I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Wed Jun 22, 2005 4:35 pm

Merle scrambled up. More slowly then he intended. His back had hit an uneven part in the wall and decided now, to let Merle feel the consequences.

Standing up, next to the other hunter, he said, "I was actually prepared for one vampire."

Looking around, and taking the count, he decided to never trust that informant again.

If we get out of here.

He breathed in, whispering, so the only the other would hear, "I think we better get out. I see no end in this line of ..vampires."

Stopping his conversation all the sudden, he pointed his bow at one of the vampires, edging too close. Apparently, they were still deciding on who would attack first.

"Besides.. we are drawing attention.." From all kind.. and he did not meant police only. God only knew what else lurked in these shadows.

The mob was closing in on them.


"Good.. I will be on my way," Serai said, "and don't worry. I will cook up a nice story."

"Are you coming with me, Anka?"

She stopped at the door, watching Arrow. "... I suppose it won't be long until Erik knows.." She didn't really knew what Arrow was planning to do now.

Wed Jun 22, 2005 9:04 pm

"Of course I shall come Serai. I wouldn't miss this for the world." He said following her.
James grabbed the arrow from the crossbow and ran through the wall of vampires dusting a pathway through them in a flash.
"Quick! Get through!" He shouted to them both.
Last edited by .:Compact Disk:. on Sat Jul 02, 2005 2:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Jun 24, 2005 3:22 am

Danae ran through the hole Jason had made for them, shooting glares at the vampires as she went. Another night of dancing, ruined by the vampires, she thought, shaking her head. She paused, deciding to wait for Merle.

((EDIT: Blame all the errors on me being an idiot))
Last edited by JellyFish72 on Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:46 pm

Merle almost bumped into Danea, when he ran after James. He had stood still for a moment, looking in awe at James' fighting skills. Then urged himself to better get out.

Realizing his crossbow was empty, he had looked down for a moment, grabbing a few arrows out of an hidden pouch. When looking up, Merle threw all brakes up. And scarcely had avoided bumping into Danea.

Finally, he followed James outside. Throwing a last glance back.

((Would any of you mind if I go ahead in time and introduce Eric to Arrow?))

Fri Jun 24, 2005 3:15 pm

((I wouldn't mind as it won't really effect the rest of the RPers.))
The vampires tried to intercept James before reaching the door, but he was too fast, shooting left and right to aviod them.

He was finding their sheer number very hard to compete with. He liked to fight vampires on his terms, not theirs. They had obviously planned this, but did they know there'd be three Raven Hunters and not one?

He finally made it to the door to find that Merle and Danae were still behind him.

Fri Jun 24, 2005 6:26 pm

((I don't mind if you introduce Erik, the sooner he comes into play, the sooner I get out of the room ))

Sat Jun 25, 2005 2:53 pm

((Hehe, and I don't wanna keep Gaglore locked up.;) Also, I don't mind if you guys play Erik. I only included him as a tool for the story.)))

It had been almost morning, when Seria returned to the estate. Surprisely, Erik hadn't minded coming along with her and Anka. She had more or less expected that he would try to find Arrow on his own.

This was going smooth..

In complete honesty, Seria was tired, and wanted this to be over as soon as possible.

Erik was a big men, long, slender, but well trained. She knew some of his 'buddies' were watching events from the shadows.

The big vampire entered the meeting room.

"Well," his voice almost sounded bold.


Merle popped out next to James, "I .. came .. by .. buss..." He breathed hard, worn out from the run.

If only his sister hadn't lend the car?!

"Follow..me," he ran up to a small alley, "I think I know how to loose them."

Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:18 pm

"Erik!" Arrow welcomed the other vampire, his arms spread wide. "Welcome, indeed. I trust Seria has told you everything?"

The other vampire shook his head. "She has only told me that Gaglore is a traitor."

Arrow's eyes narrowed. "Ah, Gaglore... do not mention to me that name... he is still walking the streets..." Arrow said this because he had had another idea. He'd decided that, in order to make Erik believe him even more, he would have a public scene involving himself and Gaglore.

[Tried to include you a bit there, Robert. xP]

Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:49 pm

((Hurray, I'm included!))

Gaglore sat with his back against the wall. He was wondering what kind of story they would make for him.

Maybe I tried to overthrow Arrow he thought, but was killed by the other officers. That would be honorable enough.

Mon Jun 27, 2005 5:57 pm

Seria remained inpassive. It was so that she did not like Eric and the best way, not to show it, was to remain impassive.

Actually, her emotionless act seemed to prove to Eric that something was wrong. Which was funny and ironic.

