Vampire Xander
Clan: Malkavian
Status: Neonate
Age when killed: 21
Haven: Wherever he can sleep
Clan aptitudes:
+1 trickery
Advantage: Lunatic's Insight, Once per story, the Malkavian may make a Mental roll (difficulty 4); if he succeeds, he may ask the Storyteller one yes-or-no question about the current situation, which must be answered truthfully.
Weakness: Mad fits, At the beginning of the game session, the Storyteller rolls a six-sided die. The number rolled is the number of times he may ask the Malkavian's player to make a Psychic roll (difficulty 4). The Storyteller may call for this roll at any time. If the player fails, the Malkavian falls into a frothing, gibbering fit for one turn. While in the fit, the Malkavian may do nothing except writhe, babble and twitch; she may not even defend herself if attacked.
Physical: 1
Mental: 4
social: 3 (skill I used the +1 in)
Phychic: 3
Basic Auspex
Basic Obfuscate
Has a dislike for vampires of the Toreador and Tremere clans. Also has good skills with computers becasue he was a computer technician in the past life. He is sub-consciously surching for his wife, who ran away when he tried to kill her in a fit of homicidal rage that are typical in Malkavians. His insanity is more towards harmless crazy than to the serial killer crazy, with the occasional violent outburst. He has come to Miami in his wanderings, as he generally doesn't stay anywhere long.
Nosferatu - Ugly little beasts, but they have their uses.
Ventrue - bloody stuck up jerks. Besides that, they're decent leaders.
Gangrel - evil, vile, creepy beings that must be destroyed at all costs.
Toreador - Kindred that do nothing but act snooty and look pretty, thay are a blemish on the face of the Kindred that must be removed when the time arrises.
Brujah - meatheads that can be good for help, but should be avoided
Tremere - They. are on. To us. (had to copy the book, this is 1337)
Last edited by
Immortal_Z on Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:58 pm, edited 11 times in total.