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Excess of SSBM 2: Revenge of the Melee (Round 1-57)

Sat Jan 28, 2006 11:43 pm


Welcome to the next phase in this game. All the characters are healed up and ready to fight. I know I said I wouldn't start until 29/01/2006, but I operate on Tokyo time more often than not so :P

With this round comes new innovations to enhace the gameplay. I will try to ease you into them as they come along. All posts must be made after 1700 (5PM) in your timezone. I will try to update health, rules, weapons, etc anywhere from 1700 - 1800 PST due to my school schedule this quarter. Aside from weapons and specials, special rounds will not start for a few days.

New attack system: Only Hurts for -3 and Heals for +2. Also, it is required to chose a character for attacking and that character's victim, which is important since only attackers can use weapons, unless otherwise noted, and no other action can be done by the attacker. There are unlimited heals per character per round, but there will be a HP cap at 50 HP. Special moves will be handed out to a select few characters each round. If every character attacks in a round, the 'attack roster' is cleared and they may attack again.

Attack format:[Character A] attacks [Character B] for -3 damage’ [Do not forget the underline, red, and bold.]
Example attack: ‘Ness attacks Link for -3 damage
Example weapon use: ‘Zelda uses a Warp Star to deal -3 damage to Mr Game & Watch and Mewtwo.’

Heal format:[Character] heals for +2 HP [Do not forget the green and bold.]
Example heal: ‘Kirby heals for +2 HP

Special abilities: Each round a few characters will use a special ability. They can not attack or heal, other than what is listed in the special ability, and can only use the special ability as their action for the round. Most abilities are just stronger regular attacks or heals. Many have special effects that need to be considered when they are used. Some abilities are automatic and do not require a player to declare its use.

Examples of using abilities of most types (don’t forget the same format for damage and heals):
Luigi’s Fireball ability - ‘Luigi uses Fireball to hit Ice Climbers for -4 damage
Link’s Spin Attack - ‘Link uses Spin Attack to hit Zelda and Kirby for -3 damage each
Zelda’s Nayru’s Love - ‘Zelda uses Nayru’s Love to heal for +4 HP’ [Note: Nayru’s Love also reflects the next attack against Zelda back at the attacker or other effects to be revealed later.]
Ness’s PK Magnet - This is an automatic ability. Ness can not attack or heal, but absorbs all attacks sent his way for the current round.
Mewtwo’s Teleport - This is also automatic. Mewtwo can not attack, heal, or be attacked for the current round.

Kills will be awarded to the characters (since they are ones attacking) and posters (since they will be the ones telling who attacks and who dies). I want to honor the characters a little more and really show who the favorite characters are.

Characters will not die until the GM says so. That means that Roy can be at 1 HP, get hit for -3 twice, make one last attack or special move, and get hit again before the round is over. It adds a little bit more Melee to the experience. The last character and poster to deal damage will get credit for the kill.

As the next GM, I will not vote in any round, unless I have to. I am very biased when I play on GCN, but I will control myself. On the other hand, if special moves or weapons are not used, I might use them for you. Many actions I will make will be dictated by the laws of probability. I have each character’s name on little pieces of paper and will draw them at random when random actions and GM decisions are needed.

More weapons will be issued. There will be two or three weapons a round, but they won't be game altering, especially with the higher HP levels and the new battle system. All weapons are single use, unless otherwise noted. Using a weapon means the user will not get to make any more moves for the rest of the round. With the weapons, come strategy. All will be based on weapons in SSBM and all will have similar effects. There will be some rounds that are special events designed around an item.

Starting/Maximum HP = 50

Dr Mario----------------50
Purin (Jigglypuff)-------50
Capt Falcon-------------50
Ice Climbers-------------50
Young Link-------------50
Mr Game & Watch-----50

Round 1 Notes:
Since this is round one and every character is at the HP cap, there will be no healing this round since it is utterly pointless.

This Round's Weapons:
3 Fans - No damage, but the target can not attack or heal for the rest of the round.

This Round's Specials:
Capt Falcon - Falcon Punch: -5 damage to one character
Fox - Blaster: -1 damage to distributed any way for up to four characters
Ice Climbers - Blizzard: -2 damage to two characters. Targets can not heal for the rest of the round

Quick but important poll!
If you want to be polled (no need to enter), please post what timezone you are in, based on GMT. I am in PST which is GMT -8. This way I can keep track of double posts better. Thank you!
Last edited by Skynetmain on Sat Feb 18, 2006 11:48 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Sun Jan 29, 2006 12:02 am

6:00, here.

