Lately I feel that i've not posted artwork.
So I figured I should post some artwork. This is... a class project, that I thought I might like to post. I am not overly happy with the finished product, I feel that had I more time, and more patience I could have done far better then what I did... but whatever. It's handed in with my portfolio now.
I definately prefer the sketch. ... /plane.jpg
(This would be the sketch; which is too large to post... seeing as it exceeds the pixel limit. Don't want to break my own rules now do I?)
And this would be the finished product.
I am unhappy with the background and the wheel. It is a propeller on the wing of a water bombing plane, sketched at the Red Deer airport (outside) and then unfortunately colored without a reference except for what i'd written on the picture and what I remembered.
Some of my favorite pieces of artwork done by other people are sketches... Ahh... they have this weird nobility.
This was done with pencil crayon and a blender felt (which melts the pencil crayon and helps smooth things out) and white ink (because I cheat with my highlights!).

Evisceration is a sign of respect.