Display your creative spirit here in the Pink Poogle Toy Gallery. It can be art... it can be music... it can be a poem (even haiku)... but most of it... it must be you.
Mon Sep 06, 2004 12:14 am
I hope this gets into the gallery for Draik Day. Its not very big or spectacular but I like how the coloring and the lines came out. Photoshop 7 has smooth brushes
Mon Sep 06, 2004 12:49 am
Very, very nice work CrewWolf, I really like it. Just about professional looking in my opinion, and good job on the coloring also, very smooth looking.
Mon Sep 06, 2004 1:37 am
Wow, great job! I love the expression on the Draik's face. Very smooth lines and great coloring job.
Mon Sep 06, 2004 4:34 am
Woah! I love it!
*Hopes it gets into the Art Gallery*
Mon Sep 06, 2004 4:56 am
everything flows in it, the colors match. everything, i would never be able to finish singing praises for this movie.
Mon Sep 06, 2004 5:09 am
oh man, thats fantastic work Crewolf! I tried drawing a cool draik and didnt have a chance... you didnt only draw a cool draik, but he has a way cool attitude... and the picture itself is creative with the whole paint thing. Very Cool indeed!
Mon Sep 06, 2004 9:17 am
Very cool
I love the way you did the paint on the floor and on the wall... It totally fits.
I hope it makes it in the gallery!
Mon Sep 06, 2004 2:21 pm
Whooo! That's one awesome Draik! I can't draw my Draik for beans.
But you sure can draw one! I love how he's raisin' his eyebrow. Cuuute. ^.^
P.S. What smooth brushes are you talking about in PS7?
Mon Sep 06, 2004 2:44 pm
Wow! Great Work!
I love the draiks expression. It looks like it doesn't care.. I envy you and your drwing skills.
Mon Sep 06, 2004 3:07 pm
Zero wrote:Whooo! That's one awesome Draik! I can't draw my Draik for beans.
But you sure can draw one! I love how he's raisin' his eyebrow. Cuuute. ^.^
P.S. What smooth brushes are you talking about in PS7?
Well my dad got me Photoshop 7 a few weeks ago and before that I was using PS Elements. I was commenting on how much more smooth PS's 7 brushes were (the default circle brushes).
I can finally do some better linework now
Mon Sep 06, 2004 5:34 pm
[Does her Crewwolf is awesom jig] That is sooooo incredibly awesome. I love his attitude. Ah man, everything about this picture is so wonderful. [steals it and runs off] If that doesn't get into the gallery then there is something seriously wrong with neopets.
Not only is your picture awesome, but looking at it just makes me feel so happy
Mon Sep 06, 2004 5:46 pm
Crew, your the best PPT artist that ever lived!!! You draw the best neopets ever! I realy like it. I hope TNT would accept it and put it in the art gallery! By the way, Draik Day is on a Thursday so, you better summit it in before the deadline.
Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:48 pm
I really like this. The linework and coloring are nice. I like the draiks expression.
"Yeah. So I am drawing on the wall..what are
you going to do about it?
And the blue letters actually look like paint smears too..
Mon Sep 06, 2004 11:24 pm
So cute ^___^ I love his facial expression and the wings =D
Lucky! T-T You have Photoshop...I'm stuck with Elements T-T
Thu Sep 09, 2004 7:30 pm
It didn't make it in. I knew I shouldn't have submitted it on a weekend
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