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WW 24: Werecraft Signups

Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:29 am

Introduction: Everyone's goal is to win. Yay! You win by being the last(or one of the last) team(s) standing. This game is themed on Warcraft, particularly Warcraft III: Rain of Chaos, although there's quite a bit of The Frozen Throne in there as well. Everyone will receive a role which allows them to influence the game in unique ways. Any questions about your role can be PMed to me at any time, and I will try to answer them as soon as I can. Also, thanks to Okamotosan18 for not complaining that I’ve basically stolen his signup sheet and edited it. =D

Voting/Executions: Voting is the main avenue with which the innocents attempt to rid the (not camp) of all evil. Voting leads to Executions which will take place at the end of each day. You also have the choice to go for no execution, but as execution is the innocents main method of killing baddies, this is not recommended to be a regular event.

Votes should be posted in bold as follows:
Vote: Pironious

And if you change your mind about a vote, please unvote the person instead of taking it out of the post with the undesired vote like so:
Unvote: Pironious
After unvoting, a new vote may be made, and you are free to change your vote as much as you like until Execution. Executions will be decided on a basis of Plurality, whoever has the most votes at the end of the

Dying: Most of the players will die before the game is over. Any person I state as dead on the game thread isn't allowed to post on the game thread any more. You may still talk on the Dead Thread, or in the "Altar of Heroes." It is possible for people to come back from the dead; if you do, I will PM you so you will know to check back with the game thread to see what has happened. Also, the "Altar of Heroes" will have some rules, and those will be stated in the first post on that thread.

Roles: Everyone will be given a role at the start of the game. While you aren't allowed to quote your role sheet, you may openly talk about it if you wish. You may not reveal any teammates if you are, or were part of a team during this game.

Special Powers(SPs): Some people will receive SPs during the course of the game. SPs grant a limited use of a special power. The description of the SP will be given at the same time you receive a SP. No one is allowed to state any unused SPs. Stating you have an unused SP is allowed if the specifics of the SP aren't included. Anything about an SP can be talked about after it has been used up(you don't actually need to have had one to say that ;)). If someone with an SP breaks one of these rules, at least one of the SPs that person has will be taken away.

Shields: Everyone will start off with a shield. Its numerical value is the percent chance you will survive any attack made on your life. Shields in this game do not degrade, in fact there are plenty of items and powers to boost them, as well as powers to do the opposite. A Shield will automatically decrease by 20% if attacked at any other time than execution; execution will decrease shields by 30%.

Day/Night: Most of the game play will happen during the Daytime, this includes voting and executions. After execution, a short period of Nighttime will take place. Although night is short, many deaths seem to take place during this time, so watch out. Day starts again immediately after I post what has happened during the night.

Execution will be at 4am CDT (CST in daylight savings, GMT -5) You’re welcome to complain about the time, but I need a time I can guarantee to do regardless of the day of the week, so don’t mind me when I ignore your complaints. Night will be posted sometime shortly after that. Roughly an hour, but I might go over, depends on how much I have to write.

Inactivity: I‘ve always been rather nasty on inactivity, so be warned now. If you don’t post on the board or vote, that’s your problem, and you’ll have to answer to the other players in the game soon enough, but I simply do not tolerate missing nightlists. If you miss one list, you will be warned, if you miss a second you WILL be modkilled, and probably replaced. Everyone is required to send in something every night, even if it is just the location they wish to spend the night, so no one has an excuse. I’m hoping due to the relatively small size of the game that there will be plenty of people who missed the initial signups.

Now then, on to the fun stuff, the extra special mechanics that makes my game special and different.

Sub-Teams. Almost everyone has one, the exceptions being neutrals and OMTs. For baddies, this is just your normal team, but for innocents it’s another matter. The innocent sub-teams, as per normal games, are unaware of their teammates, it’s just an added mechanic and there can be some bonus to finding your natural allies. Different teams work in different ways, and you might not even realise the advantage until much later.

Experience and Levels Yes, staying true to the theme of warcraft, your characters can level up. Most characters start on level 1, with a few important ones starting on the maximum level of 3. Each level unlocks a new role ability, and the most common method of levelling up is by gaining experience.

Experience is gained through two methods. One is gaining experience by using your role, certain powers will have a hidden set amount of exp gain for each use, and others might have a bonus for a successful use (e.g. an innocent daykill killing a baddie). The second method of gaining exp is “Creeping”, but I’ll explain that later.

You will not be told how much exp you have at any one time, nor will you be told when you acquire exp or how much. You will only be informed when you obtain a level up, at which point you will gain your new power. There are no level ups past 3.

