I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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A town with walls

Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:07 am

In the beginning, there was Heaven, earth, and hell. Heaven's kingdom was vast, flouting on the clouds all around earth. Hell was crowded, stuffed in the center of earth. Earth did not have life on it, but it was made by Gods wonderful gifts.
But sometimes, an Angel fell to earth, or a demon wandered far to up. These became wonders, and sometimes, by chance, they ran into each other. As more and more became lost, more and more began to mingle. Soon a new creature was spotted, looking like an angel,but was not good, nor evil. These where the first humans .But soon the wings the angel wings shrank, and they became a dull gray. And these became rarer, until they where hard to find.
God, ashamed of what he had created, shoved them into a city. But more and more men brook free, and world soon became as we know today. But not all have left this town. It is now held together by a school, all of wing-less humans. The towns people have small wings, so small that the eye can barley see them. The Remi, or the humans with medium wings, are now breed as some kind of pet, and treated like dirt.
The time has come for the Remi to stop being slaves. Trouble is brewing in the town, as the humans rise above all. Many things are happening. And one such thing shall happen in a simple pet shop, selling Remi.
1.All basic rules apply.
2.Mary Sues and God mobbing are my weak points. I hate both with a passion, and will ask you to stop/un-sue you character very soon. If you don't, I will be very, very mad.
Name(or number):

Name(or number):Akuma
Looks: Akuma has long red hair,and the owner has given up on keeping it in order. She is a little short, and a little skinny. She wears the normal gray gown used by the pet shop.
Personality: Akuma doesn't really care about the slavery, and just wants to get out of her cage. Her interests include the owners and customers tales from the outside, and she often gets strange ideas from these stories. She isn't really all that interesting to talk to unless you are interested in just that.

Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:21 am

||Haha! I remember the original one o' this...loved it. ^^ I wish I could join, too bad I'm so busy. :( ||

Wed Oct 20, 2004 2:45 am

Name(or number): 54760 (nick name: 5)
Age: 5 earth years
Looks: 5 looks like a regular toddler, but with large wings. 5 has blue eyes and wild red hair.
Gender: Female (100% chosen by Alisquid)
Personality: 5 is a silly little Remi. She is always giggling, even when something isn't funny. She's not very helpful, but can be kind to others, if she feels like it. Most of her jokes don't make sense and aren't funny.
Other: None.

Sat Oct 23, 2004 3:50 pm

((I relmember this RP- I love it!! I love it love it love it! Hope you don't mind my character will be very close personality wise to last time))

Name(or number): Rae (46620)
Age: 12 earth years
Looks: She has long brunette-black locks with large, sparkling sapphire blue eyes. She has pale skin and cheeks tinged with pink. Her frame is slim but a stregnth flickers into her eyes. Rae wears the normal gray gown branded with 46620- but she has never forgotten her name.
Personality: Rae seems poisoned with sorrow, she has never spoken within the pet shop- the owner believes she is mute but she is not. Her large eyes seem guarded and dead, she watches and moves as if she is gliding like a ghost. She wants to speak, she has the ability to speak, but she hasn't for so...so long.
Other: N/A

((I'm a pretty busy person with this new school year but I will try my best to post a lot))

Sun Oct 24, 2004 4:27 pm

||Ah, might as well. Haven't RPed with Evil Queen Tar-er...Triza, for quite a while. :P||

Name: Tiryn (67472)
Age: 10 earth years
Looks: (Does this ever change?) Tiryn is of average height for her age, with a willowy figure and pale skin. Long black hair extends nearly to the waist; a few stray locks framing her face and contrasting her stone-grey eyes, which match the marked grey gown she wears, like all the other Remi.
Personality: What personality Tiryn had has long snce been hidden away, or extinguished by slavery with the ease one might extinguish a cadle. Suffice it to say, it no longer is shown; hidden by an indifferent mask, which also hides the violent emotions she fights to keep below the surface. She is occasionally prone to violent spurts of anger or sadness, but they have become less and less frequent.
Other: N/A

Sun Oct 24, 2004 5:16 pm

Name Vitria (16167)
Age: 7 Earth years
Looks: Average height, thin build. She has waist-length, white hair tied into pigtails. Her eyes and skin are almost as pale as her hair. She wears the usual grey gown.
Personality: Extremely unpredictable, and the pet shop's owners believe she is mentally ill. Vitria is also uncannily clever, but when combined with her insanity that's not always a good thing.
Other: Thanks to her unstableness, she's in a stronger cage than the others.

Thu Oct 28, 2004 2:44 am

Akuma bounced around in her cage. It was a cold, gray day, with clouds promising a good rain later in the afternoon, but this never fazed Akuma. Weather had no effect on her, unless it was really bright and sunny, and then she wanted to stay inside.

The students are coming!

Once a month, they can with all there Remi and had meetings and bought things for their pets. She always heard so much about the outside world! And sometimes even got to talk to other Remi. It was her favorite time. And soon the owner would be here and turn on the heat. It was cold, and even colder to sit still.

Sometimes before the students came, the owner let them wash up and gave them nice clothes. And wash there blankets! It was so much fun.


Akuma looked hopefully out the window. A little gray bug had just pulled up in front of the shop.

"He's here! Owners here!" she screamed at the top off her lungs. The owner liked it to have them all awake by the time he came in.

Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:18 pm

Tiryn winced visibly at the Remi's loud screeching. The cold had kept her-and, she suspected, the other Remi-awake for hours. She was in a bit of a mood-ready to snap at anyone who came near her.

||Yeah, I know, short post, but I have to go||

Thu Oct 28, 2004 7:47 pm

Rae had already been awake by the time the remi had screamed, sitting by the side of her cage. She was watching, always watching. Her pale skin seemed paler than usual, and her sad beauty shone more. Rae wishe d she could yell, yell out of her depression that never ended. But she opened her mouth slightly and not even a sigh released itself.

Thu Oct 28, 2004 9:12 pm

Vitria was just about as happy as Akuma was to hear that the owner was coming. She was cold and hungry and just wanted to talk to a random human for entertainment. It was amusing to her when they didn't understand what she said. Anticipating a good day, she hopped around her cage while chanting gibberish.

Thu Oct 28, 2004 9:29 pm

Tiryn turned slightly; her head resting on one shoulder. Her case was positioned fairly near that of the crazy Remi, and Tiryn had a good view of the girl hopping around her well reinforced cage, chanting wild gibberish at no one in particular. Other days it might have been amusing, but at the moment it was simply irritating and did nothing to help Tiryn's foul mood.

Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:39 am

Vitria continued to hop around the cage, until she hit her head on her water dispenser, which was much like the ones used for feeding pet rodents. After that she calmed down a bit, but continued to rock back and forth in a sitting position. She was completely quiet now.

Mon Nov 08, 2004 4:10 am

Tiryn only barely managed to stifle a laugh at the girl's antics.... admittedly it was comical when the idiot managed to smack her head on the water dispenser. Suddenly sour that her mood had a,most been lightened, Tiryn turned hastily away from the girl, who was now rocking backand forth like a maniac.

She focused her attention now on the other Remi that were easily visible from her new position. She knew the name of only one: Akuma. To Tiryn's dusgust, Akuma seemed to actually be excited about the day to come. Tiryn wrinkled her nose at the thought.
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