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Werewolf: Battle of the Bands (Graveyard Thread)

Sun Nov 19, 2006 8:27 pm

This is for dead or nonplaying people to discuss the game.

Rules are as follows:

-If you’re dead, you are exactly that- no longer alive. You’re allowed to talk to live players about the game, but you may not reveal any vital information that would change the flow of the game. You are allowed to share suspicions, but you cannot say “The night before I died I dreamt of soandso and they came out evil”. As stated, you MAY say “I think soandso is evil”, but providing any solid evidence of this that you have found out is not allowed. It’s the innocents' job to figure it out, and you can only share what you THINK, not what you KNOW. Meaning you CAN tell an innocent about a baddie you dreamt was evil, but you can’t say you dreamt it. You can only say you believe so, and hope they believe you in return.
-The moment the graveyard thread is abused, it is taken down. I mean this seriously. If you are a dreamer, and you die before getting to reveal the results of your dream, you may not reveal anything you dreamt on the graveyard thread. You may not say anything that could alter the flow of the game in any way. For example, if everyone has built up a majority on Bob, but you hint that Joe could be a baddie, and everyone begins to vote for Joe- that’s not cool, folks. Remember. Once you’re dead, you’re dead. Proving innocence and guiltiness is up to the living players, not you.

Anyone who breaks these rules will owe me their first born child. Which will be promptly devoured by a hungry dragon. Got it? Good.

And if you don't have a child, you will be sacrificed in its place.

Sun Nov 19, 2006 8:30 pm

Queen: We are not the champions.

Uhm...any rezzers out there? Rez me plzkthxbai.

EDIT: Kugetsu, why is it in every WW game we're both in, you always seem to really want me dead?

Mon Nov 20, 2006 12:00 am

well I couldn't really finish the game anyway cause I'm gonna be gone for a few days so I guess this kinda works out in a weird way lol

Mon Nov 20, 2006 12:01 am

This is so unfortunate. :(

Mon Nov 20, 2006 12:11 am

:roll: I didn't even get to unleash the evil plan of doom...
Well, that was pretty rubbish. Poor Queen - fighting to the end? Nope.

Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:45 am

Man this sucks... =\ I was just starting to get into it >.< Why Dyl, why? ;_;

Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:45 am

Kugetsu: No, we were definitely in more than two. I remember one where you were posing as an innocent but was really evil (forget what our roles were), but you did try to get rid of me. There were a few others...and i do recall that you were the first person to ever try to get me killed via execution, which has never happened yet (ooh, jinxed that!).

Also, what else am I supposed to do in a team game besides bandwagon? I can't really shout 'so-and-so's evil!' as my reasoning. Besides, you killed a very valuable person...and also from the looks of it, you're not doing anything about the person I warned you about via PM right before I died. Trust me, you'd have probably been better off killing them instead.
Last edited by DiscordantNote on Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:59 pm

Let that be a lesson to anybody thinking of revealing their band name :P

And I really would have gone for Dyl, not me guys. I mean, Bangel said that the lack of evil teams may not mean the lack of evil itself. Dyl could kill somebody AND avoided an execution, that seems more evil than my dreamer like powers.

(Oh - and to answer an earlier question of Kugetsu's, I didn't avoid that execution on me - there's only one execution per day, as stated in the rules. Dyl must have be randomly selected or something...)

Come on guys - We've obviously got baddies, the druggers and the paparazzi at least. Don't kill of eachother because we're on different teams, try and kill off evil people.

Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:03 pm

Aw, I died.

That sucks. But I was JUST telling people I was going to die because people like killing me for some reason. You sicko's!

Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:14 am

Notice how Kugetsu is leading everybody, yea, you should kill him for that. Otherwise, when it turns out he's evil (which will invariably happen - Kugetsu is always evil :P), you'll have followed him down his yellow bricked road of death so far that all the innocents that could have stopped him are gone and you all die and horrible painful death of diefulness

This is in no way my attempt at getting revenge against him for voting me

Wed Nov 22, 2006 2:49 am


I had a useless ability, and then I die.

I could only guess groupies 3 times, so it was kind of useless. Never even bothered trying; the odds of success are TINY.

Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:55 am

Come on guys! You're running around like chickens with your heads cut off! We've had a bit of a laugh at the "lets kill of other teams", but lets face it, all the innocent teams are going to lose if we don't start killing some villains. Stop killing eachother "randomly" and start playing a proper game of Werewolf. Deal with the team aspect later.

Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:54 pm

I'm Bono. 8)

Wed Nov 22, 2006 10:28 pm

o_0 wrote:I'm Bono. 8)

And you're deeead! Yay!

Although, you're protection could have come in handy.

I needed protection.

Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:57 am

I was scared of the groupie catcher. Groupies forever!
*locks groupie catcher up in the afterlife*
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