I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
Topic locked

Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:55 am

Ellamiel smiled gently at the ever so curious Aquila.

"You'll learn in time how do such things. Life is really an amazing illusion, how can one say that the cloak was not there already, even the most observing eyes do not reveal the truth to you." she said, but before she knew of it Aquila had walked to the horses.

Ellamiel sighed, yet again. It was as if everyone who had arrived had a huge hunger to fill, gaps of information to retrieve and it would take quite a while until things calmed down.

Wed Dec 01, 2004 6:00 pm

Kithe nodded once more in agreement, then continued on in relative silence. It was not long before she heard Screal's shriek of greeting, and she smiled as he landed lightly on a branch above Ellamiel. Screal cocked his head, eyeing the Unicorn with interest.

Wed Dec 01, 2004 6:23 pm

Phalan turned to Ellameil, "My goddess, I would like to survey the island and see if I can locate this force, if indeed it is still on the island. I ask this partially to ensure our saftey, and partially to find Meiou's swords."

Wed Dec 01, 2004 6:46 pm

Rystol checked on Meiou once more and offered him a koolata leaf. The koolata plant is known for its restorative properties. The leaves, if harvested correctly, have a cool, refreshing flavor and reinvigorate the body. Rystol always kept some with her. She placed the small, oval leaf in his hand and retrieved the horses for Ellamiel. She smiled and nodded to the unicorn, careful not to frighten it, and brought the horses to the rest of the company. She picked a beautiful chestnut mare for herself.

"You remind me a lot of my friend, Willowfast," she said as she petted the horse's neck. The mare snuffed and nudged her head against Rystol. Rystol laughed and scratched behind her ears. "What a lovely horse. What should I call you?" She thought for a moment. "How about Gentlewind." The horse whinnied and seemed to like the name. "Gentlewind it is then. Nice to meet you. My name is Rystol. I'm sure we'll become good friends." She smiled and rubbed the horse some more.

Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:20 pm

"Oh my...a Unicorn," said a startled Alias as she stopped in the midst of her tracks.

Alias was never fond of unicorns. Creatures which hog the 'spotlight' were not among her favorites. Unicorns are a stereotypical happy creature, full of pure beauty and love. Alias didn't believe there existed such a creature and she still refused to believe that the unicorn didn't have an ounce of hate in it.

Sat Dec 04, 2004 12:24 pm

Being very intrigues my the unicorn that had now found trust in Lydia she turned her head swiftly being surprised how many had suddenly appeared in the courtyard and how most of them were gazing at the unicorn. Alias was gazing at it suspiciously, Lydia smiled friendly at her trying to create some other contacts, than just the one to Ellamiel and Rystol, who had lead the two remaining horses to the gate. Aquila on the other hand had already climbed upon a horse and was now at the gate as well. Meiou was still a bit startled and sitting on the ground and his emperor Phalan was addressing Ellamiel. Kithe was nearby the unicorn with her bird looking curiously at the unicorn. Now that Lydia had analyzed her surroundings she felt suddenly much calmer, as if the had control over her situation somehow. Carefully she grabbed the unicorn’s reins carefully and lead it to where the other horses were standing and climbed upon its back. The unicorn regarded calmly with its innocent eyes at the others.


"You may do so, but only near the group." Ellamiel replied to Phalan.

"You may feel that you are strong enough to face all dangers you meet, but alone you have no strength at all." she added.

"And as for the rest of you, you can see there is not horses for everyone, and as I can see only two are available for the moment, please decide who gets to ride the remaining two, after that we will leave." Ellamiel said to the group.

Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:35 pm

[OOC: Can't let this Roleplay die!]


Alias gazed onto Ellamiel. She looked at peace and happy, something which was now becoming a normal feeling to Alias. Alias smiled at her and said, "Who's unicorn is this?"

Fri Dec 17, 2004 10:13 pm

Kithe came to a halt, as a strange presence neared her. It felt similar to Screal's, yet at the same totally different. Confused, Kithe sniffed in hesitantly, and a pleasant smell greeted her nose. It was a sort of cinnamonish smell, with a hint of cloves and other spices.