Ice Climbers use Blizzard to attack Fox and Captain Falcon for -2 each.

Sun Jan 29, 2006 12:14 am

Okay. After some strong arguments, all players are welcome as long as it is past 1700 (5PM) in their time. That means Nevada, MI, and NY can vote, but CA, HI, and Tonga are still out of luck.

Quick but important poll!
If you want to be polled (no need to enter), please post what timezone you are in, based on GMT. I am in PST which is GMT -8. This way I can keep track of double posts better. Thank you!
Last edited by Skynetmain on Sun Jan 29, 2006 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jan 29, 2006 12:15 am

*ish a little confused*

The whole 1700 rule. Is that 1700 sunday or saturday? And does that apply EVERY day(as in you are only allowed to post from 1700 to 2400 your time each day) or just to the start of the game? I really don't see the point in it... please clear it up.

Also with the special moves, does everyone use it or can just one person use it? Like say DK has his ground pound in a certain round,if I used the DK ground pound on Link, and someone else use the ground pound on Ness? Or once its used can no one else use it?

Thanks for clearing things up

Sun Jan 29, 2006 12:22 am

sirclucky wrote:*ish a little confused*

The whole 1700 rule. Is that 1700 sunday or saturday? And does that apply EVERY day(as in you are only allowed to post from 1700 to 2400 your time each day) or just to the start of the game? I really don't see the point in it... please clear it up.

Also with the special moves, does everyone use it or can just one person use it? Like say DK has his ground pound in a certain round,if I used the DK ground pound on Link, and someone else use the ground pound on Ness? Or once its used can no one else use it?

Thanks for clearing things up

Everyday at 1700 you are free to make another move. After 1700 today, you can attack. After 1700 tomorrow, you can attack again. You are only allowed one move in the 24 hr period from 1700 to 1659 the next day. Some players like Blk Mage and Christopher have learned to save their action until before their next turn so they can make two moves in a row. The rule is basically to limit players to one action a round and not have to wait for the GM (me) to tell you when to attack again. When MJ made the rule last game, it really helped the gameplay flow better since we didn't have to wait between updates.

Special moves can only be used once and by the character who uses it. It wouldn't make much sense for characters to use anothers' special move. Some specials will require explanation which I will provide when we get to them.

Sun Jan 29, 2006 12:30 am

Zelda attacks Pichu for -3 damage.

Timezone: EST (GMT -5)


Sun Jan 29, 2006 1:39 am

Capt Falcon use Falcon Punch to hit Ness for -5 damage

:o I hope that's right.

Still GMT.

Sun Jan 29, 2006 1:50 am

Pixa wrote:Capt Falcon use Falcon Punch to hit Ness for -5 damage

:o I hope that's right.

Still GMT.

That is correct.

Also, if you gave me your timezone before, there is no need to post it again since I wrote them down last time.

Sun Jan 29, 2006 2:42 am

Fox uses Blaster to hit Ness, Ice Climbers, Samus and Luigi for -1 damage each

Timezone is GMT -5 (did I give it to you last time? I forget XP)

Sun Jan 29, 2006 4:12 am

Sheik attacks Zelda for -3 damage.

Paradox. :O

Sun Jan 29, 2006 4:29 am

Link attacks Samus for -3 damage

Link: "..." (I will have revenge)

Sun Jan 29, 2006 4:49 am

Colours....gahhh. Good thing I copy and paste other people so I don't have to do the tags of death.=D

Pikachu attacks Ness for -3 damage

Sun Jan 29, 2006 2:56 pm

Pikachu attacks Samus for -3 damage

It's 4pm :P luckily I got online in time...

Sun Jan 29, 2006 5:46 pm

I forgot about this . . . I'm GMT -5.

Mario attacks Pichu for -3 damage

Sun Jan 29, 2006 5:53 pm

Wind wrote:Pikachu attacks Samus for -3 damage

It's 4pm :P luckily I got online in time...

Pikachu attacked already so I changed your attacker to Mr Game & Watch.

Characters can only attack once a round. Sorry for any confusion.
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