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PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:47 am 
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Silver sat up dazed, "Damn my weak human body," she mumbled under her breath. She looked up at the harpy and began to growl threateningly. A strange looking girl entered the museum in a Pink Chinese Dress, she pulled a sword out from her broom and began slashing at the harpy.

Silver carefully stood up and cracked her knuckles, she watched the harpy with acute eyesight and then ran for the wall to the right of her. Jumping with increased agility she stepped up the wall and landed on the rafter one away from where the harpy way. Roaring fiercly she leaped and caught the harpy mid-jump. Both of them were forced off the rafter by her motion and they landed in a heap on the floor. "You can't get rid of me that easily harpie," she smirked.


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:21 pm 
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The Harpie shrieked as the newcomer slashed her. "You fool, Vampire! Now you shall pay!" Hissing, the Harpie scratched at the girl.

Kivo did not wait to see if the Harpie missed or not. With a burst of concentration, he lifted a few bones of the Brontosaurus, and pelted the Harpie with them. The Harpie hissed once more, turning to see who had thrown the bones at her. No one was to be seen in that direction.

Kivo grinned. His plan was working perfectly.

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 9:06 pm 
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"Too slow" She said as she dodged the Harpie's claw. "Rule one in combat. Don't say when you're gonna attack." she said. And as the bones hit the Harpy thereby distracting it Kohaku did 2 slashes across the Harpies chest. "Say it after the fact."

WhitEdit: Careful not to God-Mod. See the rules for more information.

Image Haro Haro Haro!
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:09 pm 
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"Hiss! Count Dracula will get you, one way or another! This I know for a fact, fools! Already, he has gotten many whom have betrayed him! You shall be next..." the Harpie shrieked as once again, bones hit her. She glared at Kivo, suddenly realising it was he.

"And you... of all those here, even the Vampire with the sword... you shall pay. Your little friend is doing all she can to resist the Count. She is important to his plan, and she will not voluntarily join him. So, you shall pay for her mistakes..."

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 12:36 am 
PPT Baby
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Aary stood where she was, the ground reeling about her. Belatedly, she realized that the sun was up, and she had not yet had anything to fill her stomach, so to speak. She narrowed her eyes, trying vainly to bring the harpie's face into focus. Was there something familiar about that face? She couldn't decide. The floor undulated in her vision, and she toppled over in a dead faint.

((just fyi, i'm not going to be able to post until next week, as i really need to finish this application... if needed, drag aary wherever =] ))


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 7:15 am 
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((pouts, you forgot to mention that Silver tackled her to the floor. Just change it so that the Harpie just finished that sentence, and THEN Silver tackles it.))

Silver pulled herself off the Harpie and ran to Aary's side. She checked her pulse, it was very weak. "She must have fainted from blood loss if she's a vampire." She lifted the girl slightly and sat her against the wall. "I'll give you some of my blood once we've dealt with the Harpie okay vampire?" She walked back over to the where the Harpie was sprawled on the floor, then she crouched down slightly before leaping up and grabbing onto a rafter. She swung around it in a 360 degree arc then landed on the Harpie with a crunch. "No matter what Count Dracula does we'll protect the girl. Oh, and thanks for telling us it was she who was so important."


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 4:06 pm 
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"I don't think the Harpie means her, Silver!" Kivo said. "She means a WereCoyote by the name of Kiva!"

The Harpie nodded. "I don't know who your talking about, but I was told to bring no girl. Just creatures of the night. Although, if you really wanted me too..."

Kivo yipped in anger, and sent another spray of bones at the Harpie. "You'll not get anyone else!" He glanced about desperately, and found what he was looking for.

Grinning, he ran towards the case which held many sharp objects.

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 11:44 pm 
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Aary blinked groggily. How odd her ceiling had become. It almost looked like the ceiling of a museum. The odd burning sensation in her stomach probably meant that she was seriously lacking blood. After all, she was a mere fledgling compared to the one who had turned her...

Catching her thoughts drifting off, she forced herself to focus on the ceiling. No, it definitely was not the same type of rafter as the room in which she kept her coffin. Aary sat upright suddenly. She wasn't at home; she was still at the museum, and that meant that there still was.... Instantly, she regretted sitting up; the room swam like vegetables in chicken broth. But still, she saw chaos around her in the form of a h arpie, and a handful of other creatures of the night. Great.

You really chose a good time to faint, Aary...


