In the future, computers will dominate Earth. They will be everywhere: A robot will clean your windows, a robot will help you with your mortgage, and the President of Earth will be a cyborg. As a human, you will be slaughtered at times. Although the robots have refrained from hurting humans in the past, it's starting again. They want to install a microchip into your brain and alter your DNA so that your childrens won't even need microchips to be cyborgs: They will be born cyborgs. As a human, your rights will be simple: Eat, sleep, shower, and work. You will receive an energy tablet with every essential vitamin and mineral. It will be packed with a high number of calories, and high amounts of fat and carbohydrates. As they continue to surgically remove your human DNA, your children will become less human. Eventually, the only thing they will have making them part human is a soul. They might take that away as well.
As the local computer whiz, you are strangely removed from society. Although you are the only one smart enough to make anything to fight the robots back, they generally hate you. After all, they think, you are the one who makes these robots. You are the enemy. But it hasn't always been. You are one of the few who, when you were born, something went wrong. Although you are completely and utterly human, you also happen to be completely and utterly machine. You are the Alter Ego. You are the one who can connect yourself to the internet and fight the machines. There are six more like you, making seven Alter Egos. They all have a computer form in which they may be any beast or creature. They also have a human form, just like you. There is now a virus running through your computer form. You will wake up in fifteen mintutes, part of the internet, totally unaware of this conversation. Good luck. And good bye.
Basically, you must fight off robotic forms, until eventually humans take back Earth. Also, note that there are no descriptions for your character. If you need those, I would ask thaT YOU DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN THIS rp.