She looked through the window, while both where talking. The only woman amongst them, saw a few youngsters running across the street. Young vampires, they looked quite and excited.. and ruffled. Like if when they had been in battle.

Because she had stood close to Anka, she whispered, "are those of your circle?"

Mon Jun 27, 2005 7:02 pm

Anka raised his eyebrow as he looked out.
"Ha." He laughed quietly "Would I consort with weaklings? No. They are too weak to be my servents."
James was trying to follow Merle, but he was too Slow. He hadn't looked back yet but he hoped Danae wasn't far behind.
Last edited by .:Compact Disk:. on Sat Jul 02, 2005 2:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jun 30, 2005 9:25 am

"Looks like they have something to say," Seria said, not taking her eyes of the street. And indeed the vampires entered their mansion.

Seria was hesitant for a moment, but she had a feeling about this. She took her concentration back to the present scene.

"What do you exactly want of me, Arrow," Erik continued, oblivious of what the two other officers had said.


Merle finally stopped, looking behind for the two other hunters. He stood in front of a stairway, leading down, towards the metro. It was late, but he knew there would be still one vehicle travelling across New York.

"You can stay at my place.. we can talk about this .. event in the morning."

((_edit_ :p Sorry about the wrong setting))
Last edited by kuroro on Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:55 pm

Danae ran, thinking dejectedly about the fact that she now had yet another club she couldn’t go to. She knew that if she’d stayed, she would have been in danger, but she hadn’t wanted to leave all those people in danger. Like Jamie was…

Danae was only 15. Her best friend, Jamie, was meeting her to go to the mall any minute now. Danae was excited; she was going to get a makeover there. She hoped it would get the guys to notice her. Danae waited. She waited for almost 15 minutes, then got annoyed. Maybe she forgot when we were meeting, Danae thought. She decided to go to Jamie’s house, and they’d leave from there.

Danae walked about ¾ of the way to Jamie’s house. She was about to cross Main Street when, down the alley next to her, she heard a muffled scream. Someone’s in trouble! Danae rushed down the alley, anxious to keep anyone from getting hurt. She ducked down behind a dumpster, peering around to see who was screaming. A flash of blonde hair caught her eye, but it quickly disappeared. That… could it be… Jamie? Danae jumped up, and her hand promptly flew up to her mouth. “J-J-Jamie?!” She ran over and started hitting the person holding her. “Let go of her! Just leave us alone!”

The man lifted his head, his sharp teeth glinting in the artificial light. He dropped Jamie, who hit the ground with a soft thud, her blonde hair splayed out over the ground. “She’s already gone,” he said, “are you next?”

Danae screamed and ran. She ran for as long as she could, until she was out of breath. Once she couldn’t keep her feet moving, she collapsed on the ground, sobbing. It was in that instant that she vowed to never let a-a, whatever that was, a vampire, hurt someone she knew again.


Danae blinked, trembling, and shook her head. She had been so overcome by the memory of that night. Maybe it was because she was running from all those vampires in the club, but she hadn’t been able to stop it from coming. Sometime during the memory, she had stopped running, and could barely see James and Merle in front of her. She started running again, trying to catch up, while throwing glances behind her to make sure no vampire had followed them, and gotten near her.

She reached Merle and Jason as Merle offered to let them stay for the night. “That would be great, thanks. I can’t get across town to my place, that’s for sure. I caught a ride to the club.” She hoped she appeared calm, knowing that inside, she was still shook up from the memory.

Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:29 am

((dang... oh, and Kuroro, setting is New York, not London))

Timothy had watched his fellow Hunters as they fought the vampires in the club. No one had noticed him. No one. Good. He slipped out of the door behind them as they retreated, into the metro. He stood behind them as they stood on the stairs, silent. As soon a Danae finished speaking, he spoke, his voice seemingly from no where. "Very brave, Hunters," he said sarcastically. "Running from battle." He never ran from battle himself- he had served in both in the Civil (confederate side) and first world war. He had never once retreated, knowing death would not come to him and that he would seek out Sorrow before dying.

((Back story!))

Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:18 am

Merle watched up. His mind had been on so many things, he hadn't actually kept track of the road ahead. And thereby missing the other figure, now talking to them. Chestnut hair and green eyes.

"Only fools keep fighting a losing battle. Who would protect the innocent the next day if we died, in vain, now?"

His masked face moved in the direction of Timothy.

"Hmm.. it has been a while since we met."

((Since I let Merle think of Sorrow earlier, I assumed he and Timothy at least had had some contact and know each other a little.))
Last edited by kuroro on Fri Jul 01, 2005 10:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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