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Excess of PPT Big Brother

Sun May 21, 2006 10:54 am


"Big Brother" is a television show that started off in The Netherlands. 12 housemates are sent into a house where they will be watched 24/7 by viewers, and voted off one by one.

They have to do special tasks, and nominate those to be up for eviction each week. Nominations may not be discussed.

The winner will receive money, the sum of which will go up and down during the show.

Obviously, it's not going to run like the television show; there will be twists and turns for the PPT Big Brother, so you're in for one heck of a ride.

How it's going to work

This game will need a little imagination; you have to imagine that you ARE in the Big Brother house, this stuff IS happening, money IS at stake.

However, there will really be a prize at the end, that is what you're working for. I'm not going to reveal it, it's going to be a surprise!

There will be some sort of action every day, whether it's a call to the diary room, a task, or an eviction! If you are called to the diary room, you must PM me with a subject of "DIARY ROOM". Big Brother (aka me!) will then PM you back with what you need to know. If multiple people are called to the diary room, they must all respond before Big Brother replies.

If you are given a task, you may not tell anybody else anything about it. You can decline it, however this is not recommended.

Each Monday, housemates should PM me with the subject NOMINATION; inside the PM must be the name of the person you want to leave the house. These nominations MUST NOT BE DISCUSSED! Anybody caught discussing them will be put on PROBATION. The 3 housemates with the most nominations will be put onto PROBATION, which means that Big Brother may ask them to leave at any point between Tuesday and Friday. One housemate on PROBATION will be randomly evicted at some point during this time.

Saturdays are SHOPPING DAYS. On this day, Big Brother must receive a list of food items which housemates want. You will be given a budget, which you have to stick to. You should take out and consume at least 2 items per housemate every day. The list of items in the food store are at the bottom of this post.

You'll pick it up as you go along :) But if you have any questions that haven't been answered, please PM me or IM me - it could just be something that slipped my mind to include!


- Lying and backstabbing is a huge role in this game. We love it. We pay you money for it. It is good.
- Talking about nominations, however is not good. Not good at all.
- Neither is quoting people without their permission.
- Don't whine if you get evicted.
- You need to post at least once per day


Items in Food Store

- 4 Sausages
- 2 1/2 Boxes of Cereal (each one lasts 4 servings)
- 109 Slices of Bread
- 0 Cheese Slices
- 4 1/2 Cans of Baked Beans (each lasts 2 servings)
- 0 Fairy Cakes
- 2 Bags of Popcorn

Big Brother may grant Housemates extra food at it's will.




Housemates on Probation



Housemates Immune To Eviction


Tuesday Activities:

- Out Of Character task



"Big Brother knows..."

Begin Gameplay.
Last edited by jellyoflight on Tue May 30, 2006 11:52 am, edited 22 times in total.

Sun May 21, 2006 11:05 am


The door slams shut behind you, with a huge bang; you have entered the Big Brother household.

A voice suddenly echos from a speaker somewhere...

"Will 3 housemates please come to the Diary Room. Big Brother would also like to remind housemates that discussing the game over instant messengers or emails is discouraged."

You'd better hop to it and decide...


Sun May 21, 2006 3:07 pm

We have to choose eh? Oh man. I'm not sure if it's going to be a good or bad thing.

Sun May 21, 2006 3:44 pm

Should we eat two portions of food each, each day? I'm getting rather peckish... and those fairy cakes are tempting me so...

Sun May 21, 2006 3:54 pm

"And so Stuart walked up to the fridge and said 'Oh mighty god of foodstuffages. Please give me a cake of the fairies with the colourful majesty of the rainbow on top, and s lice of the cheese from the Golden Cow Mooby.' And lo, the fridge opened for him and Stuart took a fairy cake and a cheese slice, wrapped the cake in the cheese and ate the new foodstuff. The end."

*Is backed away from by all, including the cameras*

Sun May 21, 2006 5:19 pm


...the diary room door shuts behind the 3 housemates...


Sun May 21, 2006 5:42 pm

*walks in with his lime green pants*

"I'd like a cheese sandwhich please!"

*boos and hisses come from the crowd of other houseguests*

"Don't take all of the bread!"

*turns around and glares at the houseguests*

"I've been on a diet lately and I thought I might splurge with the extra piece of bread. I'm jus' skin an' bones, ya know!" :O

*a random shoe... wrench... or maybe even a frying pan whizzes past his face*

"Ok... so I'll take a single sausage and a slice of bread then, barbarians!"

Sun May 21, 2006 5:44 pm

"Give me a fairy cake and a sausage. Now."

*uses asteriks to roleplay* "Bite me."

*pets her pet duck and sits in a corner reading the collective works of Suess*
Last edited by Bangel on Sun May 21, 2006 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun May 21, 2006 5:51 pm

I'll take a Fairy Cake and some of that Cheese you have. :)

Sun May 21, 2006 7:23 pm

*looks at everyone deciding what food they will eat and decides to go along*

"A fairy cake and some bread ought to do it."

Sun May 21, 2006 7:43 pm

I've started a trend!

Who can do the stupid quote each day? I think we should nominate someone.

Example of your skills needed:
'Do chick peas contain chickens?'

*eats two fairy cakes*

Sun May 21, 2006 7:48 pm

I think we should tell each other a little about our self, I'll start. Hi my name is Kidwaiy and I am 16. I live in Canada and I joined this game to win the prize and to have fun. Okay so who wants to talk about them self next?

Sun May 21, 2006 8:24 pm

"I'm Windeh and I'm not going to talk about myself, just in case I scare someone," she said. She walked over to the fridge and grabbed some cereales and a Fairy cake, and sprawled herself on the couch to eat.

Sun May 21, 2006 9:20 pm

Well I guess I'm going to have a Fairy Cake to. *Takes a Fairy Cake*

Sun May 21, 2006 9:41 pm

"My name is Dawn. I like ducks. My hair is like five different colors at the moment. I think mini m&ms are better than the regular ones. I'm not allergic to peanuts, eggs, or milk. I like songs with handclaps in them. I am the monster underneath your bed. Actually, I stole the monster thing from a song. But I could be the monster underneath your bed. It's entirely possible. Even plausible. Best not stick your feet out within arms length of your matress."
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