuss who be werewolf now? *scrutinizes everyone*

Wed Sep 29, 2004 7:29 pm

I believe that is the point of this.
So, if your the werewolf, put your hand up.
*looks around and waits*

Wed Sep 29, 2004 8:23 pm

*butts into the conversation*

...there's nothing to be accomplished as of now. We can only wait until we can gain more information from this "person of good". Well... that and waiting for people to fall victim. Accusing people and jumping to conclusions will only help us slaughter each other more quickly. We have a dark and gruesome road ahead of us...

*stares of into the sky in silence*

(This person...)

Wed Sep 29, 2004 8:52 pm

"And anyways, its not like the werewolf is going to raise his or her hand... is it?"

Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:03 pm

"If they're stupid they will,"

Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:10 pm

Anybody want to have a sand fight? Maybe WWs die if a sand ball hits them. :P

Wed Sep 29, 2004 9:22 pm

A while ago, a rather clever experiment was taken. They put a group of students on the bus, and gave themself a peice of paper with a ot on it. If it was a red dot, then they were normal. If it was a blue dot, then they were a 'witch', and they re-enacted the Salem witch trials.
Nobody was given a blue dot, however, eight people out of fifty were accused and convicted of witchcraft. Very clever.

Anyways, no idea what the point of that was. I doubt that the poinmt of this competition is the same :P
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