Inventory Each player may hold one item at any time. Items can be freely transferred from player to player during night, if you wish to transfer an item, PM who you’d like to send yours to along with your nightlist. If the receiving player’s inventory if empty, they will automatically accept the item, if it is not, they will be offered the choice of whether or not to accept the item. If they choose to accept it, the item in their inventory will be offered to the person who sent them the item, if they don’t, the item sent will be offered to the sender. The original sender may then decide whether to accept the item or to drop it on the game thread. Items may also be dropped on the game thread at any time, PM Piro to do so.

There is a rumour there are a pair of goblin merchants around who’d be happy to buy up anything for a reasonable price…

Gold That’s right, this game has currency too. Gold can be earnt though sale of goods, or creeping. In addition, when you die, the player who killed you will receive your wallet. Gold cannot be transferred freely between players, and it’s only purpose would be to purchase items, if you happened to cross paths with a merchant.

Creeping Creeping is a Warcraft III term for training your hero in a multiplayer match. There are typically large numbers of neutral NPCs that have the sole purpose of being killed for experience, and players will often Creep early in games for Gold, Experience and Items. This is equally the case here, Creeping will earn Exp, Gold and possibly items.

However, it doesn’t come with no risk, and as with Creeping, there is safety in numbers. Each night, you may choose to “Creep”, you should do so with your nightlist. Everyone who decides to go Creeping will go out hunting in one big pack, although they are unaware of who else is creeping. They will then encounter one of the many possible enemies, and engage them in combat. I won’t go into detail about the mechanics, but the odds of survival are much higher when the heroes are both more numerous and on higher levels, so teamwork in creeping pays off.

The players will earn exp and gold based on their damage to the enemy, which is shared equally between all participants. This exp is rounded down, so if it does not divide equally, some will be wasted. If, in their attack, the players are not able to kill their enemy, the enemy will counter attack, dealing 10% shield damage to a player in the hunt chosen at random. If the player has no shield left and they are attacked, they will be killed. If the enemy is successfully killed, there is a chance it may drop an item, which will go to the inventory of a randomly selected player. If their inventory is full, it will be offered as per usual item procedure, the item they get rid off will become available on the thread.

Location Of course, it’s important to choose where to make camp each night. Unless you spend the night Creeping, you may choose one of many places to make camp. The only neutral zone is the base of Mount Hyjal, where the group gather each day to decide who to execute. A map with all the other available locations will be posted on the game thread.

Each night, one randomly chosen area will be visited by the travelling pair of goblin merchants. Their shop will be open to all the players who stayed in that area the previous night, and no one else.

Quests Yes, in addition to the normal game objectives, you may have additional goals. These will likely aid you greatly if completed, by unlocking new powers or affecting other elements of the game. You may or may not be told what the reward for completing a quest is.

Miscellaneous Rules:
*You may not quote anything I send you via PM without my permission.
*You may quote private conversations or PMs between players only if all persons involved PM me with a statement to give permission and the conversation/PM that will be posted.
*All Forum rules should still be observed

If you head is still attached and you’re not staring blankly at the screen at this point, you’re doing well =D

1. theonlysaneone
2. Kugetsu
3. Pickles
4. Ethics
5. Typhoon
6. Dyl
7. Okamotosan18
8. Pixa
9. Ric
10. Christopher
11. Roxas_X
12. Penguin
13. Susannahmio
14. Twizzler0171
15. Princess Miyu
16. Ixist
17. Anoohilator
18. whhattisthiss
19. Uncle Xyzzy
20. Missy!
21. PuppyLover
22. Apex
23. mjrinella
24. LovioNeko
25. Pipsqueeek

Replacement Players:
DM was on fire!
Last edited by Pironious on Wed Mar 21, 2007 7:39 pm, edited 17 times in total.

Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:31 am


Sign me up :)

Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:34 am

*signs up*

Wow, I read all of that, and it's a lot to wrap my head around. It'll probably be a bit simpler when in action. :P

Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:39 am

I know I'm still kinda new here, but I've been avidly following the last two WW's. I'd like to give it a try, so sign me up!

Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:40 am

Sign me up. x3

Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:41 am

I wanted first, Piro. :(

Sign Tanner up.

Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:21 am

Sign up.
I'm looking forward to this busy busy game.

Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:59 am

lol, demanding I not complain about it? :P

I would like to play. :)

Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:12 am

S-s-s-sing me up!

Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:08 am

Sign me up.

This game seems complicated, I doubt my small brain will be able to cope.

Sing Pixa?

Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:31 am

Chris signs up, slaughters all.

Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:52 am

*shigns up*

Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:29 am

sign me up, si vous plait

Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:37 am

Sign me up

Tue Mar 20, 2007 12:07 pm

Sign me up, please! ^^
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