Almost at once, Screal sent her a picture. She nodded, now knowing it was a Unicorn. She had never seen - or rather, been in the presence of one - her entire life. Or had she? The presence and smell were familiar...

Still confused, she answered the one thing that she could. "I do not mind if I ride a horse or not. In fact, I would prefer to walk, because I will know right where I step."

Sun Dec 19, 2004 5:51 pm

((Thanks for saving this :) But as I already told Ammer, I don't believe in forcing a rp staying alive when no one clearly wants to play anymore. Anyway, I also believe in you guys and I think we can keep this thing going.

Don't worry, GREAT things coming, you'll just have to have a bit of patience. New players, new experiences and more ;)))

Ellamiel stepped up to the unicorn touching it's nose softly.

"Well, you can't really own a marvelous creature like this. It is its own, and within the deepest corners of its pure soul it chooses paths of life to walk upon. Sometimes they take it to people, sometimes they lead it to solitude, very alike any other creature. This is not the only unicorn on the island, though there or not many of its kind. The legend has it that even the Gods cannot create creatures like this, thus their pure souls have lasted through eternity and they are as Gods themselves. Fascinating don't you think?" she said ending her tale.


Sitting upon the unicorn's back Lydia felt the powerful beat of its heart. It was as it echoed into her bringing up feelings she could not recognize and that only confused her. She tried to catch her breath holding her hands steady against the unicorn's mane. A small tear ran down her cheek.

Ellamiel looked up and gazed deeply into Lydia's eyes.

"And the beating brings out the purest of love and righteousness out to the open." she said still having her look fixed on Lydia.

Sun Dec 19, 2004 7:14 pm

Silja wrote:((Thanks for saving this :) But as I already told Ammer, I don't believe in forcing a rp staying alive when no one clearly wants to play anymore. Anyway, I also believe in you guys and I think we can keep this thing going.

Don't worry, GREAT things coming, you'll just have to have a bit of patience. New players, new experiences and more ;)))

((Well, it's not that we don't want to play. Nothing is really happening to respond to. It'd be nice if the plot moved a little faster. :) This is a great game. I'd like to see it last. :) ))

Sun Dec 19, 2004 7:48 pm

[color=red]He sighed pulling himself up all the way to standing on his own from the talon. "I have an idea why they were taken. They were handed down for generations in my family. From Father to son or daughter if that were the case. Its said that the runes on them are actually an ancient type of magic long forgotten by most for i dont know how long now. [color]

Sun Dec 19, 2004 8:17 pm

Jasujo wrote:
Silja wrote:((Thanks for saving this :) But as I already told Ammer, I don't believe in forcing a rp staying alive when no one clearly wants to play anymore. Anyway, I also believe in you guys and I think we can keep this thing going.

Don't worry, GREAT things coming, you'll just have to have a bit of patience. New players, new experiences and more ;)))

((Well, it's not that we don't want to play. Nothing is really happening to respond to. It'd be nice if the plot moved a little faster. :) This is a great game. I'd like to see it last. :) ))

((Yes I know :) And in addition to that a lot of people are very busy and don't find the time to post that often, and in addition RPs are locked pretty fast here if they get inactive.

Anyway, I am positive that this will continue to live, as stated before, big plans coming, until then you'll just have to try to take some deep breaths and chill :D))

Sun Dec 19, 2004 10:59 pm

((I'll be going away from the 27th of Dec to the 26th of January, going to Florida :D Could Silja or Twizz please take care of Aquila while I'm gone?))

Mon Dec 20, 2004 6:05 am

ria wrote:((I'll be going away from the 27th of Dec to the 26th of January, going to Florida :D Could Silja or Twizz please take care of Aquila while I'm gone?))

((Yes of course we will, you don't have to worry :)))

Mon Dec 20, 2004 6:07 am

Silja wrote:
ria wrote:((I'll be going away from the 27th of Dec to the 26th of January, going to Florida :D Could Silja or Twizz please take care of Aquila while I'm gone?))

((Yes of course we will, you don't have to worry :)))

(Yep! And I'm honoured to be asked. :oops: )
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