I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:29 pm

(Eh, I won't bother to backtrack.)

Mina sat in the room off of the kitchen, staring at the whitewashed walls, which stained here and there with yellow mildew. Iaran came threw the room as she sat, searching for items. Mina was tempted to say something, but she kept her mouth shut and just watched as the girl shuffled about.

The trip hadn't seemed difficult so far, save for the attack from the goblin and perhaps getting everyone onto the boat. Or maybe it was just because everyone else had done the hard part. Mina felt somewhat useless. It seemed like every time something happened, everyone else did everything that needed to be done before Mina could help out. She ended up standing by and watching.

You're not quick enough on your feet, stupid girl. A voice in the back of her mind criticized. If you would think faster, then you would move faster. It's a team effort. Don't feel sorry for yourself for something that is happening out of your own lack of actions.

"Fine." Mina whispered firmly. Fine, she'd try harder. She'd think faster. She wouldn't be useless.

Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:09 am

Elily picked up the last mug of hot chocolate on the table and held it out to Mina.

'Here,' she smiled, attempting to make conversation. 'It's still warm.'

Fri Dec 24, 2004 5:18 am

Tiherih, still tied up, found his conciousness returning to him. He opened his eyes, and squirmed to find himself tied up. He looked down at the ropes. The substance that was holding him was unusual. He shifted his hand and attempted to cut it with his long fingernail. Oddly, the black stuff didn't break. His fingernail had once been known to cut through a normal piece of rope, though obviously this gooey thing was stronger.

'Unearthly demons,
Oh bringers of misery
Surely kind enough

To give a captive
A nice glass of fresh water
Pray, and food to eat

He paused for a while as he mused, his mind generating another set of haikus to continue with his speech.

'If I am to die,
Then I shall be in your hands
Thus ...

He struggled to find four syllables which would fit there. 'Thus ... thus ...'
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