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LD Plot Poetry

Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:59 am

Hello y'all. For those following the LDP boards today, you may have noticed a ton of poems. As suggested, I'm starting a line to share my works. If anyone wants to comment or add, I'm willing to share space. Note: I want to reuse the first ode on the LDP boards (when I edit and add more content) if that is cool with any listening mods.

Free verse Ode to the LDP:

Tomos, Nabile, and Amira,
Traveling around Sakhmet and the areas around.
Jazin comes to town,
Riding his enslaved Uni.
Hey! That guy talked! Neopets rights must be notified!

The evil prince has the hots for the princess.
She just wants to chill.
Tomos and Nabile want to steal.
Grarrl shopkeeper wants to envoke Hammurabi's code.

When the fortune teller beckons,
The mysterious tablet.
Link to the Temple of 1000 Tombs... and one Gift Shop of 1000 Trinkets.
Maze of doors, symbols, colors and traps.
Find the statue. Read a scroll.
Darn lockouts!

Ra, Djo, Ahn, Saf, Kha, Tep, Nem, Kar, Set, Fer, Ben, Lat.
But no Stargate!
Gold, Red, Green, Silver, Blue, Black.
Rectangle, Triangle, Oval, Pentagon.
Match the riddle.
Find the statue.
River, Maze, Astral.
The libraries where you check out for 12hr.

Read the tablet and get scarabed.
Dump the prince and violate physical laws.
Lost in Qasala,
Tomos and Nabile step on bugs,
Find traps and map tombs.

Scroll repository, buried in sand.
Foreman will hit,
Will yell,
Will give time out.
Ruki build furniture,
Takes forever,
Lasts forever?
ID plays with chalk.
Ed will show us where to go.
Blasted thieves.

Carry the sand to civalization,
Sell for 8k NP!
Move a block,
Win a LDPB!
Move a ton of furniture,
What! It isn't over?!

Tomos survives the trap and finds an armory.
I want an armory.
Nabile reads the tablet.
No training necessary.
Scarabs fight the Qasalan Mummies.

Is that where the stolen furniture goes? (Thieving Scarabs.)
Is that portrait Nabile or a relative? (Future princess anyone?)
Ed is an Ann? (Not you Elric!)
Is Adam a Goa'uld? (Makes sense to me.)
What is up with all the Scamanders? (Hard to catch.)

Why, TNT, why?
Where are the clues?
More sand to move.
We want a Sand PB.
Hurry for the communal challenge.
Hurrah to PPT for all their help.
A tribute to Jasujo, ScottNak, Runevalkryie and all the mods.
Props to Elric, '10th Planet + moon', supRNurs, and all the rest for their fun and help.

When's the war?
The prizes better be worth it!

A Tribute to a Bored PPTer

Jojoneo needs a task.
Is the foreman the one to ask?
Will the teller tell us our fate?
Or do we need a new path to Sakhmet's gate?
Prince Jazan has a shady backstory.
While we wait here at the scroll repository.
The LDP seems to move real slow.
When it end, we will not know.
Work hard and prizes we'll find,
Hopefully before Ed leaves a blurry chalk line.

Poetry is starting to flow.
Fortunately, most is not that droll.
Homer we ain't.
Pentameter we cain't.

Haiku would be fun.
Too bad we have limited verse,
Or else this could work.

Seth has corrupted Adam.
The Muses have infused us.
I prefer Lady Isis.
Free verse will flow through the plot.
We will keep our eyes keen.

Running out of things to discuss.
The plot is set.
We are searching.
Watch out Neopia!
We are lurking!

Chokato Avie
Great mind hides behind furrowed
brow. supRNurs

Get back to work!
A poem by Sky

I don't mind losing health, but to 'gansta' rap?
Hit me in the head like a backhand slap.

Wrote an epic last night.
Guess that ain't tight.
Got to fight back with all my might,
If that a'ight.

Must work on plot now.
Fortunte teller is a Kau.
Jazan's magic makes us go wow.
But what do we do now?

Now were on a poetry craze.
Free verse leaves others in a haze.
Haiku knocks 'em back in a daze.
Rhyme is like a straight maze.

TNT will make the plot progress.
Adam is a Goa'uld, or in league with Seth.
Surely, we will have more success.
And my name ain't Sherly nor Beth.

For now, Elric will make comics.
I will do some math homework. Some involves conics.
And we'll all bust rhymes like Hooked on Phonics.

Adam is a Goa'uld,
Or he is in league with Seth.
We must fight the plot!

I hope y'all like them. Feel free to add more. I know I might.
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