Alright, many of you know I'm a big Kingdom Hearts fan. I'm a member of a KH roleplay board called
Debeo Memoria [/shameless plug] and in it I RP King Mickey Mouse. Yes, you read that right. What I need is
1) A Mickey-themed set for DM
2) Several sets for PPT
The size limits for DM are Avatar: 100x100 max, sig limitless just not TOO huge. For the PPT sets, things I like:
Red- Lots
Blue- some
Kingdom Hearts
Phantom of the Opera
Broadway in general
Jak & Daxter
Ratchet & Clank
Sly Cooper
Les Miserables
Harry Potter
As I'm not particularly active on Neopets, I've come up with an alternative prize. As some of you know, I'm a fanfiction author. I'm doing a Harry Potter fanficton called
The Darkness of Shadows (I know, stupid title. You got a better idea? Tell me!). The prizes are thus:
1st place in each catagory (PPT & DM): A semi-main character with a personality of your choice
2nd place in each catagory: A character with a few lines with a personality of your choice
All entries: your name (or a replacement name of your choice) in the sorting. Please put the name you'd like and your preferred house with your entry.
Contest Ends July 31 (Harry's B-Day)