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 Post subject: Helpless
PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 6:05 am 

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Joined: Fri Jun 04, 2004 5:14 am
Location: Probably in my room most likely
A pup of a siberian husky wolf lie next to the bottom of a tree trunk. His paw all wet from licking it and from dipping it into the lake. He walks inside a burrow of his and lies in the back, wimpering slightly. His mother had died from a hunter and father was pushed off a cliff by another wolf. He had no one but himself and his brother disappeared. He smell something in the air and growl he knew another wolf was there. A twig broke. Sounds like they are coming closer, or it could be a hunter with his dog. Sounded like a paw of an alpha male or female. It could of been the boot of a hunter though. The young male pup stay quite. The scent it smelled

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 4:37 am 
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* a hoof upon a twig. A tall, red-roan draft-horse filly stepped into the clearing, curious at what the strange creature in the burrow beneath the tree roods could be. She gave little nickering noises, shaking her blood-red mane in confusion, eyes gleaming and illuminated by the moon. What could the strange smell here be?*


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 5:36 am 
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The fox glanced up, ready to flee. There was a noise, but what was it? She galnced around to where the wolf's den had been. She smelled one of the pups, but where was the other? There was something strange in front of it... like a deer, but more sturdy. She flicked her ears back, wary of the strange new creature.

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 7:15 pm 

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Auds pricked up in fright, a coon hound noticed scent of fox. Caudal wagging, it licked it's lips. As he stalked t'ward the smell, optics glanced upward. He barked at the filly playfully, appendages lifting his form to the air once or twice. Plaque-covered canines indicated that he was a stray. A blue tick coon hound he was, a torn ear showing his fights. He suddenly stopped. Glancing down t'ward the hole, he got down 'pon haunches to see the pup. Panting slowly, caudal stood on end, cocking an aud. He took the pup's nape in his teeth, pulling the pup out slowly but carefully. Setting the pup 'pon the soft grass to his right, he whimpered softly. Somethin' wrong, young'n? Where's yer momma? He sat upright 'pon haunches, tail wagging softly.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 11:47 pm 
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Location: The Forests of Thought
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The fox edged uneasily towards the blue tic. They usually did not bother foxes, but they were still of that type. She got in close enough just to hear the hound's words, and in reply answered. "I know not of his mother, though his father's death did I witness. Deep in the bushes, did I hide, unheard among the trees."

(Oh, great. I'm stuck with a rhyming fox. :roflol: )

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 6:56 am 

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Location: Probably in my room most likely
(sorry I took so long...Forgot my password...)

The wolf lie to the right of this creature.....He stay silent with the weakness of his whimpering dieing, "She, She, She died....." He said stuttering as trying to say that....."My whole family. They be dead from other creatures and hunters." he spoke then quiet again he became looking at his paw.....He stepped on a knife that a hunter had dropped while running from one to his burrow earlier that day.....

Names I go by:

Shorty (most used)

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:21 pm 

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Location: Somewhere with access to the Internet.
A small frown lined his face. Again, he spoke, Ye need someone to take care of ya. Heck, yer all alone, little'un. Auds layed back 'gainst his head, depressed a bit. He hated to see pups in such trouble. His tail wagged slowly as he nudged the pup with the tip of his maw, pink appendage outstretching from behind closed ivories to give the young one a gentle lick. He lay down, resting tired paws.

'Ello! I'm Bug, and well...Um...-snatches your peanutbutter- MINE!

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