Welcome to the first (and most likely last) ever Help Hannah contest, based on the Hannah and the Pirate Caves game, hosted by yours truly! This is a contest that will test your wits and knowledge! This is sort of like the Lenny Conundrum. Only better.
1. PM me to enter. Posting "I'll join!" on the board won't enter you.
2. After you've entered, I will give you a link to the first Help Hannah Puzzle. If you don't have Microsoft Word, mention that to me, because then I'll have to convert it to a friendlier format.
3. All answers will be PMed to me. If you get them all right, I will PM you with the next puzzle. If they're wrong, I'll PM you telling you so. You may try as many times as you like.
4. If you successfully complete the first puzzle (all answers correct), I will give you a link to the second puzzle. And so on for the third.
5. The first person to have completed all three puzzles correctly will win a prize! Everyone who enters will get some sort of reward. (More prize info below.)
6. The contest ends
March 1st!
Edit: I'm going to let this run another month.
7. No more entrants after
Feb. 28
8. Absolutely
Working with partners.
Giving answers or hints on the board.
Cheating (obviously).
Asking for help from someone.
Posting the puzzle URLs (other than the first one.)
9. I reserve all rights to alter these rules in any way if I see fit...blahblahblah.....
10. New Rule! You CAN use a calculator or the computer to help you find your answers.
First place will get a random piece of the lab map and 10,000np!
Second place will get 10 dung items (for the avatar) and 5,000np!
Third place will get 10 random books and 2,500np!
Everyone else will get a snowball...or something. PM or Neomail me with ideas.
People Entered and Current puzzle status
Qanda - Dropped out
vortexion - Third Place Winner! (Picked up Prize)
watericesage - Recieved #1
Messs17 - Recieved #1
YesItIsh - Second Place Winner! +1,000np bonus (Picked up Prize)
o_0 - First Place Winner! +1,000np bonus (Picked up Prize)
Eidolon - Recieved #1
Alex - Recieved #1
jabond102 - Picked up Prize
.:Requiem:. - Picked up Prize
Zega - Recieved #1
Urthdigger - Recieved #1
dargonz - Recieved #1
Last edited by
cat1205123 on Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:16 pm, edited 18 times in total.