Display your creative spirit here in the Pink Poogle Toy Gallery. It can be art... it can be music... it can be a poem (even haiku)... but most of it... it must be you.
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C-Sheepeh Goodness

Tue May 06, 2008 11:24 pm


These are 'adoptables' that I make on a site. I will hopefully make them their own site one day. Someone already said they would get the domain name and host it for me since I do site art for them. They are C-Sheep and come in 3 standard varieties with 2 subdivisions.

Re: C-Sheepeh Goodness

Wed May 07, 2008 1:10 am

Very cute! I like the bottom-right one the most (the horns are a nice touch).

Re: C-Sheepeh Goodness

Wed May 07, 2008 3:32 am

I really like those! And you use GIMP, you said? Neat. :)

Re: C-Sheepeh Goodness

Wed May 07, 2008 11:51 am

I've upgraded since I found GIMP, that is just why I left the Oekaki. These were made in Adobe Elements 5, which came with my tablet. The ones without horns are females(ewes) and with horns are males(rams). Most of them come in Welsh Corgi colors, but some people can request 'fantasy' colors.
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