For those topics one could describe as the forum equivalent of a twinkie. Word games, forum contests and giveaways are all the rage here.
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Wed Sep 28, 2005 4:11 am


You've been killed form the game. Too bad. But you still have rules to follow.

1) You cannot talk to any living player about the game via PM or off-board contacts (AIM, Phone, Teleportation, Mind transfusion, etc.)

2) Any speculations that you make on the Commentary must be backed up by proof. Violations will cause you to get banned.

3) Upon the death of 8 players, you can vote to revive 1 player as a zombie. That player will be able to live for only 1 day/night cycle. They can exercise any of their old role abilities, given that they haven't been passed on to any other player (ie: heir). After 1 day/night cycle, they die and return to the graveyard. This cannot be done day 11 & beyond.

For 8~11, a 75% majority is required.
12~17 players, 60% required.
18+ players, 50% required.

Pledge your revival vote in the following method:
REVIVE: (PErson C)

Your vote resets at the end of night. You cannot unvote your revive.

4) Separate Trivia questiosn will be givven so you can Have some fu n too Cheeky Tongue
Last edited by ScottNak on Sat Oct 01, 2005 5:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Sep 28, 2005 8:21 am

3 shots !!!! (three holes - presumably 3 shots to kill me!) - "I'm glad someone could resist the lures of the big game."

"It's all over people, we don't have a prayer!"
"yes Nedwin, but we have many more strumpets to incinerate." "Brothers and sisters, there is still a witch among us."
"Ok, we'll need laughter, religious enlightenment, gossip, that's Mrs. Lovejoy..."

back to gemma: Oh well that's to be expected, kill me in my first WW game on PPT and on day one. meh <.<

Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:51 am

Gemma so sad, i believe it was a grudge shot though imo. I wouldn't attack christopher atm either. And twizzler isn't a good choice either to vote, i mean she just replacing in inactive(note if there is a future inactive people I'd be willing to fill in, yep) Lets go innocents.

Edit: atleast the baddies got their act together knowing who to kill and whatnot, going this this killing off key members they'll win in no time.

Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:12 pm

Oh well.

Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:52 pm

Blk Mage wrote:Gemma so sad, i believe it was a grudge shot though imo.
Edit: atleast the baddies got their act together knowing who to kill and whatnot, going this this killing off key members they'll win in no time.

mmm, who hates me that much they want to kill me off first day? oh well, "them's the breaks" :)

BIC: I'll say a prayer for them :P

interesting lack of communication in this game

Fri Sep 30, 2005 2:06 am

I have my suspicions. I'll keep them to myself currently, though. Someone told me they were a part of the core family, which I needed to find. They talked about their role, and I believed them. I told them who I suspected of being Lisa, as well, and now we're both dead. We'll wait and see.

Fri Sep 30, 2005 2:23 am

It's probably the same person, but I knew only one of the core family members =/

Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:44 am

Darn, I died.

Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:37 pm

smurf. I think Scott forgot about me though, because I was supposed to get lists of things from him every night, and I never did...

Fri Sep 30, 2005 5:34 pm

... I was wondering why I didn't get a response from you...
I sent the whole invention list out! Never got a reply backk...
But now that I look at it it's not in the sent folder of my PMs...

Guys! Be sure to poke me if I forget to do something! There are a LOT of things going on. Clearly I was certain I had sent it but obviously it didn't go through...

But for what its worth, for how long you lived so far you should've only one string...

(EDIT) I just found what I did. I accidentally sent it to Requiem and not .:Requiem:. i have you written down without the .: :.'s in all my sheets and I guess I accidentally kept it that way when sending...

Fri Sep 30, 2005 5:46 pm

Well, I know who killed me, so if the inventions did anything worhtwhile I'd be alive right now <.<

Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:06 pm

I am so sorry for being inactive in the game but I couldn't get online for 2 days... I was too busy. -.- Sorry Innocents.

Note: Executing Inactives doesn't work. I am proof...

Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:47 pm

*shakes head* No invention would've helped what happened.
In any case... do go ahead and tell me who you think and why (if you want that is) I do like to hear stuff behind the scenes :P

Sat Oct 01, 2005 5:16 am

Anybody care to resurrect me ?? Vigilante babies are always a handy thing to have in a game, especially one as cool and as cute as Maggie. I mean, who would kill a cute widdle baby like myself ??

Sat Oct 01, 2005 5:29 am

As a note, ability 3 of the deadies is now active with the 8th person killed in the game. Remember, at this point you will require a 75% majority to resurrect someone. (6 people)

I'm also extending the limit date til Day 11, I never imagined it'd take 5 days to reach this level :P
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