I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Thu Jul 22, 2004 6:51 am

((Okay, I just have to say that it was *totally* gross when the Spardel licked the Snot Kiko. That's just . . . . ugh! ;) lol))

Angara and her friends had walked towards the other Neopets behind Karen, but then a butterfly flew past and they became distracted. They laughed and chased the butterfly, moving farther and farther from the other pets. They seemed to be just dots in the distance. They ran and chased and didn't pay much attention to the world around them.

Suddenly, the ground seemed to disappear before the Kougra. She tried to stop and skipped to a halt. The tips of her claws were just barely over the edge. "Whew. That was close," she saw, looking down the cliff before her. Then she heard the Gruslen running behind her, not noticing that she had stopped. It bumped her and they both toppled over the edge. Luckily, she dug her claws into the ground, but she was barely hanging on. The gruslen was clinging to her tail. She slipped little by little.

"Oh, great. Now what are we going to do?" The Veespa appeared above them. "Oh, I'm so glad you're here. Can you please get help for us? Get Karen or those other pets. Hurry! I don't know how long I can hold on!" The Veespa nodded and flew off into the distance. Angara looked down and gulped. It was a long way. She hoped the Veespa could bring help soon.

Thu Jul 22, 2004 1:29 pm

"Yes...uhh quite rare." Karen said still looking around for Angara, "Well I heard everyone talking about 'The lab ray' and decided to pay a vist. It was a bad move, look at me now."

Just as he finished saying that a Veespa came buzzing in his ear. He knew how to talkpetpetpet because when he was first turned snot, he spent quite a bit of time locked in his Neohome reading books.

"Whats that...Angara is falling off a cliff?!? We need to help her but I won't be able to pull her up 'cause of my...snot. Firestorm you will have to pull her up. Veespa where is she?" Karen asked the Veespa

"Bzzzzzzzzzzzzz" the Veespa replied

"She is over here! Come on!" Karen shouted as he bounced to wards the cliff leaving a trail of snot behind him.

Thu Jul 22, 2004 3:32 pm

"Neopets in trouble? I'm not one of the strongest kacheeks, but i'm sure it wont hurt to help! Come on, Mouse!" he said to his dogglefox.
The only thing he had to do was to follow the snot trail, who follows the veespa, who brings us to the poor Angara.

Ebenezer was not one of the youngest and suddenly slowed down a little. "Phew! I did not walk like that since i was much younger!"
But looked in front of him, he could already see the snot kiko and the veespa. "Oh well... anything what's healthy!" he said while jumping up and began walking again, slower as before, but he sure was moving fast enough for a senior...

Thu Jul 22, 2004 4:37 pm

Amdir flicked her ears back, and nodded to the Kiko. She got into a crouching position and jumped up, to gain lift, and then flapped her wings. She flew to the cliff, and slowly went down. "Other help is coming. I'll push you, while the others pull."

Thu Jul 22, 2004 4:46 pm

And when finally Ebenezer arrived he did not see the cliff too and almost fell down, but shouted: "Mouse! Help!" the dogglefox ran and pulled on the kacheeks T-shirt, pulling him back up.

He wanted to thank his dogglefox a lot, but Mouse reminded him that about Angara.

"OK, you're right!" Ebenezer said to Angara: "Ok, i'll try to help, but Mouse will pull in my place because i'm too tired from that walking. Ok, the only thing you have to do is: Don't look down!"

Thu Jul 22, 2004 5:05 pm

Firestorm and Stimpy both ran to the edge of the cliff, where a yellow Kougra clung. "Ready Amdir?" He called, gripping his own paws over the other Kougra's.

Thu Jul 22, 2004 5:57 pm

"Ready!" Amdir called, and put her talons carefully on Angara's feet. She pushed upwards, straining her wings to keep herself alight. Her eyes closed tight, and no longer was she the peaceful Eyrie gazing nowhere on the hill.

Thu Jul 22, 2004 7:29 pm

"Come on Angara, everything will be ok!" Karen said, trying to sound reassuring. Karen so badly wanted to help, but he knew he couldn't he would just cause more problems.

Thu Jul 22, 2004 7:46 pm

Ebenezer did the same thing as Karen. So atleast trying to help, he said to Angara:
"It's going to be alright, we have some strong people here, you're gonna make it!"
He hoped that atleast now Angara is mentally safe...
Last edited by Jens on Fri Jul 23, 2004 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Jul 23, 2004 9:23 am

Angara's claws slipped further. She was barely holding on. I hope that Veespa can bring help soon. I don't know how much longer I can hold on.

Suddenly, the other Neopets burst into view. Angara was so relieved that she relaxed her grip, which made her claws slide further. She hurriedly tried to get a better grip and gained a couple inches back, but it wasn't much. Lola mewed helplessly, still clinging to Angara's tail. The red Kougra and blue Eyrie grabbed the Kougra's paw and attempted to pull her up. She was raised about a foot, then their footing slipped. Angara fell further and now the other neopets were holding onto her over the edge.

"Please help me! It's a long way down!" Angara yelped. She now wished she had taken that faerie paint brush when she had the chance.

The Eyrie and Kougra dug their feet in and pulled harder. Inch by inch Angara and Lola were lifted. Finally, it was enough and they fell onto the grass. Angara's heart was racing. The little Veespa landed on her shoulder.

"Thank you very much, my little friend," she said to the petpetpet.

"And thank you, too." She smiled warmly to the neopets. "That was a close one. I do not want to think about what would have happened if you had not appeared in time. I am so glad that Karen can speak Veespa, as well." Angara stood up and dusted Lola and herself off. Her claws were a little tender, but otherwise they were fine. "If there is anyway I can repay you, just let me know."

Fri Jul 23, 2004 10:41 am

"Yes indeed, these kougra and eyrie are really very brave, i'd say... the least they deserve is..."
Ebenezer started clapping "a warm applaus! Hehehe..."
Hoping that the others would follow him.

Fri Jul 23, 2004 12:48 pm

Karen also started to clap. As he claped warm snot oozed between his hands and started to spray everywhere. It got on everyone and there petpets.

"Oh, I'm so sorry..I..uh got...uh...snot on you" Karen stammered out.

Fri Jul 23, 2004 6:57 pm

Ebenezer, having snot on his hair said (pretty annoyed): "err... it's nothing..."

The kacheek walked a little closer to the edge where she just saved Angara.

"Hmm... that's pretty odd... i don't remember this at all, and i've explored these areas a lot of times already... It's like this ground suddenly splitted in two..." He looked a few inches above the edge, saying: "mentioning it, this huge 'hole' in the earth doesn't seem to have a bottom! It's pure dark down there!"

Fri Jul 23, 2004 7:31 pm

"Yeah, that is true," Karen saud, still embarressed about the snot incident, "I have lived here all my life and have never seen this hole before."

Karen looked down the hole, all she could see was black. She piced up a rock and threw it down the hole. He listened for the sound of it hitting the bottom but it never did.

Fri Jul 23, 2004 9:53 pm

"That hole is pretty deep," Angara said, not wanting to get any closer. She was still nervous from her recent fall. "I have come here a lot and I have never seen it before. What could have caused a rift in the earth like this?" Lola the Gruslen, now cleaned off, growled quietly with raised hackles as she stalked around the Kougra's ankles, watching the menacing crevasse.
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