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Tue Apr 18, 2006 4:58 am

I decided to start a new thread because it was really annoying to try and find my page. Sooo.........

Benny Conundrum--A Lateral Thinking Puzzle

We haven't heard much from Benny the Pirate after the war in Maraqua. In fact, we haven't heard much from any of them. Here's what happened:

Captain Scarblade and Co. were prosecuted in a Maraquan war tribunal. They are currently being held in the same prison Garin was held in earlier.

Benny was in there too, but being the clever, butt-ugly Bruce he was, he managed to escape. The question is, how?

Here's how the scoring will work. The prize for this challenge will start at 25000 NP. For every question asked, it will decrease by 100. If it goes below that, it will actually start to decrease your pot! You may only ask 10 questions per post, and you may not post again until I have answered the questions asked. For instance, if you ask 5 questions immediately following this description, you will not be able to ask any more until I answer the first ones. You may still post theories, but I will neither confirm nor deny them. The questions must be asked in the form of a question, and they must be yes/no questions. If you really need help, and you aren't getting anywhere, you can ask ONE non-yes/no question between each of my posts. It will cost you 1000 NP, and it can't be anything that would give too much away. Good luck!

The 4th round has started now.
Last edited by theonlysaneone on Sat Aug 05, 2006 6:06 am, edited 3 times in total.

Tue Apr 18, 2006 5:43 am

1. Did any of it have anything to do with the guards? (eg. bribing, knocking out, tricking etc.)

2. Did he get help from outside sources?

3. Was he let go through a loophole in the law system (whatever kind of system it is)?

4. Did anything blow up?

5. Um... does it involve digging? :P

Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:21 pm

Just awaiting TOSO

Wed Apr 19, 2006 7:28 pm

I didn't follow the Maraqua plot, is this something that you'd need to have followed the plot to figure out?

Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:37 pm

amarise wrote:I didn't follow the Maraqua plot, is this something that you'd need to have followed the plot to figure out?

I'm thinking it's mostly just a lateral thinking puzzle thing but some background info from a few of your team mates could be helpful :)

Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:58 pm

I'm absolutely terrible at these. I've tried to follow some that have been around here before, and I get so confused. Hopefully this one won't be too bad o_O

Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:15 pm

amarise wrote:I didn't follow the Maraqua plot, is this something that you'd need to have followed the plot to figure out?

No, it's a normal puzzle with a catchy name that I had to justify. I won't count that, though.

Kugetsu wrote:1. Did any of it have anything to do with the guards? (eg. bribing, knocking out, tricking etc.)

2. Did he get help from outside sources?

3. Was he let go through a loophole in the law system (whatever kind of system it is)?

4. Did anything blow up?

5. Um... does it involve digging? :P

1. Yes
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. No

A hint: This isn't going to be one of those when you get it, you'll kick yourself because it was obvious. There are three specific pieces of information I'll want here, and they'll be a little abstract, but realistic. Also, the person who says the answer first will get a nice prize, like the ones before but a little different.

The pot for this challenge is at 24500.

Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:32 pm

1) Did he attack anyone?
2) Did he trick anyone?
3) Did he bribe anyone?

Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:52 am

Did he steal anything from the guards?
Are the guards his accomplice?
If it wasn't Benny but a random person in the jail, would he be able to get away by the same method?

Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:12 pm

Anoohilator wrote:1) Did he attack anyone?
2) Did he trick anyone?
3) Did he bribe anyone?

1. No
2. Yes
3. No

CWisgood wrote:Did he steal anything from the guards?
Are the guards his accomplice?
If it wasn't Benny but a random person in the jail, would he be able to get away by the same method?


The pot for this topic is 23900.

Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:06 am

Do his skills of the knives have anything to do with his escaping?

Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:01 pm

Was a disguise involved in Benny's escape?

Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:12 am

Do his skills of the knives have anything to do with his escaping?
LOL, no.

Was a disguise involved in Benny's escape?

Come on y'all, ask some more questions! This'll never end if you don't!

The pot for this part is 23700.

Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:01 am

I'm quite having fun just standing back and watching it all. :P Okay, here goes.

Was his escape something he planned in advance?
Did he use any tools to help him escape?
Did anyone see him escape?
Was he the only one to escape?
Did his escape involve some sort of game?

Sat Apr 22, 2006 6:11 am

amarise wrote:I'm quite having fun just standing back and watching it all. :P Okay, here goes.

Was his escape something he planned in advance?
Did he use any tools to help him escape?
Did anyone see him escape?
Was he the only one to escape?
Did his escape involve some sort of game?

No, no, no, yes, sort of but not really.

We're at 23200 now.
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