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 Post subject: Renegades [Joint GC -- Emy Chan][Accepting Side Characters]
PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:54 pm 
Beyond Godly
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[Well, I'm certainly back after a little while, now, as a lurker. Today I realised just how much I really really missed RPing with my old crew and friends (most of whom are gone), but after a brief, "Please make an RP with me" directed in the general direction of Emy Chan (too many directions), we decided to make one together, with Emy providing much of the story and myself eating dinner at the time. Enjoy, as Emy strived to create this for you, and I strived to eat. It was with much argument, XDing, and strife, that we present... our newest RP!]

Genetic experimentation took a new turn after the Nathi war, circa 4578, when Earth was a smouldering hulk and the humans a dying race. It was the norm to witness disappearances happen for no reason, and for mutants to walk to the blackened city streets, the 90% of the experiments who failed. The motivation was the true "perfection" - and out of this idealism, a crazed, hopeful religion sprang out of the chars of humanity, and sprang the world back into shape.

Now Earth, or renamed "Deius Mundus" - The God's world, consists of two distinct societies - the slums, the charred cities, which contain the mutant rejects and the exiles, and the white, pure, sky hugging cities of the Godworld, where it is an honour to offer yourself for experimentation in search of the true perfect image.

Out of this, came a new breed of humans, spliced of human genes and precious gemstones using techniques thought forgotten. They were not mutants, or runts, but truly the "perfection" the Godpeople had been seeking.

They were beautiful baby girls, all of whom showed special developments as they progressed. Each shade of iris in the children was different, their hair thick and curled, varying as much in colour as the eye colours. Dappled markings and stripes highlighted their olive skins, and tiny gems inset on their hands and foreheads seemed to permit a basic telepathy of feelings and emotions between the eight children (although they were not all genetically related, apart from the third pair created).
Upon reaching the age of three, all eight had mastered what was known as Universal basic, and four or five other less used dialects. They all excelled at the tutoring administered, and proved adept at weapon wielding, navigation, crafting and various other intellectual and physical challenges thrown at them to "test" their perfection. At the age of twelve, each child began to develop their own "talents", as it were.

Lazuli, so named for her deep blue eyes, hair and gems, was particularly trustworthy and brave, albeit a committed tomboy, and could manipulate water on a purely atomic level, bending it to her will.

Ruby was a fiesty child who was passionate and fierce, and had a habit of making things self combust into spectacular bouts of flame at will when she was angry.

Citrine was a sunny and bright child, who had a love of the sun, and was able to send blinding flashes of light, which seemed to be able to cause damage on a physical level as well.

Amber shared Citrine's talents, but was more adept at sending lasers of light than Citrine, who seemed loathe to damage anything, while Amber relished in her powers.

Jade and Emerald were a scientist's fluke which caused them to replicate each other. Both share the potent talent of being much more telepathic than any of the other girls, and sharing a special bond with each other. The both also had a calming effect on anyone who comes into close contact, and the power to simply produce organic matter where seemingly nothing would grow, and experienced a simply joy of life none of the other's experienced in their cramped, lab conditions.

Amethyst was ever a serious and committed child, even from an early age, although the children matured much faster than human children. She was a bookworm, and devoured any text set in front of her. Her powers were purely physic, and she was able to deal out huge mental pain, which started as headaches but progressed into knocking people out by the age of seven.

Opal was a quiet and reserved child, capable of bringing seemingly the best out of any person, and cure sadness. She varied in moods, and also in powers - she seemed to be able to produce each power of her "siblings" in turn, but never on demand, which puzzled her examiners.

The children proceeded to live under examination until roughly the age of 17, where they were deemed fully mature but still the image of a 17-year old human. It was then they learnt of the plan to use their powers to rid the Godpeople of the slums of the earth, who had been causing distress, murders and robberies amongst the lower towers of the Godcity. Enraged, the children proceeded to destroy the laboratory they were contained in, along with the humans in it, under what appeared to be a blood-rage - they had absolutely no conscious memory of it until after it occurred.

Our story starts in the slums of the Earth.

Please put "I've read the desc." in your first post to signify you've read this. I know it's long but you need to know it. Please only take a character if you ARE VERY VERY SURE you are going to roleplay it throughout. If you leave this RP/are inactive for a long time, we will replace you. :(

Lapuliz (lapis lazuli) - blue (taken by Anubis).

Ruby - red (taken by Emy).

Citrine - orange (taken by (*Dranzer*)).

Amber - yellow (take by Tryske Rainbreeze)

Jade (taken by Alisquid)
Emerald - identical twins, green (taken by Alisquid).

Amethyst - purple (taken by .:Requiem:.).

Opal - creamy white/multicoloured (taken by Twizzler0171).

|| Set // WIS < 33 ||

Last edited by Anubis on Sun Feb 06, 2005 1:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 8:40 pm 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly

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||Gah. Blue is always taken, isn't it. Pfft. Screw colorblindness. *kicks* Purple being the closest thing I know of, I'll take Amethyst.

EDIT: Oops, almost forgot: I've read the desc.||

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 9:34 pm 
PPT Toddler
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{ ooc || I've read the desc, but instead of claiming one (yet), was wondering if it was possible to change one of the girls to a boy. If this is allowed, I suppose I'll join... Though I don't know how active I'd be this weekend...}

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 9:41 pm 
Beyond Godly
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shavynel wrote:
{ ooc || I've read the desc, but instead of claiming one (yet), was wondering if it was possible to change one of the girls to a boy. If this is allowed, I suppose I'll join... Though I don't know how active I'd be this weekend...}

[Unfortunately, this is not possible. Me and Emy argued in ridiculous cascades about this as I never play a girl character, but she wouldn't give in. The best thing you can do is make your character a tomboy, like mine. Sorry again, and I hope you're not put off.]

|| Set // WIS < 33 ||

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 9:55 pm 
PPT Toddler
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{ ooc: O_o;; (I'll probably join one way or another in the end, anyways) ... but if not that, then is it possible to play a side character? }

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:13 pm 
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(Ooh, sounds fun. I'm interested in taking Opal. :) Whoops, mind is on too many things at once. ^_^' I've read the desc.)

