Alex grabbed a roll from the middle of the table. She smothered it in butter, which was nearby. She then took a bite out of it. It was the best food she had ever tasted. The warmness spread all throughout her body, way down to her toes. She took two more of the rolls, and felt the same effect. She then noticed an informal bucket of KFC chicken at the end of the table. Alex hurriedly scrambled to pick it up, but as she got there, someone else put a hand towards the bucket.
((Feel free to be that person, anybody...
And Twizzler, I'll take over you character. The more characters, the merrier. Unless Anime Queen would like to give someone else a turn at two characters. I'm also willing to take on Sora's character. Or I'll just say in all- if any characters need taking-over, I'll take them. I'm up to the challenge.