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 2:53 am 
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"You are starting to bore me, Harpie. And I don't think you'll like that..." Kivo said, frowning slightly. The Harpie grinned, and then continued on. She's trying to delay us, Kivo realised. But why? For whom? Evidently we are too much for just her...

He frowned. They had to leave, and he had a feeling that while the Harpie was there, they could not. He had to get rid of her quickly.

He concentrated, and soon the sound of breaking glass and a ear-breaking screech rewarded him. Looking up, he saw that he had thrown a knife at the Harpie this time, and right through her heart.

The Harpie continued screeching, breaking away into dust. Kivo sneezed as some got into his nose - even in death, the Harpie had a vile smell - and walked over to the cupboard, opening it slightly.

"Ether, are you okay?" he asked. Ether shrunk back further into the closet, giving him a strange look. "Oh... I guess its time to tell you my secret now, huh? I'm not human. Well... I am, but I'm not. Have you ever heard of Werewolves? I'm like that, only I'm a WereCoyote."

He sighed. He wasn't getting through to her, or if he was, it was in a bad way. "Ether... I'm sorry. I really am. I'm not bad, though, I'm good. That Harpie? She was bad. She came to hurt me, and Silver, and everyone else here. And... do you know what that means? It means I'm going to have to trust them, to help keep you safe. I don't know why you need to be kept safe, you just do. Maybe its because I made a promise to your mother. Ether? Ether, please..."

Ether looked up at him, nodding. Kivo breathed out in relief, helping her out of the cupboard. Then he turned.

"Well, Silver," he said, holding out his hand. "Let's introduce ourselves once more, this time as friends. And then... then, we are going on a rescue mission."

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 4:07 am 
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Silver shook Kivo's hand then stepped around him to face Ether, she smiled halfheartedly at the girl, "Sorry I didn't tell you who I really was Ether. But I don't just go around blabbering my secret to anyone. I hope you understand, and can forgive me." She stepped back again and smiled, "Oh, and if you were interested Ether, I'm a Weretiger. And it's damn hard to fight a harpie with such a weak body, if it was night I would have been able to whoop it sooooo much quicker." She smirked and then faced Aary, "Oh goodie, you're awake vampire." She quickly walked over to her and pulled her hair away from her neck, "So you don't faint again you can have some of my blood, although I'd appreciate it if you only took a little so I don't die from blood loss..."


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 4:37 am 
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Aary tried to say "Thanks," but her voice wouldn't work. The smell of blood overwhelmed her nostrils, making her giddy with its heady scent. Her fangs broke through the skin, and the warm, thick fluid poured into her mouth. Along with the rush of blood came a rush of memories. Most were a blur of color, picutre, or sound, and it became hard to discern the difference between her own memories and the ones flooding in.

With a sudden realization of what was going on, Aary broke contact. She didn't want any more things in her head.

"Thank you ever so much, Silver," she said.

((waaugh... stoopid writer's block...))


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 6:31 am 
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Silver felt slightly faint for a moment, but she quickly shook her head and smiled, "You're welcome vampire, just don't expect my help again, you should find your own food." She grinned slightly then turned back to Kivo, "she we begin our mission? Or whatever it is we're supposed to be doing. I just hope night falls soon, I'm itching to jump around and claw things." She giggled to herself then scooped Ether up without any warning, she pull the small girl on her shoulders then made her way towards the door, "Well? Do you planning on leaving now? Or tomorrow morning?"


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 6:48 am 
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Kivo grinned mischievously. He bowed down low, and calmly said, "Now, miladies, if it pleaseth thou. With the coming of night, our speed shalt hasten." he said, his voice heavily accented.

Ether giggled, both at being piggybacked, and at Kivo's exploits. Kivo flashed a quick grin up to her, and then continued. "But first, let us make proper introductions. Where did thy manners go, that I did not introduce meself to all the lovely ladies? I am Kivo, the Werecoyote."

Still giggling, Ether managed to say her name. When Ether spoke, Kivo forgot his act, and frowned. Sighing, he took out his cell phone, and the card Ether's mother had given him. He dialed the number on it quickly, and after a second or two shut his cell phone off. "Strange. Ether, I was going to contact your mother, but I'm getting something really weird..." he shrugged. "Nevermind, we'll worry about it later."

"S'alright," Ether said. "She won't mind, I think."

Kivo nodded, and then turned to walk out the door, glancing behind him as he did.

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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