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

Last edited by Twizzler0171 on Sun Feb 06, 2005 12:12 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:35 pm 
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((I've read the desc, it looks really spiffy, may I take Jade and Emerald? I like playing twins because, well, I am one :P.))

Lovely set by the equally lovely Silja!

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 12:03 am 
PPT Toddler
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(I'll take Amber! Psst...I' THE DESC.!!!!)

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 1:16 am 

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Awww... I missed out on Opal.. "I've read the desc."

I'll take Citrine.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 9:38 am 
Beyond Godly
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shavynel wrote:
{ ooc: O_o;; (I'll probably join one way or another in the end, anyways) ... but if not that, then is it possible to play a side character? }

[Sure, joining as a side character would be okay to do, I'm sure, though I'd need to consult with Emy about it as the spaces filled up so quick and I'd need to ask her whether we should repoen it for side characters.

Alisquid - would it be possible if you only took Emerald? As Jade wanted to join, as Jade, and I got the impression from Emy that Jade and Emerald would be played be separate RPers.

As it is, thanks for joining, and we can start. ^.^

Oh yeah, and we all need to be quite wary of slipping into Mary Sue action here, as we could (well, I could) get pretty over the top with the powers, and such.]

Lapuliz held her hand on her neck, fingering the silver choker set with blue stones that twisted its way around it. She was leant against one of the walls in the slum. The seven other teenagers were also in the slum, and she largely wanted to get out.

She had been cramped up in this position for a few hours. It had been a joint desicion among the group to lie low, and though Lapuliz had agreed verbally, silently she wanted to leave and get a little bit of fresh air.

After trashing the laboratory, the eight teenagers had run for their lives, towards the slums of Godcity, which they had been going to destroy, had they not found out. Lapuliz secretly revelled in the fact that she had trashed the laboratory... even without knowing it. If she had had any conscious feeling at the time, that would probably have been what she would do.

She stretched her legs out a little bit, and hit one of the other eight children by accident. She looked up to see exactly who it was.

[Yeah, it can be yourr character before you ask.

Okay, I tried to introduce a little backstory here, so a bit of Godmoding. *shrug* I'm rusty, haven't RPed for aaaages, what can I say?]

|| Set // WIS < 33 ||

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 1:20 pm 
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[OOC: oh-me-gee, this filled up quick. Glad you guys liked the idea. Sorry about the fact they're all girls, but yes, they shall stay that way.

I am willing to open up two or three spaces as side characters (male or female) though, and they would be people that live in the "slums", or the so-called mutants. :evil: If you would like to play one of those characters, jump right in. I'll ask Liv to change the title.

Oh, and I'm sorry, maybe I didn't specify, but yes, Jade and Emerald are seperate characters. ^^; But it is great that you will actually know what being a twin is like Alisquid! Experience into RP and all that jazz. X3 ]

Ruby rubbed the bruises on the side of her neck anxiously, shifted from foot to foot. Twilight eased it's way through the ruined buildings, and the collapsed tin roof that they were sheltering behind cast long shadows across the rubble-strewn road.

Unconciously her glance flicked over the group of teenagers, and felt Lapuliz hit her leg. She grinned, sensing the tension and fatigue amongst the group. She was loathe to ask any of them to move on, as they should do, as she herself was nursing minor wounds and was sure others would be as well.


otherwise known as the one who left PPT...and now lurks. *evil laughter*

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 2:33 pm 
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[Well, if Alisquid really, desperately wants to play both Jade and Emerald, then I won't complain, seeing as she has every right to take the char(s) she wants as she got there first.

Though, as Liv said, I would really like to join as Jade ^_^]


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 3:13 pm 
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_jade_em_ wrote:
[Well, if Alisquid really, desperately wants to play both Jade and Emerald, then I won't complain, seeing as she has every right to take the char(s) she wants as she got there first.

Though, as Liv said, I would really like to join as Jade ^_^]

[OOC: It's up to Alisquid and you to sort it out, really, but it would be great if you could both play (Alisquid as Emerald and Jade as...well, Jade.) ]


otherwise known as the one who left PPT...and now lurks. *evil laughter*

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 5:19 pm 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly

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||Aahh...real RP at last..fear my rustiness||

Amethyst stared blankly at the opposite wall. She hated being in here, cramped among all her 'siblings', the 7 others from th lab. Ivery inch of her was stiff, dore, or bruised. She was sick of this! When would they be abke to leave.

She clenched her fist, feeling the gem inset in her palm. (er..I guess I'm just kind of assuming it's the palm. It only said 'hand' in the desc. If you meant it to be otherwise I'll change that.) Feeling the gem gave her a sort of comfort, and she relaxed slightly against the hard stone wall.

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 8:18 pm 
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_jade_em_ wrote:
[Well, if Alisquid really, desperately wants to play both Jade and Emerald, then I won't complain, seeing as she has every right to take the char(s) she wants as she got there first.

Though, as Liv said, I would really like to join as Jade ^_^]

((No, 'tis fine, but since were twins, we can plot over PM so we don't god mob. It'll be fun! I'll make a post later, I'm in a little bit of a hurry now. ))

Lovely set by the equally lovely Silja!

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