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PinkPT Subtext King/Queen 6---Final Round

Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:26 pm


Six. I’m having trouble coming up with anything witty. Just enjoy.


Every round, I will present you with a signature with no subtext. It will then be your job to think of a creative and unique subtext that goes with the signature. (You do not have to edit my signature with your subtext on it) Then, the judges will give comments on each subtext, and choose who will not be able to participate in the next round. The last contestant remaining will be crowned with the title of PPT Subtext King/Queen. One round lasts 5 days. Contestants receive 3 days to enter their subtexts, then judges get 2 days to judge.


1. Your subtext must be 100% your own. Stealing someone else's will result in you being disqualified. Quotes have been iffy in other competitions, so this time no quotes or lyrics from any song, movie, famous person ect.

2. Every post in this thread must be contest related.

3. Only contestants and judges may post.

4. Post something to do with Popeye when you sign up, so I know you have read these. Any signup that doesn't have anything to do with Popeye will not be counted.

5. If you are going to miss a round, contact me before hand and we can work something out. If you do not submit anything for the round, you are disqualified.

6. I have the right to remove any judge or contestant, if I feel it's needed.


To sign up, please post on the thread that you would like to play. Remember, if you sign up, you will have to participate or else you will be disqualified. If you have won before, it does not mean you cannot sign up again to play, but I suggest giving judging a try as well.


[b]Q: Can I submit a signature for the contest?

A: Yes, please! Just PM it to me. You can use it after the round is done as well. If you want to use one of the subtexts suggested for the signature, though, you'll have to PM the person who suggested it asking their permission.

Q: Can I submit a signature for the contest if I am in the contest?
A: Only if you have been eliminated. It wouldn't be fair if you knew what the next round would be ahead of everyone else.

Q: Can I use one of the sets from the contest?
A: If it is ok with the person who made it, sure. If you want to use one of the subtexts, please ask the author.

Q: How many contestants are allowed, and how do I sign up?
A: I will not put a limit to the number of contestants. However you will have to sign up before April 8.

Q: How many judges are allowed and how do I sign up?
A: I will need about 4 other judges. If you would like to judge, send me a PM explaining why you would make a good judge. Also, I would like you to judge this signature and the four sample subtexts. Choose one to eliminate. Judge the way you would in the contest.
A: In the heat of the night
B: An Opaque Opening
C: The Choice Tree
D: Shadows on the Savanna

Q: Can I donate any money towards the prizes?
A: Only if you really want to.


Winner 50,000 Neopoints
2nd Place 10,000 Neopoints
3rd Place 5,000 Neopoints
Everyone Who Participates 1,000 Neopoints

Previous Winners

PPTSKQ -- Robert
PPTSKQ2 -- Twinkle
PPTSKQ3 -- .:Requiem:.
PPTSKQ5 -- _jade_em_


Last edited by Robert on Tue May 16, 2006 8:05 pm, edited 13 times in total.

Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:55 pm

Ooh, this looks like fun. I'd like to play, and Popeye might want to also. :P

Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:58 pm

I'll give it a whirl...Worst that can happen is I'm voted out on the first round :P

Popeye and I definitely have something in common...we both really like spinach!

Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:13 pm

Me too please, I also likes me spinach! Arg!

Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:15 pm

Arrr... when I eat me spinach, I'm strong to ye finish!

Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:46 pm

I just... want to play. Without spinach.

Fri Mar 31, 2006 12:04 am

ill play

Fri Mar 31, 2006 12:13 am

I want to sign up please. Oh quick question, was it spinach that popeye didnt like?

Fri Mar 31, 2006 2:05 am

Nope, I think Popeye loves spinach. That's how he gets his big muscles. o_o;

Hey! It's healthy AND educational!

Yes, I'd like to join.

Fri Mar 31, 2006 2:13 am

I wanna join.

Hcanips :O.

Fri Mar 31, 2006 5:37 am

Popeye the Sailor Man... wants Twizzler to join if she can...

Whee. =)

Fri Mar 31, 2006 5:43 am

What the heck. I'll give it a go.

Fun Fact: Robin Williams once played Popeye.

Fri Mar 31, 2006 4:49 pm

I'll play :P

Fri Mar 31, 2006 7:07 pm

Um..I guess I'll join..

Popeyesuke! XD

Fri Mar 31, 2006 8:20 pm

Ooh, I did horrible in the last one, but I'll try this one! PS, I eat spinach. Yum.
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