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Frosty the Snow...CHICKEN??? UPDATED 12/21/06

Wed Dec 06, 2006 11:42 pm

I said in my halloween pic topic that I might do something around now and here it is http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v297/DracolordII/snowchicken.jpg

Ornament crest and gobblers(or whatever their called), a carrot nose, and two pupils made of coal ;)

Please feel free to comment and give some constructive criticism.

Some misc. info, this took me an hour to make, and the eyes really didn't want to be in the right spot.
Last edited by DracolordII on Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:08 pm

I think I like it. Very much :D

Hey, snowmen (snow chickens) don't have perfect features, it would be weird if they did.
Although it does seem a bit like the eyes are going to fall off in any moment.
But that doesn't stand out too much. I think.

Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:20 pm

First, thanks I'm glad you like it.

I decided on this because I knew iwanted to do something for Christmas/winter, a Christmas Tree and a normal snowman would both be to easy, but Santa is too hard for my skill level. When I was looking at some different things here I saw Arrow in the corner and thought he would be perfect.

With the eye's falling out, as the person making it I of course noticed it, however if I actually attached them to the head they'd turn white.

New Picture:
I was working on an avataar for my sister's deviant art account, but it didn't quite turn out right(I put in too much detail for an av and you can't really tell what it is) however she thought it was cute and is going to use it as a background on her laptop. Here is the original:


It is jack Frost from the Shin Megami games. Since it is sort of wintery I decided to post it here. The only thing that dissapoints me is that I was not able to do the smiley face on his hat(I couldn't figure out a good way to do it.)
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