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Werewolf 7 GRAVEYARD (Excess)

Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:07 am

Werewolf 7 GRAVEYARD

* Those who are not playing the game or have died playing the game.
* You cannot communicate privately with those who are still alive in the game
* Soul Steals are activated with 11 dead souls and 60% approval.
* To Soul steal say simply: Soul Steal: Person A.
* You only get 1 soul steal
* If you cannot get the 60% by the end of night it resets.

It has been a while. Perhaps you have forgotten what this game is all about. Well, its just simply a game of survival. Outlive the other "teams" before they eliminate you. Generally, the townsfolk will need to eliminate all evil. And Generally an evil team must eliminate everyone else. ... Generally.

Every day you will get the opportunity to execute someone, and every night the evil people will get the same chance to kill someone.

Bare-bone outline
Execution occurs at 6:00:00 PM NST (Pacific)
Night ends at 6:45:00 PM NST.

Lists may be sent ANYTIME for that day/night cycle, unless you are constricted by your role.

All times are with respect to PPT time. If your timestamp reads 6:00 (or 6:45 at night) or later it will be considered NULL and VOID.

1. Rules are ABSOLUTELY given out randomly. Just because someone was something last time, does not mean anything for this time.

2. Things that have occured in past games should not be compared to what happens this game. Games are unique.

3. Once you have died in this game, you may no longer post. You may continue in the Graveyard however.

4. NEVER claim that I HAVE SAID SOMETHING and you are saying it for me. This also includes modeling and making up ANY PMs THAT LOOK LIKE A ROLE SHEET.

5. In addition, you may not COPY ANY PMs in ANY form (Screen Shot, Quoting, Forwarding, etc.) unless given EXPLICIT instructions. Failure to follow this rule is automatic death.

6. Activity is important. I will make random activity checks during this game. If I feel you have not been as active as I would like you to have been, you will be given a 24-hour PM warning. After that, you will be modkilled.

7. If you are modkilled or leave the game under your own will, you are considered obliterated from the game. Meaning, you cannot take part in any post-living activities OR post in the Graveyard.

8. Lying is part of the game. Remember this.

9. You may never vote for yourself directly.

10. You cannot post private conversations on the gamethread or commentary without the other person first giving me permission via PMs. If and only if that occurs, I will give you the green light to do so.

11. Please write the name of your role on the subject line of your PM to me whenever doing so. (Makes my life easier)

You have 2 votes to use. You cannot use both votes on the same person.

You must use the following format:
Vote: Person A
Vote: Person B

If you want a change in votes:
UNVOTE: Person B
Vote: Person C

Note that if you do not properly unvote and you end up voting for a 3rd person, that vote will be ignored.

If you wish to vote for a NO EXECUTION
Vote: No Execution (something to this idea)

If you vote for a NO EXECUTION, all votes for anyone else are removed.
If you vote for SOMEONE after voting NO EXECUTION, your vote for No Execution is removed.

I will make summaries as often as I can or when I see fit. Anyone may post summaries, however, nothing is official unless done by myself.

51% is required for majority and 1 execution.
75% is required to lock a vote for 1 execution.
If and only if a 75% is achieved and another 51% is also, can you have 2 executions.

Ties result in another method to determine the result.


Night begins immediately after the execution scene.

"LISTS" must be sent before 6:45.

Protections occur first.
Then killings will occur in the order given to me.
Then all other roles will follow in order as well (unless otherwise stated)

Secret Powers

1. You cannot say that you have one, or falsely say you have one that is in the game. If you do, consequences will occur.
2. Once you get the results of the power, and all uses have been used up, you may reveal what you could do.
3. If you are on a TEAM, you may discuss it with each other, but I will say so in your PM.
4. If you are confused on what you can do, or even have slightest doubts, please PM me to ask.
5. Consequences are harsh for prematurely revealing a Special Power... They will depend on the severity.

Soul Steals will be explained at a later time.

1) Just tell me ;)
2) List all NNV games you are participating in.

Projected schedule
Closing of signups: Thursday

Start of game: Saturday or Sunday

Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:09 am

Lets start the festivities by goingggg
Soul Steal:o_0

Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:09 am

I think we should too. It's easier when there's less people, from what I've seen.


Soul Steal: o_0

Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:11 am

Soul Steal: o_0

Might as well, before more people die and it gets harder to do this.
Last edited by Lass on Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:11 am

Alex wrote:I think we should too. It's easier when there's less people, from what I've seen.


Soul Steal: o_0

Yep since later on in the game, you have to contact people about it and stuff and it gets quite complicated.

Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:12 am

Sock: Revealing the name of the Zombies. Now I don't have to go Baddie *cough* team all the time. :P

Ah, and finally, we're getting to the good part again! :D

Soul Steal: o_0

Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:12 am

Well, we're up to 3 out of 8 :P

EDIT: make that 4 :P

Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:13 am

I just checked the tablet, and look at day 3...i find it quite hilarious.xp and yay for almost half way done!

Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:16 am

Soul Steal: o_0

I wanted to soul steal "wierd choice" more though. :/

So that...5?

And did anyone notice that sirclucky got 2 lives (said on the chalkboard?)

Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:17 am

YesItIsh wrote:Soul Steal: o_0

I wanted to soul steal "wierd choice" more though. :/

So that...5?

And did anyone notice that sirclucky got 2 lives (said on the chalkboard?)

That would be a mistake ^_^
I'll fix that tomorrow

Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:30 am

Soul Steal: o_0

Maybe we'll actually soul steal this time...

And, if my mind math is correct, we've gotten 60%, but don't hold me to it...

Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:34 am

Nope, we've only got 6 out of 13 dead.

Two more to go!

Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:42 am

Alex wrote:Nope, we've only got 6 out of 13 dead.

Two more to go!

Ok, it's time for me to go to bed.... I thought there were only 8 dead... *smacks self in head* :oops: Does anyone else think I should skip my math homework tonite?

Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:44 am

JellyFish72 wrote:
Alex wrote:Nope, we've only got 6 out of 13 dead.

Two more to go!

Ok, it's time for me to go to bed.... I thought there were only 8 dead... *smacks self in head* :oops: Does anyone else think I should skip my math homework tonite?

I think neither of you should. :P We need eight deadies to vote to Lynch, err, Soul Steal o_0 before it'll happen.

And Sirclucky... Dark Roses are myths of the imagination here. 'Tis Mafia that are the shooters with the guns here. 0:) Been playing too much on IDB, I believe...

Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:45 am

Meh. Ok.

Vote: o_0
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