The kings castle was quiet, untill a meseenger rushed in and informed the king that the peasents had started a rebellion, the king, showing no mercy sent out his soilders, it was peasent against soldger. Their had only been a few fights, the main battle was going to take place in a week or so. The soilders were going about their normal buisness, the peasents were preparing.
[You can be a soilder or a peasent. I am going to be a peasent.]
Personality:Funny, sweet, kind, and real go-getter.
Apperence:Blonde hair, tanned skin, and a few freckels.
likes:Horses and animals.
dislikes:spiders, scorpions, people who dislike her.
Alanna helped the older boys, she was an experienced archer, and quite ood wit a sword and axe. They only had a week, and they were going to use their time, and make themselves unbeatable!