I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Anthro RP (Oh, I'm soooo original, aren't I?)

Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:34 am

Okay, here's the basic plot. The land of Klithin is a midevil country inhabitated mostly by anthros (kinda half human, half animal). There are some humans, but not many. The land is coonstantly being plagued by dragons, demons, etc.

Bios not required, but apreciated.

Bio set up:

okay, that's about it. let's get started, then!

((MattEdit: Edited title for spelling & grammar. Please try to make all posts as readable as possible.))

Fri Oct 29, 2004 5:25 pm

||Yay! an Anthro RP!||

Name: Tiryn
Gender: Female
Species: Feline
Appearance: Pale grey fur, with a solitary stripe of darker grey running from her forehead. Barepawed, though this is barely noticable beneath the hem of her long grey gown. Deep blue eyes, offset by navy locks which cascade down her back early to her waist; two stray locks framing her face. Her long tail, tipped with a navy tassle, is often curled 'round her waist.
Weapons: Staff
Personality/history:To be revealed..

||Mwaha! Totally based off my latest Furc character.||

Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:57 pm

Name: Duke
Gender: Male
species: cat
Apperience: White fur, yellow eyes, teal hair w/ magenta tips that goes down to his waist. His bangs completly cover the left half of his face. he wears a yellow cloak, which he never takes off, so no one is yet to see under it, and it has a high collar that covers his mouth.
weapons: to be reveiled.
Personality/history: Again, to be reveiled.
Last edited by Sir Isaac on Fri Oct 29, 2004 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Oct 29, 2004 7:12 pm

Gender: male
Appearance: http://hometown.aol.com/meioubunny69/images/bunnymancolored.jpg
Weapons: Sword
Personality/history: Unknown.
(Only difference between the pic an the way i have him is that hes got a sword on his back.)

Fri Oct 29, 2004 8:18 pm

Name: Screal
Gender: Male
Species: Red-tailed Hawk
Appearance: Amber colored eyes and dusty-red hair. A light layer of feathers covers him, and his arms are wings except for the very tip, where they are hands. His mouth is more of a beak than an actual mouth.
Weapons: None known
Personality/history: His history is unknown. He tends to be very cautious, and stern. He is very loyal.
Last edited by Twizzler0171 on Mon Nov 01, 2004 5:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Oct 29, 2004 11:34 pm

Duke stopped walking. His feet were still semi-transparent. the magic's wearing off he thought. But he had to keep going, he had to find some sort of weapon. He continued down the hill, his hair fluttering behind him.

Sat Oct 30, 2004 9:42 pm

Name: Nusutto

Gender: Male

Species: Cat(surprise surprise...Not trying to copy everybody else, Nusutto already exists in another rp on another site. XD)

Appearance: He's about 5'3 or so in height, Black fur covers the majority of his body, save for various grayish/white strips. In addition, he has two strips on his cheeks, one of each color. His ears are black along with a gold colored ring in his right ear, golden colored eyes, and a long, skinny tail, also with a tail ring. Both rings have strange writing on them. All together, he has a rather "Punk" appearance.

Weapons: He has a single dagger at his side. The daggers odd though, it's sort of jagged, it bends to the right some, then slightly left, and then curves some. Told ya it was weird. the sheath is really wide in order to hold it correctly. there’s a funny symbol in the hilt of the dagger.

Personality/history: He's a pickpocket,(Makes sense, his name's Japanese for thief. XD) Acts like a jerk, and isn't the friendliest, or most trusting, person in the world. :roll:

(Can you tell I like bios? --')

Sun Oct 31, 2004 10:48 pm

((wow, four people already...))

Mon Nov 01, 2004 12:08 am

Tiryn watched from her perch in a tree as the boy walked down the hill; the slight breeze causing her hair to whip into her face, occasionally obscuring her view.

Her tail gave a slight twitch, laying across one leg and hanging down below the sturdy branch. Annoyed, she flipped her hair over her shoulder and focused her sharp gaze on the boy. He seemed to be unarmed, but that was near all she could tell.

He seemed to be a feline like herself, but it was somewhat hard to tell with his long hair and cloak.

Can I trust him, though, that's the real quetion. she thought, taing her eyes of the figure. Altogether too few in this part of Klithin can be trusted...goodness knows I've lerned that the hard way.

Mon Nov 01, 2004 12:37 am

(How are humans though of, from an anthros point of view? If they're looked down upon, it may be interesting to have a human or two in the rp! :D)

Nusutto scrambled around in the brush, stopped, and then jumped into a tree. His golden eyes shone out of the leafy branches, surveying the landscape around him. He sniffed the air cautiously.

Mon Nov 01, 2004 1:13 am

digitel_anime_fan_20 wrote:(How are humans though of, from an anthros point of view? If they're looked down upon, it may be interesting to have a human or two in the rp! :D)

Nusutto scrambled around in the brush, stopped, and then jumped into a tree. His golden eyes shone out of the leafy branches, surveying the landscape around him. He sniffed the air cautiously.

||Yeah, definitely...I'd like to have a human char, if that's the case.

One question: Is Nusutto in the same area as Duke and Tiryn?||

Mon Nov 01, 2004 5:17 am

Meiou was headed for the area . He was currently jus quietly thinking as he walked munching on a carrot from his rations. He never knew how long hed be out and about or in one place so he brought plenty of carrot rations for himself.

Mon Nov 01, 2004 5:53 am

Screal was concentrating on a bush. In it, he knew, was food. Just for him.

Patience, patience was the key. If he was patient, it would come out into the open.

He shifted his weight quietly, quickly preening a few feathers with his beak, always keeping an eye on the bush.

He was concentrating on the bush so much, he almost didn't hear the rustle in the leaves behind him. Almost. Screeching in surprise, he turned, glaring at whatever had made the noise.

(Yeah.. I edited my bio just a little bit.)

Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:40 pm

.:Requiem:. wrote:
digitel_anime_fan_20 wrote:(How are humans though of, from an anthros point of view? If they're looked down upon, it may be interesting to have a human or two in the rp! :D)

Nusutto scrambled around in the brush, stopped, and then jumped into a tree. His golden eyes shone out of the leafy branches, surveying the landscape around him. He sniffed the air cautiously.

||Yeah, definitely...I'd like to have a human char, if that's the case.

One question: Is Nusutto in the same area as Duke and Tiryn?||

(yup, he's a cat anthro to. :D)

Nusutto leered down at the creature below him, licking his lips slightly. "I spy, a little birdie..." He stopped suddenly, as a single feather floated down in front of his face. He immediately lost his concentration on Screal, and became more interested in the floating feather, batting at it, eyes gleaming with mischievous.

(XD Cats....lol! --')

Mon Nov 01, 2004 11:42 pm

((yeah, it would be cool to have a human. so if anyone wants to have one, go ahead.))

Duke's left ear twitched. Some one was watching him, he could feel it. By this time, his legs had almost completly disappeared. I need a weapon he thought. He saw what looked like the broken end of knife lying on the ground. he tapped it with this almost non-existant foot, and his legs became solid again. Now he could find what ever it was that was watching him.
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