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 Post subject: A robot, some guy and NEW: Another guy!
PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 3:44 am 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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Hm, haven't posted anything in a while (or at least anything good XP). So, here's two of my recent piccies that I really like.


It's a robot. I had his design floating around in my head so I decided to put it on, uh, computer monitor. No, he was not meant to look like Megaman, he just kinda ended up like that. I'm quite fond of the little guy. He needs a name, though.

Here's something I did to practice coloring:

The hair sucks (someone get me a tablet!), but otherwise I reeeaally like this one. Yay. Sketch and Big Version.

Look, even though this thread is sinking into oblivion, I drew another guy. Well I drew the guy earlier in the month in Paint, and decided to color him now. Now I noticed in the pic above I didn't exactly get the skin color to be the tone I wanted it to be (more peachy color than the tannish brown I made it), so this is another coloring test. I think it came out really good, other than the still sucky hair (tabletize me, Cap'n!).
That's not supposed to be lipstick... though since it looks like it now I suppose it can be. :P
Click HERE for the WHOAMGHUGE version.

So, any questions, comments, crits, fan mail, hate mail, letterbombs, cake, etc.?

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Last edited by Zero! on Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:18 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:39 am 
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Meep.. that robot is so cute! Looks like it would be so clumsy and just walk all awkward eheh.... As for a name.. I have no idea.
Very nice shading and such a cute design.

As for the guy.. very awesome as well! You did that with a mouse? Impressive! Gosh.. I remember when I had nothing but my mouse to work with... I never want to go back to doing that! rofl
Shading is great and I think the hair looks just fine :)

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 10:20 pm 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly

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Awwr! I saw thos eon your DevArt the other're an amazing artist!

The fact that you can do things like that with a mouse beyond me. My mouse control is terrible, personally.

I particularly like the robot. It's just so...kwoot and innocent-looking! The shading on it is fantastic. ^^

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:32 pm 
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Sun, I love love love the robot. I want to hug it. =3

And the picture of the guy.. the hair is wonderful and the picture is too.

*shakes head* I still don't know how on earth you do this wonderfulness with out a tablet. I have a tablet and my art is still crap, lol!

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:06 pm 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly
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Aw, thanks for the nice comments you guys. ^^
Yeah, I've been using a mouse for drawing since I was about 10 (of course I only had Paint back then), so I kinda got used to it. I'd still love a tablet, though. My brother says he'll buy me one as a late birthday present, but he wants to get me a $500 one so it'll be a while... XP

*poke* New pic added. Check it out and post, if you may. :3

Zero set 13 of 26

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 1:44 am 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly

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Wow! I love the new guy. His expression is brilliant! ^^

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 12:59 am 
PPT Baby
PPT Baby
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man if i could draw that good with a pencil i would be happy but im not so blah. VERY GOOD! *golfer's clap* now as for the name i think Robert would be cool. ya know Robert Robot - wait that sounded better in my head.

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